path: root/www/libxul/files/patch-bug1073117
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Diffstat (limited to 'www/libxul/files/patch-bug1073117')
1 files changed, 877 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/libxul/files/patch-bug1073117 b/www/libxul/files/patch-bug1073117
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7708023aee70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/libxul/files/patch-bug1073117
@@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+diff --git widget/gtk/gtk2drawing.c widget/gtk/gtk2drawing.c
+index 34f22af..1b950ab 100644
+--- widget/gtk/gtk2drawing.c
++++ widget/gtk/gtk2drawing.c
+@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ moz_gtk_get_focus_outline_size(gint* focus_h_width, gint* focus_v_width)
+ }
++static gint
+ moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(GtkWidget* widget, gboolean* interior_focus,
+ gint* focus_width, gint* focus_pad)
+ {
+@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ moz_gtk_splitter_get_metrics(gint orientation, gint* size)
+ }
++static gint
+ moz_gtk_button_get_inner_border(GtkWidget* widget, GtkBorder* inner_border)
+ {
+ static const GtkBorder default_inner_border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
+diff --git widget/gtk/gtk3drawing.c widget/gtk/gtk3drawing.c
+index 08a58d6..7fef6fa 100644
+--- widget/gtk/gtk3drawing.c
++++ widget/gtk/gtk3drawing.c
+@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ static GtkWidget* gScrolledWindowWidget;
+ static style_prop_t style_prop_func;
+ static gboolean have_arrow_scaling;
+ static gboolean checkbox_check_state;
++static gboolean notebook_has_tab_gap;
+ static gboolean is_initialized;
+ #define ARROW_UP 0
+@@ -725,6 +726,14 @@ moz_gtk_init()
+ else
+ checkbox_check_state = GTK_STATE_FLAG_ACTIVE;
++ if(!gtk_check_version(3, 12, 0)) {
++ ensure_tab_widget();
++ gtk_widget_style_get(gTabWidget, "has-tab-gap", &notebook_has_tab_gap, NULL);
++ }
++ else {
++ notebook_has_tab_gap = TRUE;
++ }
+ /* Add style property to GtkEntry.
+ * Adding the style property to the normal GtkEntry class means that it
+ * will work without issues inside GtkComboBox and for Spinbuttons. */
+@@ -762,37 +771,17 @@ moz_gtk_radio_get_metrics(gint* indicator_size, gint* indicator_spacing)
+ gint
+ moz_gtk_get_focus_outline_size(gint* focus_h_width, gint* focus_v_width)
+ {
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+- gint focus_width = 0;
++ GtkBorder border;
++ GtkBorder padding;
++ GtkStyleContext *style;
+ ensure_entry_widget();
+- gtk_widget_style_get(gEntryWidget,
+- "interior-focus", &interior_focus,
+- "focus-line-width", &focus_width,
+- NULL);
+- if (interior_focus) {
+- GtkBorder border;
+- GtkStyleContext *style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gEntryWidget);
+- gtk_style_context_get_border(style, 0, &border);
+- *focus_h_width = border.left + focus_width;
+- *focus_v_width = border.top + focus_width;
+- } else {
+- *focus_h_width = focus_width;
+- *focus_v_width = focus_width;
+- }
+- return MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS;
+-moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(GtkWidget* widget, gboolean* interior_focus,
+- gint* focus_width, gint* focus_pad)
+- gtk_widget_style_get (widget,
+- "interior-focus", interior_focus,
+- "focus-line-width", focus_width,
+- "focus-padding", focus_pad,
+- NULL);
++ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gEntryWidget);
++ gtk_style_context_get_border(style, 0, &border);
++ gtk_style_context_get_padding(style, 0, &padding);
++ *focus_h_width = border.left + padding.left;
++ *focus_v_width = border.top + padding.top;
+ }
+@@ -880,24 +860,6 @@ moz_gtk_splitter_get_metrics(gint orientation, gint* size)
+ }
+-moz_gtk_button_get_inner_border(GtkWidget* widget, GtkBorder* inner_border)
+- static const GtkBorder default_inner_border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
+- GtkBorder *tmp_border;
+- gtk_widget_style_get (widget, "inner-border", &tmp_border, NULL);
+- if (tmp_border) {
+- *inner_border = *tmp_border;
+- gtk_border_free(tmp_border);
+- }
+- else
+- *inner_border = default_inner_border;
