path: root/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'print/ghostscript7-commfont/files')
17 files changed, 30 insertions, 993 deletions
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/CIDFnmap.jp b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/CIDFnmap.jp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2f1b50855afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/CIDFnmap.jp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% Japanese Truetype Fonts (Kochi)
+/Kochi-Mincho (%%X11BASE%%/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/kochi-mincho.ttf) 1 ;
+/Kochi-Gothic (%%X11BASE%%/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/kochi-gothic.ttf) 1 ;
+% Convenient aliases for PS files on Japanese PostScript printer
+/Adobe-Japan1 /Kochi-Mincho ;
+/Ryumin-Light /Kochi-Mincho ;
+/Ryumin-Light-H /Kochi-Mincho ;
+/Ryumin-Light-V /Kochi-Mincho ;
+/GothicBBB-Medium /Kochi-Gothic ;
+/GothicBBB-Medium-H /Kochi-Gothic ;
+/GothicBBB-Medium-V /Kochi-Gothic ;
+/HeiseiMin-W3H /Kochi-Mincho ;
+/HeiseiKakuGo-W5H /Kochi-Gothic ;
+/FutoMinA101-Bold /Kochi-Mincho ;
+/FutoMinA101-Bold-H /Kochi-Mincho ;
+/FutoMinA101-Bold-V /Kochi-Mincho ;
+/FutoGoB101-Bold /Kochi-Gothic ;
+/FutoGoB101-Bold-H /Kochi-Gothic ;
+/FutoGoB101-Bold-V /Kochi-Gothic ;
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/CIDFnmap.ko b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/CIDFnmap.ko
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5f72b7018bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/CIDFnmap.ko
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/Adobe-Korea1 /Munhwa-Regular ;
+% Convenient aliases for PS files on Korean PostScript printer
+/HYGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGothic-Regular ;
+/HYSMyeongJo-Medium /Munhwa-Regular ;
+/HYRGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGothic-Bold ;
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/CIDFnmaps.patch b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/CIDFnmaps.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e350c93fda56..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/CIDFnmaps.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-*** lib/CIDFnmap.orig Mon Jan 14 16:20:06 2002
---- lib/CIDFnmap Mon Jan 14 16:26:34 2002
-*** 121,130 ****
- % in particular, you must leave at least one space or tab between each
- % field in the entry.
-! %(CIDFnmap.Ore) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.ARP) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.Bae) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.Koc) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.Sol) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.CJK) .runlibfile
---- 121,131 ----
- % in particular, you must leave at least one space or tab between each
- % field in the entry.
-! (CIDFnmap.Ore) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.ARP) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.Bae) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.Koc) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.Sol) .runlibfile
- %(CIDFnmap.CJK) .runlibfile
-+ (CIDFnmap.ports) .runlibfile
-*** lib/CIDFnmap.Ore.orig Mon Jan 14 16:29:32 2002
---- lib/CIDFnmap.Ore Mon Jan 14 16:30:09 2002
-*** 9,18 ****
- % Adobe-Japan1
-- /WadaGo-Bold (WadaGo-Bold) ;
- /WadaMaruGo-Regular (WadaMaruGo-Regular) ;
- /WadaMin-Bold (WadaMin-Bold) ;
-- /WadaMin-Regular (WadaMin-Regular) ;
- % Adobe-Japan2
---- 9,16 ----
-*** /dev/null Mon Jan 14 16:14:11 2002
---- lib/CIDFnmap.ports Mon Jan 14 16:27:11 2002
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,54 ----
-+ % Japanese Truetype Fonts (Kochi)
-+ /Kochi-Mincho (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/kochi-mincho.ttf) 1 /Adobe-Japan1 ;
-+ /Kochi-Gothic (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/kochi-gothic.ttf) 1 /Adobe-Japan1 ;
-+ %
-+ % Fallback aliases for CJK PDF files
-+ %
-+ /Adobe-CNS1 /MOESung-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
-+ /Adobe-Korea1 /Munhwa-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
-+ %
-+ % Convenient aliases for PS files on Traditional Chinese PostScript printer
-+ %
-+ /MSung-Light /MOESung-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
-+ %/MSung-Medium /ShanHeiSun-Light ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
-+ %/MHei-Medium /ShanHeiSun-Light ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
-+ %/MHei-Medium /hei ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
-+ %/MKai-Medium /ZenKai-Medium ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
-+ /MKai-Medium /MOEKai-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
-+ %
-+ % Convenient aliases for PS files on Simplified Chinese PostScript printer
-+ %
-+ %/STSong-Light /BousungEG-Light-GB ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
-+ %/STSong-Light /zycjksun ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
-+ %/STFangsong-Light /zycjkfangs ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
-+ %/STHeiti-Regular /zycjkhei ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
-+ %/STKaiti-Regular /GBZenKai-Medium ; % CIDFnmap.ARP
