path: root/www
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Diffstat (limited to 'www')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/gnujsp/files/gnujsp.properties.in b/www/gnujsp/files/gnujsp.properties.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..514592775d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/gnujsp/files/gnujsp.properties.in
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# This is an example gnujsp properties file
+# It's origin is with the INSTALL.apache document in the gnujsp-1.0.0
+# distribution, but is hacked for automagic installation on FreeBSD by
+# girgen@partitur.se
+# To get started, first set up apache with jserv to function properly,
+# then add the following to your apache.conf:
+# ApJServAction .jsp /gnujsp/gnujsp
+# ApJServMount /gnujsp /gnujsp
+# and add the zone gnujsp to your jserv configuration:
+# zones=gnujsp
+# gnujsp.properties=%%PREFIX%%/etc/apache/gnujsp.properties
+# Last, create a scratch directory for gnujsp, writable by your web
+# server userid (usually 'nobody'). The default directory path is
+# %%PREFIX%%/www/gnujsp
+# List of Repositories
+# Classloader parameters
+# Enable servlet resourced autoreloading (properties and other
+# loaded resources)
+# Servlet Aliases
+# Note: if using webl or Acme stuff, add the jars here too
+# if you added them to the repositories above (alph)
+# In my real settings I added: usepackages=true,language=de,country=de
+# but I guess you may prefer the default locale :-) (alph)
+servlet.gnujsp.initArgs=checkclass=true,pagebase=%%PREFIX%%/www/data,scratchdir=%%PREFIX%%/www/gnujsp,debug=true,compiler=builtin-javac -classpath %classpath%:%scratchdir%:%%PREFIX%%/gnujsp10.jar:%%PREFIX%%/servlet-2.0-plus.jar -d %scratchdir% -deprecation %source%