+- return MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS;
+ static gint
+ moz_gtk_button_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ GtkWidgetState* state,
+@@ -908,19 +870,8 @@ moz_gtk_button_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ GtkStyleContext* style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(widget);
+ gint x = rect->x, y=rect->y, width=rect->width, height=rect->height;
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+- gint focus_width, focus_pad;
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(widget, &interior_focus, &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+ gtk_widget_set_direction(widget, direction);
+- if (!interior_focus && state->focused) {
+- x += focus_width + focus_pad;
+- y += focus_width + focus_pad;
+- width -= 2 * (focus_width + focus_pad);
+- height -= 2 * (focus_width + focus_pad);
+- }
+ gtk_style_context_save(style);
+ gtk_style_context_set_state(style, state_flags);
+@@ -953,20 +904,12 @@ moz_gtk_button_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ }
+ if (state->focused) {
+- if (interior_focus) {
+- GtkBorder border;
+- gtk_style_context_get_border(style, state_flags, &border);
+- x += border.left + focus_pad;
+- y += border.top + focus_pad;
+- width -= 2 * (border.left + focus_pad);
+- height -= 2 * (border.top + focus_pad);
+- } else {
+- x -= focus_width + focus_pad;
+- y -= focus_width + focus_pad;
+- width += 2 * (focus_width + focus_pad);
+- height += 2 * (focus_width + focus_pad);
+- }
++ GtkBorder border;
++ gtk_style_context_get_border(style, state_flags, &border);
++ x += border.left;
++ y += border.top;
++ width -= (border.left + border.right);
++ height -= (border.top + border.bottom);
+ gtk_render_focus(style, cr, x, y, width, height);
+ }
+ gtk_style_context_restore(style);
+@@ -1056,33 +999,23 @@ calculate_button_inner_rect(GtkWidget* button, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ GtkTextDirection direction,
+ gboolean ignore_focus)
+ {
+- GtkBorder inner_border;
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+- gint focus_width, focus_pad;
+ GtkStyleContext* style;
+ GtkBorder border;
++ GtkBorder padding = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(button);
+ /* This mirrors gtkbutton's child positioning */
+- moz_gtk_button_get_inner_border(button, &inner_border);
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(button, &interior_focus,
+- &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+- if (ignore_focus)
+- focus_width = focus_pad = 0;
+ gtk_style_context_get_border(style, 0, &border);
++ if (!ignore_focus)
++ gtk_style_context_get_padding(style, 0, &padding);
+- inner_rect->x = rect->x + border.left + focus_width + focus_pad;
+- inner_rect->x += direction == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR ?
+- inner_border.left : inner_border.right;
+- inner_rect->y = rect->y + inner_border.top + border.top +
+- focus_width + focus_pad;
+- inner_rect->width = MAX(1, rect->width - inner_border.left -
+- inner_border.right - (border.left + focus_pad + focus_width) * 2);
+- inner_rect->height = MAX(1, rect->height - inner_border.top -
+- inner_border.bottom - (border.top + focus_pad + focus_width) * 2);
++ inner_rect->x = rect->x + border.left + padding.left;
++ inner_rect->y = rect->y + padding.top + border.top;
++ inner_rect->width = MAX(1, rect->width - padding.left -
++ padding.right - border.left * 2);
++ inner_rect->height = MAX(1, rect->height - padding.top -
++ padding.bottom - border.top * 2);
+ }
+@@ -1457,19 +1390,12 @@ moz_gtk_entry_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ {
+ gint x = rect->x, y = rect->y, width = rect->width, height = rect->height;
+ GtkStyleContext* style;
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+- gint focus_width;
+ int draw_focus_outline_only = state->depressed; // NS_THEME_FOCUS_OUTLINE
+ gtk_widget_set_direction(widget, direction);
+ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(widget);
+- gtk_widget_style_get(widget,
+- "interior-focus", &interior_focus,
+- "focus-line-width", &focus_width,
+- NULL);
+ if (draw_focus_outline_only) {
+ // Inflate the given 'rect' with the focus outline size.