-+ %/STKaiti-Regular /zycjkkai ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
-+ %
-+ % Convenient aliases for PS files on Japanese PostScript printer
-+ %
-+ /Ryumin-Light /Kochi-Mincho ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
-+ /Ryumin-Light-H /Kochi-Mincho ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
-+ /Ryumin-Light-V /Kochi-Mincho ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
-+ /GothicBBB-Medium /Kochi-Gothic ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
-+ /GothicBBB-Medium-H /Kochi-Gothic ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
-+ /GothicBBB-Medium-V /Kochi-Gothic ; % CIDFnmap.Koc
-+ /HeiseiMin-W3H /WadaMin-RegularH ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
-+ /HeiseiKakuGo-W5H /WadaMaruGo-RegularH ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
-+ %
-+ % Convenient aliases for PS files on Korean PostScript printer
-+ %
-+ /HYGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGothic-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
-+ %/HYGoThic-Medium /Baekmuk-Dotum ; % CIDFnmap.Bae
-+ %/HYGoThic-Medium /Gothic ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
-+ /HYSMyeongJo-Medium /Munhwa-Regular ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
-+ %/HYSMyeongJo-Medium /Baekmuk-Batang ; % CIDFnmap.Bae
-+ %/HYSMyeongJo-Medium /Myeongjo ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
-+ %/HYRGoThic-Medium /Baekmuk-Gulim ; % CIDFnmap.Bae
-+ %/HYRGoThic-Medium /RoundedGothic ; % CIDFnmap.Sol
-+ /HYRGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGungSeo-Bold ; % CIDFnmap.Ore
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/gs_cidcm.ps.patch b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/gs_cidcm.ps.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bea4d3e1c84..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/gs_cidcm.ps.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
---- lib/gs_cidcm.ps.orig Sun Jul 1 17:57:04 2001
-+++ lib/gs_cidcm.ps Sun Dec 23 02:05:48 2001
-@@ -164,7 +164,21 @@
- { (r) file % CSIs /InstName g [ file
- //GetCIDSystemInfoFromFile exec % CSIs /InstName g [ CSI
- } stopped {
-- cleartomark //.prs_empty
-+ % Cannot find file from Resource directory
-+ cleartomark
-+ % Try to find file from CIDFontmap
-+ % Stack: CSIs /InstName g
-+ 1 index dup .CIDFontmapKnownget {
-+ % Stack: CSIs /InstName g /InstName ValueInCIDFontmap
-+ % We do look at CIDFontmap in global space.
-+ % (When stopped, the space is set to local.)
-+ true setglobal
-+ 1 index 3 1 roll
-+ .CIDFontmapRunHandler
-+ /CIDFont findresource /CIDSystemInfo get
-+ } {
-+ pop //.prs_empty
-+ } ifelse
- } {
- exch pop
- } ifelse % CSIs /InstName g CSI
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/gs_res.ps.patch b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/gs_res.ps.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0119f16f220b..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/gs_res.ps.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- lib/gs_res.ps.orig Mon Jul 16 01:09:41 2001
-+++ lib/gs_res.ps Sun Dec 23 02:14:03 2001
-@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@
- /pssystemparams 10 dict readonly def
- } if
- pssystemparams begin
-- /FontResourceDir (/Resource/Font/) readonly .forcedef % pssys'params is r-o
-- /GenericResourceDir (/Resource/) readonly .forcedef % pssys'params is r-o
-+ /FontResourceDir (/usr/local/share/ghostscript/Resource/Font/) readonly .forcedef % pssys'params is r-o
-+ /GenericResourceDir (/usr/local/share/ghostscript/Resource/) readonly .forcedef % pssys'params is r-o
- /GenericResourcePathSep (/) readonly .forcedef % pssys'params is r-o
- end
- end
-@@ -457,10 +457,10 @@
- /.vmused {
- % - .vmused <usedvalue>
- % usedvalue = vmstatus in global + vmstatus in local.
-- 0 2 {
-- .currentglobal not .setglobal
-- vmstatus pop exch pop add
-- } repeat
-+ 0 2 {
-+ .currentglobal not .setglobal
-+ vmstatus pop exch pop add
-+ } repeat
- } bind def
- /.DoLoadResource {
- % .LoadResource may push entries on the operand stack.
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdev10v:gdev10v.mak b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdev10v:gdev10v.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 25a8317379b8..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdev10v:gdev10v.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- gdev10v/gdev10v.mak.orig Thu Oct 12 11:17:50 2000
-+++ gdev10v/gdev10v.mak Thu Oct 12 11:21:12 2000
-@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
- ### ----------------- The Canon BubbleJet BJ10v device ----------------- ###
--bj10v_=gdev10v.$(OBJ) gdevprn.$(OBJ)
--bj10v.dev: $(bj10v_)
-- $(SHP)gssetdev bj10v $(bj10v_)
--bj10vh.dev: $(bj10v_)
-- $(SHP)gssetdev bj10vh $(bj10v_)
-+bj10v_=$(GLOBJ)gdev10v.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevprn.$(OBJ)
-+$(DD)bj10v.dev: $(bj10v_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)bj10v $(bj10v_)
-+$(DD)bj10vh.dev: $(bj10v_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)bj10vh $(bj10v_)
- # Uncomment the following line if you are using MS-DOS on PC9801 series.