+ gint h, v;
+@@ -1501,14 +1427,6 @@ moz_gtk_entry_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ /* This will get us the lit borders that focused textboxes enjoy on
+ * some themes. */
+ gtk_style_context_set_state(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_FOCUSED);
+- if (!interior_focus) {
+- /* Indent the border a little bit if we have exterior focus
+- (this is what GTK does to draw native entries) */
+- x += focus_width;
+- y += focus_width;
+- width -= 2 * focus_width;
+- height -= 2 * focus_width;
+- }
+ }
+ if (state->disabled) {
+@@ -1520,11 +1438,6 @@ moz_gtk_entry_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ }
+ gtk_render_frame(style, cr, x, y, width, height);
+- if (state->focused && !state->disabled) {
+- if (!interior_focus) {
+- gtk_render_focus(style, cr, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
+- }
+- }
+ gtk_style_context_restore(style);
+@@ -1829,8 +1742,6 @@ moz_gtk_container_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ GtkStateFlags state_flags = GetStateFlagsFromGtkWidgetState(state);
+ GtkStyleContext* style;
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+- gint focus_width, focus_pad;
+ if (isradio) {
+ ensure_radiobutton_widget();
+@@ -1843,7 +1754,6 @@ moz_gtk_container_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(widget);
+ gtk_style_context_save(style);
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(widget, &interior_focus, &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+ gtk_style_context_set_state(style, state_flags);
+ /* this is for drawing a prelight box */
+@@ -1852,10 +1762,6 @@ moz_gtk_container_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
+ }
+- if (state->focused && !interior_focus) {
+- gtk_render_focus(style, cr,
+- rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
+- }
+ gtk_style_context_restore(style);
+@@ -1868,7 +1774,6 @@ moz_gtk_toggle_label_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ {
+ GtkStyleContext *style;
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+ if (!state->focused)
+@@ -1889,10 +1794,6 @@ moz_gtk_toggle_label_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ }
+ gtk_widget_set_direction(widget, direction);
+- gtk_widget_style_get(widget, "interior-focus", &interior_focus, NULL);
+- if (!interior_focus)
+- return MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS;
+ gtk_style_context_set_state(style, GetStateFlagsFromGtkWidgetState(state));
+ gtk_render_focus(style, cr,
+ rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
+@@ -2105,6 +2015,9 @@ moz_gtk_get_tab_thickness(void)
+ GtkStyleContext * style;
+ ensure_tab_widget();
++ if (!notebook_has_tab_gap)
++ return 0; /* tabs do not overdraw the tabpanel border with "no gap" style */
+ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gTabWidget);
+ gtk_style_context_add_class(style, GTK_STYLE_CLASS_NOTEBOOK);
+ gtk_style_context_get_border(style, 0, &border);
+@@ -2150,7 +2063,7 @@ moz_gtk_tab_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ ensure_tab_widget();
+ gtk_widget_set_direction(gTabWidget, direction);
+- style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gTabWidget);
++ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gTabWidget);
+ gtk_style_context_save(style);
+ moz_gtk_tab_prepare_style_context(style, flags);
+@@ -2167,143 +2080,155 @@ moz_gtk_tab_paint(cairo_t *cr, GdkRectangle* rect,
+ focusRect = backRect = tabRect;
+- if ((flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_SELECTED) == 0) {
+- /* Only draw the tab */
+- gtk_render_extension(style, cr,
+- tabRect.x, tabRect.y, tabRect.width, tabRect.height,
+- (flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_BOTTOM) ?
+- } else {
+- /* Draw the tab and the gap
+- * We want the gap to be positioned exactly on the tabpanel top
+- * border; since tabbox.css may set a negative margin so that the tab
+- * frame rect already overlaps the tabpanel frame rect, we need to take
+- * that into account when drawing. To that effect, nsNativeThemeGTK
+- * passes us this negative margin (bmargin in the graphic below) in the
+- * lowest bits of |flags|. We use it to set gap_voffset, the distance
+- * between the top of the gap and the bottom of the tab (resp. the
+- * bottom of the gap and the top of the tab when we draw a bottom tab),
+- * while ensuring that the gap always touches the border of the tab,
+- * i.e. 0 <= gap_voffset <= gap_height, to avoid surprinsing results
+- * with big negative or positive margins.
+- * Here is a graphical explanation in the case of top tabs:
+- * ___________________________
+- * / \
+- * | T A B |
+- * ----------|. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|----- top of tabpanel
+- * : ^ bmargin : ^
+- * : | (-negative margin, : |
+- * bottom : v passed in flags) : | gap_height
+- * of -> :.............................: | (the size of the
+- * the tab . part of the gap . | tabpanel top border)
+- * . outside of the tab . v
+- * ----------------------------------------------
+- *
+- * To draw the gap, we use gtk_paint_box_gap(), see comment in
+- * moz_gtk_tabpanels_paint(). This box_gap is made 3 * gap_height tall,
+- * which should suffice to ensure that the only visible border is the
+- * pierced one. If the tab is in the middle, we make the box_gap begin
+- * a bit to the left of the tab and end a bit to the right, adjusting
+- * the gap position so it still is under the tab, because we want the
+- * rendering of a gap in the middle of a tabpanel. This is the role of
+- * the gints gap_{l,r}_offset. On the contrary, if the tab is the
+- * first, we align the start border of the box_gap with the start
+- * border of the tab (left if LTR, right if RTL), by setting the
+- * appropriate offset to 0.*/
+- gint gap_loffset, gap_roffset, gap_voffset, gap_height;
+- /* Get height needed by the gap */
+- gap_height = moz_gtk_get_tab_thickness();
+- /* Extract gap_voffset from the first bits of flags */
+- gap_voffset = flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_MARGIN_MASK;
+- if (gap_voffset > gap_height)
+- gap_voffset = gap_height;
+- /* Set gap_{l,r}_offset to appropriate values */
+- gap_loffset = gap_roffset = 20; /* should be enough */
+- if (flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_FIRST) {
+- if (direction == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL)
+- gap_roffset = initial_gap;
+- else
+- gap_loffset = initial_gap;
+- }
+- if (flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_BOTTOM) {
+- /* Draw the tab on bottom */
+- focusRect.y += gap_voffset;
+- focusRect.height -= gap_voffset;
++ if (notebook_has_tab_gap) {
++ if ((flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_SELECTED) == 0) {
++ /* Only draw the tab */
+ gtk_render_extension(style, cr,
+- tabRect.x, tabRect.y + gap_voffset, tabRect.width,
+- tabRect.height - gap_voffset, GTK_POS_TOP);
+- gtk_style_context_remove_region(style, GTK_STYLE_REGION_TAB);
+- backRect.y += (gap_voffset - gap_height);
+- backRect.height = gap_height;
+- /* Draw the gap; erase with background color before painting in
+- * case theme does not */
+- gtk_render_background(style, cr, backRect.x, backRect.y,
+- backRect.width, backRect.height);
+- cairo_save(cr);
+- cairo_rectangle(cr, backRect.x, backRect.y, backRect.width, backRect.height);
+- cairo_clip(cr);
+- gtk_render_frame_gap(style, cr,
+- tabRect.x - gap_loffset,
+- tabRect.y + gap_voffset - 3 * gap_height,
+- tabRect.width + gap_loffset + gap_roffset,
+- 3 * gap_height, GTK_POS_BOTTOM,
+- gap_loffset, gap_loffset + tabRect.width);
+- cairo_restore(cr);
++ tabRect.x, tabRect.y, tabRect.width, tabRect.height,
++ (flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_BOTTOM) ?