--gdev10v.$(OBJ): gdevbj10.c $(PDEVH)
-+$(GLOBJ)gdev10v.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevbj10.c $(PDEVH)
-+ $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdev10v.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdev10v.c
- # $(CCC) -DPC9801 gdev10v.c
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevalps:gdevalps.mak b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevalps:gdevalps.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d7abd905d11..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevalps:gdevalps.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
---- gdevalps/gdevalps.mak-5.50.orig Sat Jan 12 13:21:12 2002
-+++ gdevalps/gdevalps.mak-5.50 Sat Jan 12 13:23:45 2002
-@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
- alps_=$(GLOBJ)gdevalps.$(OBJ)
--md50Mono.dev: $(alps_) page.dev
-- $(SETPDEV) md50Mono $(alps_)
-+$(DD)md50Mono.dev: $(alps_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)md50Mono $(alps_)
--md50Eco.dev: $(alps_) page.dev
-- $(SETPDEV) md50Eco $(alps_)
-+$(DD)md50Eco.dev: $(alps_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)md50Eco $(alps_)
--md1xMono.dev: $(alps_) page.dev
-- $(SETPDEV) md1xMono $(alps_)
-+$(DD)md1xMono.dev: $(alps_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)md1xMono $(alps_)
--$(GLOBJ)gdevalps.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevalps.c $(PDEVH)
-+$(GLOBJ)gdevalps.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevalps.c $(gdevprn_h) $(PDEVH)
- $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdevalps.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevalps.c
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevlips:gdevlips.mak b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevlips:gdevlips.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ad602542f6e..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevlips:gdevlips.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
---- gdevlips/gdevlips.mak.orig Thu Nov 2 12:12:13 2000
-+++ gdevlips/gdevlips.mak Thu Jan 17 01:29:06 2002
-@@ -30,27 +30,6 @@
- $(gscspace_h) $(gsutil_h) $(gsparam_h) $(gsmatrix_h) $(gdevvec_h)\
- $(ghost_h) $(gzstate_h) $(igstate_h)
- $(GLCC) -DA4 $(GLO_)gdevl4v.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevl4v.c
--### ------- Epson ESC/Page printer device ----------------- ###
--escpage_=$(GLOBJ)gdevespg.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevlprn.$(OBJ)
--$(GLOBJ)gdevespg.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevespg.c $(GLSRC)gdevlprn.h $(PDEVH)
-- $(GLCC) -DA4 $(GLO_)gdevespg.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevespg.c
--$(GLOBJ)escpage.dev: $(escpage_) $(DD)page.dev
-- $(SETPDEV) $(DD)escpage $(escpage_)
--$(GLOBJ)lp2000.dev: $(escpage_) $(DD)page.dev
-- $(SETPDEV) $(DD)lp2000 $(escpage_)
--### --- The NEC NPDL language printer device ------ ###
--npdl_=$(GLOBJ)gdevnpdl.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevlprn.$(OBJ)
--$(GLOBJ)gdevnpdl.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevnpdl.c $(GLSRC)gdevlprn.h $(PDEVH)
-- $(GLCC) -DA4 $(GLO_)gdevnpdl.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevnpdl.c
--$(GLOBJ)npdl.dev: $(npdl_) $(DD)page.dev
-- $(SETPDEV) $(DD)npdl $(npdl_)
- ### --- The RICOH RPDL language printer device ------ ###
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevmd2k:gdevmd2k.mak b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevmd2k:gdevmd2k.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 67e1251c594e..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevmd2k:gdevmd2k.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
---- gdevmd2k/gdevmd2k.mak-5.50.orig Sun Nov 19 18:42:20 2000
-+++ gdevmd2k/gdevmd2k.mak-5.50 Sun Nov 19 18:52:14 2000
-@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
- md2k_=$(GLOBJ)gdevmd2k.$(OBJ)
--md2k.dev: $(md2k_) page.dev
-- $(SETPDEV) md2k $(md2k_)
-+$(DD)md2k.dev: $(md2k_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)md2k $(md2k_)
--md5k.dev: $(md2k_) page.dev
-- $(SETPDEV) md5k $(md2k_)
-+$(DD)md5k.dev: $(md2k_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)md5k $(md2k_)
--$(GLOBJ)gdevmd2k.$(OBJ): gdevmd2k.c $(PDEVH) $(gsparam_h)
-+$(GLOBJ)gdevmd2k.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevmd2k.c $(PDEVH) $(gsparam_h)
- $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdevmd2k.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevmd2k.c
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevmjc:gdevmjc.c b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevmjc:gdevmjc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 60f256743c00..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevmjc:gdevmjc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
---- gdevmjc/gdevmjc.c.orig Tue May 23 19:16:52 2000
-+++ gdevmjc/gdevmjc.c Tue May 23 19:17:44 2000
-@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
- #include <limits.h>
- #include "gdevprn.h"
- #include "gdevpcl.h"
--#include "gsprops.h"
-+#include "gsparam.h"
-+#include "gsstate.h"
- #include "mjmtx2.c"
- #include "mjbksep.c"
-@@ -150,7 +151,9 @@
- /* Undefined macros expected to be defined in gdevpcl.h */
- #define PAPER_SIZE_A3_NOBI 28
-+#ifndef PAPER_SIZE_A2
- #define PAPER_SIZE_A2 29
- #define PAPER_SIZE_B4 30
- #define PAPER_SIZE_B5 31
-@@ -190,14 +193,12 @@