+ } else {
+- /* Draw the tab on top */
+- focusRect.height -= gap_voffset;
+- gtk_render_extension(style, cr,
+- tabRect.x, tabRect.y, tabRect.width,
+- tabRect.height - gap_voffset, GTK_POS_BOTTOM);
+- gtk_style_context_remove_region(style, GTK_STYLE_REGION_TAB);
+- backRect.y += (tabRect.height - gap_voffset);
+- backRect.height = gap_height;
+- /* Draw the gap; erase with background color before painting in
+- * case theme does not */
+- gtk_render_background(style, cr, backRect.x, backRect.y,
+- backRect.width, backRect.height);
+- cairo_save(cr);
+- cairo_rectangle(cr, backRect.x, backRect.y, backRect.width, backRect.height);
+- cairo_clip(cr);
+- gtk_render_frame_gap(style, cr,
+- tabRect.x - gap_loffset,
+- tabRect.y + tabRect.height - gap_voffset,
+- tabRect.width + gap_loffset + gap_roffset,
+- 3 * gap_height, GTK_POS_TOP,
+- gap_loffset, gap_loffset + tabRect.width);
+- cairo_restore(cr);
++ /* Draw the tab and the gap
++ * We want the gap to be positioned exactly on the tabpanel top
++ * border; since tabbox.css may set a negative margin so that the tab
++ * frame rect already overlaps the tabpanel frame rect, we need to take
++ * that into account when drawing. To that effect, nsNativeThemeGTK
++ * passes us this negative margin (bmargin in the graphic below) in the
++ * lowest bits of |flags|. We use it to set gap_voffset, the distance
++ * between the top of the gap and the bottom of the tab (resp. the
++ * bottom of the gap and the top of the tab when we draw a bottom tab),
++ * while ensuring that the gap always touches the border of the tab,
++ * i.e. 0 <= gap_voffset <= gap_height, to avoid surprinsing results
++ * with big negative or positive margins.
++ * Here is a graphical explanation in the case of top tabs:
++ * ___________________________
++ * / \
++ * | T A B |
++ * ----------|. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|----- top of tabpanel
++ * : ^ bmargin : ^
++ * : | (-negative margin, : |
++ * bottom : v passed in flags) : | gap_height
++ * of -> :.............................: | (the size of the
++ * the tab . part of the gap . | tabpanel top border)
++ * . outside of the tab . v
++ * ----------------------------------------------
++ *
++ * To draw the gap, we use gtk_paint_box_gap(), see comment in
++ * moz_gtk_tabpanels_paint(). This box_gap is made 3 * gap_height tall,
++ * which should suffice to ensure that the only visible border is the
++ * pierced one. If the tab is in the middle, we make the box_gap begin
++ * a bit to the left of the tab and end a bit to the right, adjusting
++ * the gap position so it still is under the tab, because we want the
++ * rendering of a gap in the middle of a tabpanel. This is the role of
++ * the gints gap_{l,r}_offset. On the contrary, if the tab is the
++ * first, we align the start border of the box_gap with the start
++ * border of the tab (left if LTR, right if RTL), by setting the
++ * appropriate offset to 0.*/
++ gint gap_loffset, gap_roffset, gap_voffset, gap_height;
++ /* Get height needed by the gap */
++ gap_height = moz_gtk_get_tab_thickness();
++ /* Extract gap_voffset from the first bits of flags */
++ gap_voffset = flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_MARGIN_MASK;
++ if (gap_voffset > gap_height)
++ gap_voffset = gap_height;
++ /* Set gap_{l,r}_offset to appropriate values */
++ gap_loffset = gap_roffset = 20; /* should be enough */
++ if (flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_FIRST) {
++ if (direction == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL)
++ gap_roffset = initial_gap;
++ else
++ gap_loffset = initial_gap;
++ }
++ if (flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_BOTTOM) {
++ /* Draw the tab on bottom */
++ focusRect.y += gap_voffset;
++ focusRect.height -= gap_voffset;
++ gtk_render_extension(style, cr,
++ tabRect.x, tabRect.y + gap_voffset, tabRect.width,
++ tabRect.height - gap_voffset, GTK_POS_TOP);
++ gtk_style_context_remove_region(style, GTK_STYLE_REGION_TAB);
++ backRect.y += (gap_voffset - gap_height);
++ backRect.height = gap_height;
++ /* Draw the gap; erase with background color before painting in
++ * case theme does not */
++ gtk_render_background(style, cr, backRect.x, backRect.y,
++ backRect.width, backRect.height);