- private dev_proc_print_page(mjc720_print_page);
- private dev_proc_print_page(mj500c_print_page);
--private dev_proc_get_props(mj_get_props);
--private dev_proc_put_props(mj_put_props);
-+private dev_proc_get_params(mj_get_params);
-+private dev_proc_put_params(mj_put_params);
- private void expand_line(P4(word*, int, int, int));
--private int put_prop_float(P5(gs_prop_item *, float *, float, float, int));
--private int put_prop_int(P5(gs_prop_item *, int *, int, int, int));
--private void set_bpp(P2(gx_device *, int));
-+private int mj_put_param_int(P6(gs_param_list *, gs_param_name, int *, int, int, int));
-+private void mj_set_bpp(P2(gx_device *, int));
- private uint gdev_prn_rasterwidth(P2(const gx_device_printer *, int ));
-@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@
- #define mj ((gx_device_mj *) pdev)
- #define prn_hp_colour_device(procs, dev_name, x_dpi, y_dpi, bpp, print_page)\
-- prn_device_body(gx_device_printer, procs, dev_name,\
-+ prn_device_body(gx_device_mj, procs, dev_name,\
- WIDTH_10THS, HEIGHT_10THS, x_dpi, y_dpi, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\
- bpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, print_page)
-@@ -235,9 +236,9 @@
- }
--#define mj_colour_procs(proc_colour_open, proc_get_props, proc_put_props) {\
-+#define mj_colour_procs(proc_colour_open, proc_get_params, proc_put_params) {\
- proc_colour_open,\
-- gdev_pcl_get_initial_matrix,\
-+ gx_default_get_initial_matrix,\
- gx_default_sync_output,\
- gdev_prn_output_page,\
- gdev_prn_close,\
-@@ -249,15 +250,15 @@
- NULL, /* copy_color */\
- NULL, /* draw_line */\
- gx_default_get_bits,\
-- proc_get_props,\
-- proc_put_props\
-+ proc_get_params,\
-+ proc_put_params\
- }
- private int mjc_open(P1(gx_device *));
- private int mj_colour_open(P1(gx_device *));
- private gx_device_procs mj_procs =
--mj_colour_procs(mjc_open, mj_get_props, mj_put_props);
-+mj_colour_procs(mjc_open, mj_get_params, mj_put_params);
- gx_device_mj far_data gs_mjc180_device =
- mj_device(mj_procs, "mjc180", 180, 180, BITSPERPIXEL,
-@@ -306,14 +307,14 @@
- static const float mj_b4[4] = { MJ700V2C_MARGINS_B4 };
- static const float mj_b5[4] = { MJ700V2C_MARGINS_B5 };
- static const float mj_letter[4] = { MJ700V2C_MARGINS_LETTER };
-- const float _ds *m;
-+ const float *m;
- int psize;
- int paper_size;
- /* Set up colour params if put_props has not already done so */
- if (pdev->color_info.num_components == 0)
-- set_bpp(pdev, pdev->color_info.depth);
-+ mj_set_bpp(pdev, pdev->color_info.depth);
- paper_size = gdev_mjc_paper_size(pdev);
- if (paper_size == PAPER_SIZE_A2 ) {
-@@ -332,10 +333,7 @@
- m = mj_letter;
- }
-- pdev->l_margin = m[0];
-- pdev->b_margin = m[1];
-- pdev->r_margin = m[2];
-- pdev->t_margin = m[3];
-+ gx_device_set_margins(pdev, m, true);
- switch (mj->colorcomp) {
- case 1:
-@@ -360,80 +358,74 @@
- * and control over the bits-per-pixel used in output rendering */
- /* Added properties for DeskJet 5xxC */
--private const gs_prop_item props_mj[] = {
-- /* Read-write properties. */
-- prop_def("Density", prt_int),
-- prop_def("Cyan", prt_int),
-- prop_def("Magenta", prt_int),
-- prop_def("Yellow", prt_int),
-- prop_def("Black", prt_int),
-- prop_def("Dither", prt_int),
-- prop_def("ColorComponent", prt_int),
-- prop_def("Direction", prt_int),
-- prop_def("MicroWeave", prt_int),
-- prop_def("DotSize", prt_int),
- private int
--mj_get_props(gx_device *pdev, gs_prop_item *plist)
--{ int start = gdev_prn_get_props(pdev, plist);
-- if ( plist != 0 ) {
-- register gs_prop_item *pi = plist + start;
-- memcpy(pi, props_mj, sizeof(props_mj));
-- pi[0].value.i = mj->density;
-- pi[1].value.i = mj->cyan;
-- pi[2].value.i = mj->magenta;
-- pi[3].value.i = mj->yellow;
-- pi[4].value.i = mj->black;
-- pi[5].value.i = mj->dither;
-- pi[6].value.i = mj->colorcomp;
-- pi[7].value.i = mj->direction;
-- pi[8].value.i = mj->microweave;
-- pi[9].value.i = mj->dotsize;
-- }
-- return start + sizeof(props_mj) / sizeof(gs_prop_item);
-+mj_get_params(gx_device *pdev, gs_param_list *plist)
-+{ int code = gdev_prn_get_params(pdev, plist);
-+ if ( code < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "Density", &mj->density)) < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "Cyan", &mj->cyan)) < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "Magenta", &mj->magenta)) < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "Yellow", &mj->yellow)) < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "Black", &mj->black)) < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "Dither", &mj->dither)) < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "ColorComponent", &mj->colorcomp)) < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "Direction", &mj->direction)) < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "MicroWeave", &mj->microweave)) < 0 ||
-+ (code = param_write_int(plist, "DotSize", &mj->dotsize)) < 0
-+ )
-+ return code;
-+ return code;
- }
- /* Put properties. */
- private int
--mj_put_props(gx_device *pdev, gs_prop_item *plist, int count)
-+mj_put_params(gx_device *pdev, gs_param_list *plist)
- {
-- static const argn = 10;
--/* gs_prop_item *known[argn]; */
-- gs_prop_item *known[10];
- int old_bpp = mj->color_info.depth;
- int bpp = 0;
- int code = 0;
-- props_extract(plist, count, props_mj, argn, known, 0);
-- code = gdev_prn_put_props(pdev, plist, count);
-- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
-- code = put_prop_int(known[0], &mj->density, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-- code = put_prop_int(known[1], &mj->cyan, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-- code = put_prop_int(known[2], &mj->magenta, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-- code = put_prop_int(known[3], &mj->yellow, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-- code = put_prop_int(known[4], &mj->black, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-- code = put_prop_int(known[5], &mj->dither, 0, 1, code);
-- code = put_prop_int(known[6], &mj->colorcomp, 1, 4, code);
-- code = put_prop_int(known[7], &mj->direction, 1, 2, code);
-- code = put_prop_int(known[8], &mj->microweave, 0, 1, code);
-- code = put_prop_int(known[9], &mj->dotsize, 0, 1, code);
-+ int density = mj->density;
-+ int cyan = mj->cyan;
-+ int magenta = mj->magenta;
-+ int yellow = mj->yellow;
-+ int black = mj->black;
-+ int dither = mj->dither;
-+ int colorcomp = mj->colorcomp;
-+ int direction = mj->direction;
-+ int microweave = mj->microweave;
-+ int dotsize = mj->dotsize;
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "Density", &density, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "Cyan", &cyan, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "Magenta", &magenta, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "Yellow", &yellow, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "Black", &black, 0, INT_MAX, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "Dither", &dither, 0, 1, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "ColorComponent", &colorcomp, 1, 4, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "Direction", &direction, 1, 2, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "MicroWeave", &microweave, 0, 1, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "DotSize", &dotsize, 0, 1, code);
-+ code = mj_put_param_int(plist, "BitsPerPixel", &bpp, 1, 32, code);
- if ( code < 0 )
-- return_error(code);
-- if (bpp != 0) {
-- set_bpp(pdev, bpp);
-- /* Close the device; gs_putdeviceprops will reopen it. */
-+ return code;
-+ mj->density = density;
-+ mj->cyan = cyan;
-+ mj->magenta = magenta;
-+ mj->yellow = yellow;
-+ mj->black = black;
-+ mj->dither = dither;
-+ mj->colorcomp = colorcomp;
-+ mj->direction = direction;
-+ mj->microweave = microweave;
-+ mj->dotsize = dotsize;
-+ if ( bpp != 0 ) {
-+ mj_set_bpp(pdev, bpp);
-+ gdev_prn_put_params(pdev, plist);
- if ( bpp != old_bpp && pdev->is_open )
-- { int ccode = gs_closedevice(pdev);
-- if ( ccode < 0 ) return ccode;
-- }
-+ return gs_closedevice(pdev);
-+ return 0;
- }
-- return code;
-+ else
-+ return gdev_prn_put_params(pdev, plist);
- }
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
-@@ -1163,7 +1155,8 @@
- /* Send each scan line in turn */
- {
-- long int lend = pdev->height - (pdev->t_margin + pdev->b_margin) * y_dpi;
-+ long int lend = pdev->height -
-+ (dev_t_margin_points(pdev) + dev_b_margin_points(pdev));
- int cErr, mErr, yErr, kErr;
- int this_pass, i;
- long int lnum;
-@@ -1685,39 +1678,25 @@
- }
- private int
--put_prop_int(gs_prop_item *pi, int *property, int minval, int maxval, int code)
-- if ( pi == 0 )
-- return (code);
-- if ( pi->value.i < minval || pi->value.i > maxval )
-- { pi->status = pv_rangecheck;
-- return (gs_error_rangecheck);
-- }
-- else
-- { *property = pi->value.i;
-- return (code ? code : 1);
-- }
--private int
--put_prop_float(gs_prop_item *pi, float *property, float minval, float maxval, int code)
-- if ( pi == 0 )
-- return (code);
-- if ( pi->value.f < minval || pi->value.f > maxval )
-- { pi->status = pv_rangecheck;
-- return (gs_error_rangecheck);
-- }
-- else
-- { *property = pi->value.f;
-- return (code ? code : 1);
-- }
-+mj_put_param_int(gs_param_list *plist, gs_param_name pname, int *pvalue,
-+ int minval, int maxval, int ecode)
-+{ int code, value;
-+ switch ( code = param_read_int(plist, pname, &value) )
-+ {
-+ default:
-+ return code;
-+ case 1:
-+ return ecode;
-+ case 0:
-+ if ( value < minval || value > maxval )
-+ param_signal_error(plist, pname, gs_error_rangecheck);
-+ *pvalue = value;
-+ return (ecode < 0 ? ecode : 1);
-+ }
- }
- private void
--set_bpp(gx_device *pdev, int bits_per_pixel)
-+mj_set_bpp(gx_device *pdev, int bits_per_pixel)
- { gx_device_color_info *ci = &pdev->color_info;
- /* Only valid bits-per-pixel are 1, 3, 8, 16, 24, 32 */
- int bpp = bits_per_pixel < 3 ? 1 : bits_per_pixel < 8 ? 3 :
-@@ -1725,9 +1704,9 @@
- ci->num_components = ((bpp == 1) || (bpp == 8) ? 1 : 3);
- ci->depth = ((bpp > 1) && (bpp < 8) ? 8 : bpp);
- ci->max_gray = (bpp >= 8 ? 255 : 1);
-- ci->max_rgb = (bpp >= 8 ? 255 : bpp > 1 ? 1 : 0);
-- ci->dither_gray = (bpp >= 8 ? 5 : 2);
-- ci->dither_rgb = (bpp >= 8 ? 5 : bpp > 1 ? 2 : 0);
-+ ci->max_color = (bpp >= 8 ? 255 : bpp > 1 ? 1 : 0);
-+ ci->dither_grays = (bpp >= 8 ? 5 : 2);
-+ ci->dither_colors = (bpp >= 8 ? 5 : bpp > 1 ? 2 : 0);
- }
- /* This returns either the number of pixels in a scan line, or the number
-@@ -1736,7 +1715,7 @@
- gdev_prn_rasterwidth(const gx_device_printer *pdev, int pixelcount)
- {
- word raster_width =
-- pdev->width - pdev->x_pixels_per_inch * (pdev->l_margin + pdev->r_margin);
-+ pdev->width - (pdev->HWMargins[0] + pdev->HWMargins[2]);
- return (pixelcount ?
- (uint)raster_width :
- (uint)((raster_width * pdev->color_info.depth + 7) >> 3));
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevmjc:gdevmjc.mak b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevmjc:gdevmjc.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index cd3d954495ac..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-gdevmjc:gdevmjc.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
---- gdevmjc/gdevmjc.mak.orig Tue May 23 19:19:13 2000
-+++ gdevmjc/gdevmjc.mak Tue May 23 19:19:40 2000
-@@ -4,25 +4,22 @@
- # Supports MJ-700V2C, MJ-5000C, MJ-900C, MJ-800C, MJ-500C
- #
- ##
--# Append this file to Makefile
--MJCSRC = gdevmjc.c mjmtx2.c mjbksep.c mjhtocmy.c mjvtbl.c \
-- mjgrnsp.c mjgrnsp2.c mjespdtc.c mjespdtm.c mjespdty.c mjbarrie.c
-+MJCSRC = $(GLSRC)gdevmjc.c $(GLSRC)mjmtx2.c $(GLSRC)mjbksep.c \
-+ $(GLSRC)mjhtocmy.c $(GLSRC)mjvtbl.c $(GLSRC)mjgrnsp.c \
-+ $(GLSRC)mjgrnsp2.c $(GLSRC)mjespdtc.c $(GLSRC)mjespdtm.c \
-+ $(GLSRC)mjespdty.c $(GLSRC)mjbarrie.c
--mj700v2c_=gdevmjc.$(OBJ) $(HPPCL)
-+mj700v2c_=$(GLOBJ)gdevmjc.$(OBJ) $(HPPCL)
- # To make A4 paper the default, change the second line below this to
--gdevmjc.$(OBJ): $(MJCSRC) $(PDEVH) $(gdevpcl_h)
-- $(CCC) -DA4 gdevmjc.c
--mjc180.dev: $(mj700v2c_)
-- $(SHP)gssetdev mjc180 $(mj700v2c_)
--mjc360.dev: $(mj700v2c_)
-- $(SHP)gssetdev mjc360 $(mj700v2c_)
--mjc720.dev: $(mj700v2c_)
-- $(SHP)gssetdev mjc720 $(mj700v2c_)
--mj500c.dev: $(mj700v2c_)
-- $(SHP)gssetdev mj500c $(mj700v2c_)
-+$(GLOBJ)gdevmjc.$(OBJ): $(MJCSRC) $(PDEVH) $(gdevpcl_h)
-+ $(GLCC) -DA4 $(GLO_)gdevmjc.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevmjc.c
-+$(GLOBJ)mjc180.dev: $(mj700v2c_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)mjc180 $(mj700v2c_)
-+$(GLOBJ)mjc360.dev: $(mj700v2c_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)mjc360 $(mj700v2c_)
-+$(GLOBJ)mjc720.dev: $(mj700v2c_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)mjc720 $(mj700v2c_)
-+$(GLOBJ)mj500c.dev: $(mj700v2c_) $(DD)page.dev
-+ $(SETPDEV) $(DD)mj500c $(mj700v2c_)
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:gdevlbp8.c b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:gdevlbp8.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5b29da5734..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:gdevlbp8.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
---- src/gdevlbp8.c.orig Thu Mar 9 03:40:41 2000
-+++ src/gdevlbp8.c
-@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
- /*
- Modifications:
-+ 3.10.00 Johnny Lam
-+ Removed LIPS III code, as it's obsoleted by gdevlips driver.
- 2.2.97 Lauri Paatero
- Changed CSI command into ESC [. DCS commands may still need to be changed
- (to ESC P).