++ cairo_save(cr);
++ cairo_rectangle(cr, backRect.x, backRect.y, backRect.width, backRect.height);
++ cairo_clip(cr);
++ gtk_render_frame_gap(style, cr,
++ tabRect.x - gap_loffset,
++ tabRect.y + gap_voffset - 3 * gap_height,
++ tabRect.width + gap_loffset + gap_roffset,
++ 3 * gap_height, GTK_POS_BOTTOM,
++ gap_loffset, gap_loffset + tabRect.width);
++ cairo_restore(cr);
++ } else {
++ /* Draw the tab on top */
++ focusRect.height -= gap_voffset;
++ gtk_render_extension(style, cr,
++ tabRect.x, tabRect.y, tabRect.width,
++ tabRect.height - gap_voffset, GTK_POS_BOTTOM);
++ gtk_style_context_remove_region(style, GTK_STYLE_REGION_TAB);
++ backRect.y += (tabRect.height - gap_voffset);
++ backRect.height = gap_height;
++ /* Draw the gap; erase with background color before painting in
++ * case theme does not */
++ gtk_render_background(style, cr, backRect.x, backRect.y,
++ backRect.width, backRect.height);
++ cairo_save(cr);
++ cairo_rectangle(cr, backRect.x, backRect.y, backRect.width, backRect.height);
++ cairo_clip(cr);
++ gtk_render_frame_gap(style, cr,
++ tabRect.x - gap_loffset,
++ tabRect.y + tabRect.height - gap_voffset,
++ tabRect.width + gap_loffset + gap_roffset,
++ 3 * gap_height, GTK_POS_TOP,
++ gap_loffset, gap_loffset + tabRect.width);
++ cairo_restore(cr);
++ }
+ }
++ } else {
++ gtk_render_background(style, cr, tabRect.x, tabRect.y, tabRect.width, tabRect.height);
++ gtk_render_frame(style, cr, tabRect.x, tabRect.y, tabRect.width, tabRect.height);
+ }
++ gtk_style_context_restore(style);
+ if (state->focused) {
+ /* Paint the focus ring */
+- GtkBorder border;
+- gtk_style_context_get_border(style, GetStateFlagsFromGtkWidgetState(state), &border);
++ GtkBorder padding;
++ gtk_style_context_save(style);
++ moz_gtk_tab_prepare_style_context(style, flags);
+- focusRect.x += border.left;
+- focusRect.width -= (border.left + border.right);
+- focusRect.y += border.top;
+- focusRect.height -= (border.top + border.bottom);
++ gtk_style_context_get_padding(style, GetStateFlagsFromGtkWidgetState(state), &padding);
++ focusRect.x += padding.left;
++ focusRect.width -= (padding.left + padding.right);
++ focusRect.y += padding.top;
++ focusRect.height -= (padding.top + padding.bottom);
+ gtk_render_focus(style, cr,
+ focusRect.x, focusRect.y, focusRect.width, focusRect.height);
++ gtk_style_context_restore(style);
+ }
+- gtk_style_context_restore(style);
+ }
+@@ -2684,26 +2609,18 @@ moz_gtk_get_widget_border(GtkThemeWidgetType widget, gint* left, gint* top,
+ switch (widget) {
+ {
+- GtkBorder inner_border;
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+- gint focus_width, focus_pad;
+ ensure_button_widget();
++ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gButtonWidget);
+ *left = *top = *right = *bottom = gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(gButtonWidget));
+ /* Don't add this padding in HTML, otherwise the buttons will
+ become too big and stuff the layout. */
+ if (!inhtml) {
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(gButtonWidget, &interior_focus, &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+- moz_gtk_button_get_inner_border(gButtonWidget, &inner_border);
+- *left += focus_width + focus_pad + inner_border.left;
+- *right += focus_width + focus_pad + inner_border.right;
+- *top += focus_width + focus_pad + inner_border.top;
+- *bottom += focus_width + focus_pad + inner_border.bottom;
++ moz_gtk_add_style_padding(style, left, top, right, bottom);
+ }
+- moz_gtk_add_style_border(gtk_widget_get_style_context(gButtonWidget),
+- left, top, right, bottom);
++ moz_gtk_add_style_border(style, left, top, right, bottom);
+ }
+@@ -2717,7 +2610,13 @@ moz_gtk_get_widget_border(GtkThemeWidgetType widget, gint* left, gint* top,
+ ensure_entry_widget();
+ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gEntryWidget);
+ moz_gtk_add_style_border(style, left, top, right, bottom);
+- moz_gtk_add_style_padding(style, left, top, right, bottom);
++ /* Use the document padding in HTML
++ and GTK style padding in XUL. */
++ if (!inhtml) {
++ moz_gtk_add_style_padding(style, left, top, right, bottom);
++ }
+ }
+@@ -2737,23 +2636,15 @@ moz_gtk_get_widget_border(GtkThemeWidgetType widget, gint* left, gint* top,
+ * assigned.