-@@ -49,7 +51,6 @@
- /* The device descriptors */
- private dev_proc_print_page(lbp8_print_page);
--private dev_proc_print_page(lips3_print_page);
- gx_device_printer far_data gs_lbp8_device =
- prn_device(prn_std_procs, "lbp8",
-@@ -58,14 +59,6 @@
- 0.16, 0.2, 0.32, 0.21, /* margins: left, bottom, right, top */
- 1, lbp8_print_page);
--gx_device_printer far_data gs_lips3_device =
-- prn_device(prn_std_procs, "lips3",
-- 82, /* width_10ths, 8.3" */
-- 117, /* height_10ths, 11.7" */
-- X_DPI, Y_DPI,
-- 0.16, 0.27, 0.23, 0.27, /* margins */
-- 1, lips3_print_page);
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
- #define ESC 0x1b
-@@ -84,23 +77,6 @@
- static const char *lbp8_end = NULL;
--static const char lips3_init[] = {
-- ESC, '<', /* soft reset */
-- DCS, '0', 'J', ST, /* JOB END */
-- DCS, '3', '1', ';', '3', '0', '0', ';', '2', 'J', ST, /* 300dpi, LIPS3 JOB START */
-- ESC, '<', /* soft reset */
-- DCS, '2', 'y', 'P', 'r', 'i', 'n', 't', 'i', 'n', 'g', '(', 'g', 's', ')', ST, /* Printing (gs) display */
-- ESC, '[', '?', '1', 'l', /* auto cr-lf disable */
-- ESC, '[', '?', '2', 'h', /* auto ff disable */
-- ESC, '[', '1', '1', 'h', /* set mode */
-- ESC, '[', '7', ' ', 'I', /* select unit size (300dpi)*/
-- ESC, '[', 'f' /* move to home position */
--static const char lips3_end[] = {
-- DCS, '0', 'J', ST /* JOB END */
- /* Send the page to the printer. */
- private int
- can_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream,
-@@ -203,11 +179,4 @@
- lbp8_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream)
- { return can_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, lbp8_init, sizeof(lbp8_init),
- lbp8_end, sizeof(lbp8_end));
--/* Print a LIPS III page. */
--private int
--lips3_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream)
--{ return can_print_page(pdev, prn_stream, lips3_init, sizeof(lips3_init),
-- lips3_end, sizeof(lips3_end));
- }
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:gdevxini.c b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:gdevxini.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 44bb6b3984f6..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:gdevxini.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- src/gdevxini.c.orig Tue Jun 5 15:38:57 2001
-+++ src/gdevxini.c Wed Jun 20 04:17:15 2001
-@@ -655,8 +655,10 @@
- }
- x_set_buffer(xdev);
- /* Clear the destination pixmap to avoid initializing with garbage. */
-- xdev->dest = (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0 ?
-+ if (xdev->dest == (Pixmap) 0) {
-+ xdev->dest = (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0 ?
- xdev->bpixmap : (Pixmap) xdev->win);
-+ }
- if (xdev->dest != (Pixmap) 0) {
- XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, xdev->background);
- XFillRectangle(xdev->dpy, xdev->dest, xdev->gc,
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:genarch.c b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:genarch.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a015e69e758a..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:genarch.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
---- src/genarch.c.orig Tue Jun 5 15:38:57 2001
-+++ src/genarch.c Wed Jun 20 04:17:42 2001
-@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
- fprintf(f, "\n\t /* ---------------- %s ---------------- */\n\n", str);
- }
-+#ifndef __FreeBSD__
- private clock_t
- time_clear(char *buf, int bsize, int nreps)
- {
-@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@
- memset(buf, 0, bsize);
- return clock() - t;
- }
-+#endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
- private void
- define(FILE *f, const char *str)
-@@ -181,6 +183,7 @@
- fprintf(f, "((unsigned long)~0L + (unsigned long)0)\n");
- #undef PRINT_MAX
-+#ifndef __FreeBSD__
- section(f, "Cache sizes");
- /*
-@@ -241,6 +244,7 @@
- }
- define_int(f, "ARCH_CACHE2_SIZE", bsize >> 1);
- }
-+#endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
- section(f, "Miscellaneous");
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:gp_unifs.c b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:gp_unifs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ba0f9597e6e5..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:gp_unifs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
---- src/gp_unifs.c.orig Tue Jun 5 15:31:44 2001
-+++ src/gp_unifs.c Sun Jul 15 22:57:50 2001
-@@ -28,6 +27,8 @@
- #include "gsutil.h" /* for string_match */
- #include "stat_.h"
- #include "dirent_.h"
-+#include "unistd_.h"
-+#include <stdlib.h> /* for mkstemp/mktemp */
- #include <sys/param.h> /* for MAXPATHLEN */
- /* Some systems (Interactive for example) don't define MAXPATHLEN,
-@@ -57,22 +58,44 @@
- FILE *
- gp_open_scratch_file(const char *prefix, char fname[gp_file_name_sizeof],
- const char *mode)
--{ /* The -8 is for XXXXXX plus a possible final / and -. */
-- int len = gp_file_name_sizeof - strlen(prefix) - 8;
-- if (gp_gettmpdir(fname, &len) != 0)
-+{ /* The -8 is for XXXXXX plus a possible final / and -. */
-+ int prefix_length = strlen(prefix);
-+ int len = gp_file_name_sizeof - prefix_length - 8;
-+ if (gp_file_name_is_absolute(prefix, prefix_length))
-+ *fname = 0;
-+ else if (gp_gettmpdir(fname, &len) != 0)
- strcpy(fname, "/tmp/");
- else {
- if (strlen(fname) != 0 && fname[strlen(fname) - 1] != '/')
- strcat(fname, "/");
- }
-+ if (strlen(fname) + prefix_length + 8 >= gp_file_name_sizeof)
-+ return 0; /* file name too long */
- strcat(fname, prefix);
- /* Prevent trailing X's in path from being converted by mktemp. */
- if (*fname != 0 && fname[strlen(fname) - 1] == 'X')
- strcat(fname, "-");
- strcat(fname, "XXXXXX");
-+ {
-+ int file;
-+ FILE *fp;
-+ file = mkstemp(fname);
-+ if (file < -1)
-+ return NULL;
-+ fp = fdopen(file, mode);
-+ if (fp == NULL)
-+ close(file);
-+ return fp;
-+ }
- mktemp(fname);
- return gp_fopentemp(fname, mode);
- }
- /* Open a file with the given name, as a stream of uninterpreted bytes. */
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:unix-gcc.mak b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:unix-gcc.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 2143001118ad..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:unix-gcc.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
---- src/unix-gcc.mak.orig Tue Jul 10 12:01:06 2001
-+++ src/unix-gcc.mak Sat Dec 15 04:22:49 2001
-@@ -27,14 +27,15 @@
- # source, generated intermediate file, and object directories
- # for the graphics library (GL) and the PostScript/PDF interpreter (PS).