+ * That is why the following code is the same as for MOZ_GTK_BUTTON.
+ * */
+- GtkBorder inner_border;
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+- gint focus_width, focus_pad;
++ GtkStyleContext *style;
+ ensure_tree_header_cell_widget();
+ *left = *top = *right = *bottom = gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(gTreeHeaderCellWidget));
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(gTreeHeaderCellWidget, &interior_focus, &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+- moz_gtk_button_get_inner_border(gTreeHeaderCellWidget, &inner_border);
+- *left += focus_width + focus_pad + inner_border.left;
+- *right += focus_width + focus_pad + inner_border.right;
+- *top += focus_width + focus_pad + inner_border.top;
+- *bottom += focus_width + focus_pad + inner_border.bottom;
+- moz_gtk_add_style_border(gtk_widget_get_style_context(gTreeHeaderCellWidget),
+- left, top, right, bottom);
++ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gTreeHeaderCellWidget);
++ moz_gtk_add_style_border(style, left, top, right, bottom);
++ moz_gtk_add_style_padding(style, left, top, right, bottom);
+ }
+@@ -2773,29 +2664,23 @@ moz_gtk_get_widget_border(GtkThemeWidgetType widget, gint* left, gint* top,
+ /* We need to account for the arrow on the dropdown, so text
+ * doesn't come too close to the arrow, or in some cases spill
+ * into the arrow. */
+- gboolean ignored_interior_focus, wide_separators;
+- gint focus_width, focus_pad, separator_width;
++ gboolean wide_separators;
++ gint separator_width;
+ GtkRequisition arrow_req;
+ GtkBorder border;
+ ensure_combo_box_widgets();
+- *left = gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(gComboBoxButtonWidget));
++ *left = *top = *right = *bottom =
++ gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(gComboBoxButtonWidget));
++ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gComboBoxButtonWidget);
+ if (!inhtml) {
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(gComboBoxButtonWidget,
+- &ignored_interior_focus,
+- &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+- *left += focus_width + focus_pad;
++ moz_gtk_add_style_padding(style, left, top, right, bottom);
+ }
+- style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gComboBoxButtonWidget);
+- gtk_style_context_get_border(style, 0, &border);
+- *top = *left + border.top;
+- *left += border.left;
+- *right = *left; *bottom = *top;
++ moz_gtk_add_style_border(style, left, top, right, bottom);
+ /* If there is no separator, don't try to count its width. */
+ separator_width = 0;
+@@ -2847,60 +2732,23 @@ moz_gtk_get_widget_border(GtkThemeWidgetType widget, gint* left, gint* top,
+ ensure_frame_widget();
+ w = gFrameWidget;
+ break;
+- {
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+- gint focus_width, focus_pad;
+- /* If the focus is interior, then the label has a border of
+- (focus_width + focus_pad). */
+- if (widget == MOZ_GTK_CHECKBUTTON_LABEL) {
+- ensure_checkbox_widget();
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(gCheckboxWidget, &interior_focus,
+- &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+- }
+- else {
+- ensure_radiobutton_widget();
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(gRadiobuttonWidget, &interior_focus,
+- &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+- }
+- if (interior_focus)
+- *left = *top = *right = *bottom = (focus_width + focus_pad);
+- return MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS;
+- }
+ {
+- gboolean interior_focus;
+- gint focus_width, focus_pad;
+- /* If the focus is _not_ interior, then the container has a border
+- of (focus_width + focus_pad). */
+ ensure_checkbox_widget();
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(gCheckboxWidget, &interior_focus,
+- &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+ w = gCheckboxWidget;
+ } else {
+ ensure_radiobutton_widget();
+- moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(gRadiobuttonWidget, &interior_focus,
+- &focus_width, &focus_pad);