- # Do not edit the next group of lines.
-@@ -53,17 +54,17 @@
- # the directories also define the default search path for the
- # initialization files (gs_*.ps) and the fonts.
--INSTALL = $(GLSRCDIR)/instcopy -c
--prefix = /usr/local
-+prefix = $(PREFIX)
- exec_prefix = $(prefix)
- bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
- scriptdir = $(bindir)
- libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
- mandir = $(prefix)/man
- man1ext = 1
-+man1dir = $(mandir)/man$(man1ext)
- datadir = $(prefix)/share
- gsdir = $(datadir)/ghostscript
- gsdatadir = $(gsdir)/$(GS_DOT_VERSION)
-@@ -104,6 +105,15 @@
-+# Choose capability options.
-+# uses mkstemp instead of mktemp
-+# This gets rid of several security warnings that look
-+# ominous. Enable this if you wish to get rid of them.
- # Define the name of the executable file.
- GS=gs
-@@ -129,7 +139,7 @@
- # You may need to change this if the IJG library version changes.
- # See jpeg.mak for more information.
- # Choose whether to use a shared version of the IJG JPEG library (-ljpeg).
-@@ -149,14 +159,14 @@
- # You may need to change this if the libpng version changes.
- # See libpng.mak for more information.
- PVERSION=10012
- # Choose whether to use a shared version of the PNG library, and if so,
- # what its name is.
- # See gs.mak and Make.htm for more information.
- # Define the directory where the zlib sources are stored.
-@@ -168,7 +178,7 @@
- # what its name is (usually libz, but sometimes libgz).
- # See gs.mak and Make.htm for more information.
-@@ -183,7 +193,7 @@
- # Define the name of the C compiler.
- # Define the name of the linker for the final link step.
- # Normally this is the same as the C compiler.
-@@ -216,9 +226,9 @@
- # We don't include -ansi, because this gets in the way of the platform-
- # specific stuff that <math.h> typically needs; nevertheless, we expect
- # gcc to accept ANSI-style function prototypes and function definitions.
- # Define platform flags for ld.
- # SunOS 4.n may need -Bstatic.
-@@ -227,7 +237,7 @@
- # -R /usr/local/xxx/lib:/usr/local/lib
- # giving the full path names of the shared library directories.
- # XLDFLAGS can be set from the command line.
- LDFLAGS=$(XLDFLAGS) -fno-common
-@@ -260,7 +270,7 @@
- # Note that x_.h expects to find the header files in $(XINCLUDE)/X11,
- # not in $(XINCLUDE).
- # Define the directory/ies and library names for the X11 library files.
- # XLIBDIRS is for ld and should include -L; XLIBDIR is for LD_RUN_PATH
-@@ -272,12 +282,12 @@
- # Solaris and other SVR4 systems with dynamic linking probably want
- #XLIBDIRS=-L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib
- # X11R6 (on any platform) may need
--#XLIBS=Xt SM ICE Xext X11
-+XLIBS=Xt SM ICE Xext X11
- #XLIBDIRS=-L/usr/local/X/lib
--XLIBS=Xt Xext X11
-+#XLIBS=Xt Xext X11
- # Define whether this platform has floating point hardware:
- # FPU_TYPE=2 means floating point is faster than fixed point.
-@@ -406,7 +416,7 @@
- # Define the compilation rules and flags.
- CC_=$(CC) `cat $(AK)` $(CCFLAGS)
- CCAUX=$(CC) `cat $(AK)`
- CC_LEAF=$(CC_) -fomit-frame-pointer
diff --git a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:zmedia2.c b/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:zmedia2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e19c2ddfd8e..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript7-commfont/files/patch-src:zmedia2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
---- src/zmedia2.c.orig Tue Jun 5 15:39:08 2001
-+++ src/zmedia2.c Wed Jun 20 04:18:27 2001
-@@ -430,11 +430,17 @@
- rx = ry, ry = temp;
- }
-- /* Adjust the medium size if flexible. */
-- if (medium->p.x < MIN_MEDIA_SIZE && mx > rx)
-- mx = rx;
-- if (medium->p.y < MIN_MEDIA_SIZE && my > ry)
-- my = ry;
-+ /* If 'medium' is flexible, adjust 'mx' and 'my' towards 'rx' and 'ry',
-+ respectively. Note that 'mx' and 'my' have just acquired the largest
-+ permissible value, medium->q. */
-+ if (medium->p.x < mx) /* non-empty width range */
-+ if (rx < medium->p.x) mx = medium->p.x; /* minimum */
-+ else if (mx > rx) mx = rx; /* fits */
-+ /* else use medium->q.x, i.e., the maximum */
-+ if (medium->p.y < my) /* non-empty height range */
-+ if (ry < medium->p.y) my = medium->p.y; /* minimum */
-+ else if (my > ry) my = ry; /* fits */
-+ /* else use medium->q.y, i.e., the maximum */
- /* Translate to align the centers. */
- gs_make_translation(mx / 2, my / 2, pmat);