+ w = gRadiobuttonWidget;
+ }
++ style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(w);
+ *left = *top = *right = *bottom = gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(w));
+- if (!interior_focus) {
+- *left += (focus_width + focus_pad);
+- *right += (focus_width + focus_pad);
+- *top += (focus_width + focus_pad);
+- *bottom += (focus_width + focus_pad);
+- }
++ moz_gtk_add_style_border(style,
++ left, top, right, bottom);
++ moz_gtk_add_style_padding(style,
++ left, top, right, bottom);
+ }
+@@ -2927,6 +2775,8 @@ moz_gtk_get_widget_border(GtkThemeWidgetType widget, gint* left, gint* top,
+ }
+ /* These widgets have no borders, since they are not containers. */
+@@ -2975,11 +2849,7 @@ moz_gtk_get_tab_border(gint* left, gint* top, gint* right, gint* bottom,
+ gtk_style_context_save(style);
+ moz_gtk_tab_prepare_style_context(style, flags);
+- // TODO add_style_border() should be replaced
+- // with focus-line-width and focus-padding
+- // see Bug 877605
+ *left = *top = *right = *bottom = 0;
+- moz_gtk_add_style_border(style, left, top, right, bottom);
+ moz_gtk_add_style_padding(style, left, top, right, bottom);
+ gtk_widget_style_get (gTabWidget, "tab-curvature", &tab_curvature, NULL);
+@@ -2990,16 +2860,9 @@ moz_gtk_get_tab_border(gint* left, gint* top, gint* right, gint* bottom,
+ int initial_gap;
+ gtk_widget_style_get (gTabWidget, "initial-gap", &initial_gap, NULL);
+ if (direction == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL)
+- *right += initial_gap;
++ *right += initial_gap;
+ else
+- *left += initial_gap;
+- }
+- // Top tabs have no bottom border, bottom tabs have no top border
+- if (flags & MOZ_GTK_TAB_BOTTOM) {
+- *top = 0;
+- } else {
+- *bottom = 0;
++ *left += initial_gap;
+ }
+ gtk_style_context_restore(style);
+diff --git widget/gtk/gtkdrawing.h widget/gtk/gtkdrawing.h
+index 1938e8f..5f71cfd 100644
+--- widget/gtk/gtkdrawing.h
++++ widget/gtk/gtkdrawing.h
+@@ -293,16 +293,6 @@ moz_gtk_checkbox_get_metrics(gint* indicator_size, gint* indicator_spacing);
+ gint
+ moz_gtk_radio_get_metrics(gint* indicator_size, gint* indicator_spacing);
+- * Get the inner-border value for a GtkButton widget (button or tree header)
+- * widget: [IN] the widget to get the border value for
+- * inner_border: [OUT] the inner border
+- *
+- * returns: MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+- */
+-moz_gtk_button_get_inner_border(GtkWidget* widget, GtkBorder* inner_border);
+ /** Get the extra size for the focus ring for outline:auto.
+ * widget: [IN] the widget to get the focus metrics for
+ * focus_h_width: [OUT] the horizontal width
+@@ -313,19 +303,6 @@ moz_gtk_button_get_inner_border(GtkWidget* widget, GtkBorder* inner_border);
+ gint
+ moz_gtk_get_focus_outline_size(gint* focus_h_width, gint* focus_v_width);
+-/** Get the focus metrics for a treeheadercell, button, checkbox, or radio button.
+- * widget: [IN] the widget to get the focus metrics for
+- * interior_focus: [OUT] whether the focus is drawn around the
+- * label (TRUE) or around the whole container (FALSE)
+- * focus_width: [OUT] the width of the focus line
+- * focus_pad: [OUT] the padding between the focus line and children
+- *
+- * returns: MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+- */
+-moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(GtkWidget* widget, gboolean* interior_focus,
+- gint* focus_width, gint* focus_pad);
+ /** Get the horizontal padding for the menuitem widget or checkmenuitem widget.
+ * horizontal_padding: [OUT] The left and right padding of the menuitem or checkmenuitem
+ *
+diff --git widget/gtk/nsNativeThemeGTK.cpp widget/gtk/nsNativeThemeGTK.cpp
+index e5e1867..76d28e3 100644
+--- widget/gtk/nsNativeThemeGTK.cpp
++++ widget/gtk/nsNativeThemeGTK.cpp
+@@ -761,6 +761,8 @@ nsNativeThemeGTK::GetExtraSizeForWidget(nsIFrame* aFrame, uint8_t aWidgetType,
+ return false;
+ gint gap_height = moz_gtk_get_tab_thickness();
++ if (!gap_height)
++ return false;
+ int32_t extra = gap_height - GetTabMarginPixels(aFrame);
+ if (extra <= 0)