path: root/x11-toolkits
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-toolkits')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1571 deletions
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/Makefile b/x11-toolkits/Makefile
index c8dc9c090ac5..e53571764f71 100644
--- a/x11-toolkits/Makefile
+++ b/x11-toolkits/Makefile
@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@
SUBDIR += tile
SUBDIR += tix
SUBDIR += tk-wrapper
- SUBDIR += tk80
SUBDIR += tk82
SUBDIR += tk83
SUBDIR += tk84
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/tk80/Makefile b/x11-toolkits/tk80/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 40d0d3e49eb8..000000000000
--- a/x11-toolkits/tk80/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: tk8.0
-# Date created: 19 August 1997
-# Whom: jkh
-# $FreeBSD$
-CATEGORIES= x11-toolkits tk
-COMMENT= Graphical toolkit for TCL
-USE_TCL= 80
-USE_XORG= x11
-CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-shared
-MAKEFILE= makefile
-TK_LIB= libtk80.so
-OPTIONS= TK80_MAN "Install tk 8.0 manpages" off
-DEPRECATED= tcl8.0 support is going to be dropped
-EXPIRATION_DATE= 2009-03-22
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if !defined(NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES) && defined(WITH_TK80_MAN)
-MAN1= wish.1
-MAN3= 3DBorder.3 BindTable.3 CanvPsY.3 CanvTkwin.3 CanvTxtInfo.3 \
- Clipboard.3 ClrSelect.3 ConfigWidg.3 ConfigWind.3 CoordToWin.3 \
- CrtErrHdlr.3 CrtGenHdlr.3 CrtImgType.3 CrtItemType.3 CrtPhImgFmt.3 \
- CrtSelHdlr.3 CrtWindow.3 DeleteImg.3 DrawFocHlt.3 EventHndlr.3 \
- FindPhoto.3 FontId.3 FreeXId.3 GeomReq.3 GetAnchor.3 GetBitmap.3 \
- GetCapStyl.3 GetClrmap.3 GetColor.3 GetCursor.3 GetFont.3 GetGC.3 \
- GetImage.3 GetJoinStl.3 GetJustify.3 GetOption.3 GetPixels.3 \
- GetPixmap.3 GetRelief.3 GetRootCrd.3 GetScroll.3 GetSelect.3 \
- GetUid.3 GetVRoot.3 GetVisual.3 HandleEvent.3 IdToWindow.3 \
- ImgChanged.3 InternAtom.3 MainLoop.3 MainWin.3 MaintGeom.3 \
- ManageGeom.3 MapWindow.3 MeasureChar.3 MoveToplev.3 Name.3 \
- NameOfImg.3 OwnSelect.3 ParseArgv.3 QWinEvent.3 Restack.3 \
- RestrictEv.3 SetAppName.3 SetClass.3 SetGrid.3 SetVisual.3 \
- StrictMotif.3 TextLayout.3 Tk_Init.3 Tk_Main.3 WindowId.3
-MANN= bell.n bind.n bindtags.n bitmap.n button.n canvas.n checkbutton.n \
- chooseColor.n clipboard.n destroy.n dialog.n entry.n event.n \
- focus.n focusNext.n font.n frame.n getOpenFile.n grab.n \
- grid.n image.n label.n listbox.n loadTk.n lower.n menu.n menubar.n \
- menubutton.n message.n messageBox.n option.n optionMenu.n options.n \
- pack-old.n palette.n photo.n place.n popup.n radiobutton.n \
- raise.n scale.n scrollbar.n selection.n send.n text.n tk.n \
- tkerror.n tkvars.n tkwait.n toplevel.n winfo.n wm.n
-# MLINKS generated via awk '/ln/ {print "\t" $2,$3,"\\"}' unix/mkLinks
-MLINKS= 3DBorder.3 Tk_Get3DBorder.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_Draw3DRectangle.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_Fill3DRectangle.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_Draw3DPolygon.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_Fill3DPolygon.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_3DVerticalBevel.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_3DHorizontalBevel.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_NameOf3DBorder.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_3DBorderColor.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_3DBorderGC.3 \
- 3DBorder.3 Tk_Free3DBorder.3 \
- BindTable.3 Tk_CreateBindingTable.3 \
- BindTable.3 Tk_DeleteBindingTable.3 \
- BindTable.3 Tk_CreateBinding.3 \
- BindTable.3 Tk_DeleteBinding.3 \
- BindTable.3 Tk_GetBinding.3 \
- BindTable.3 Tk_GetAllBindings.3 \
- BindTable.3 Tk_DeleteAllBindings.3 \
- BindTable.3 Tk_BindEvent.3 \
- CanvPsY.3 Tk_CanvasPsY.3 \
- CanvPsY.3 Tk_CanvasPsBitmap.3 \
- CanvPsY.3 Tk_CanvasPsColor.3 \
- CanvPsY.3 Tk_CanvasPsFont.3 \
- CanvPsY.3 Tk_CanvasPsPath.3 \
- CanvPsY.3 Tk_CanvasPsStipple.3 \
- CanvTkwin.3 Tk_CanvasTkwin.3 \
- CanvTkwin.3 Tk_CanvasGetCoord.3 \
- CanvTkwin.3 Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords.3 \
- CanvTkwin.3 Tk_CanvasSetStippleOrigin.3 \
- CanvTkwin.3 Tk_CanvasWindowCoords.3 \
- CanvTkwin.3 Tk_CanvasEventuallyRedraw.3 \
- CanvTkwin.3 Tk_CanvasTagsOption.3 \
- CanvTxtInfo.3 Tk_CanvasTextInfo.3 \
- Clipboard.3 Tk_ClipboardClear.3 \
- Clipboard.3 Tk_ClipboardAppend.3 \
- ClrSelect.3 Tk_ClearSelection.3 \
- ConfigWidg.3 Tk_ConfigureWidget.3 \
- ConfigWidg.3 Tk_Offset.3 \
- ConfigWidg.3 Tk_ConfigureInfo.3 \
- ConfigWidg.3 Tk_ConfigureValue.3 \
- ConfigWidg.3 Tk_FreeOptions.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_ConfigureWindow.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_MoveWindow.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_ResizeWindow.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_MoveResizeWindow.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_SetWindowBackground.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_SetWindowBorder.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_SetWindowColormap.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_DefineCursor.3 \
- ConfigWind.3 Tk_UndefineCursor.3 \
- CoordToWin.3 Tk_CoordsToWindow.3 \
- CrtErrHdlr.3 Tk_CreateErrorHandler.3 \
- CrtErrHdlr.3 Tk_DeleteErrorHandler.3 \
- CrtGenHdlr.3 Tk_CreateGenericHandler.3 \
- CrtGenHdlr.3 Tk_DeleteGenericHandler.3 \
- CrtImgType.3 Tk_CreateImageType.3 \
- CrtImgType.3 Tk_GetImageMasterData.3 \
- CrtItemType.3 Tk_CreateItemType.3 \
- CrtItemType.3 Tk_GetItemTypes.3 \
- CrtPhImgFmt.3 Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat.3 \
- CrtSelHdlr.3 Tk_CreateSelHandler.3 \
- CrtSelHdlr.3 Tk_DeleteSelHandler.3 \
- CrtWindow.3 Tk_CreateWindow.3 \
- CrtWindow.3 Tk_CreateWindowFromPath.3 \
- CrtWindow.3 Tk_DestroyWindow.3 \
- CrtWindow.3 Tk_MakeWindowExist.3 \
- DeleteImg.3 Tk_DeleteImage.3 \
- DrawFocHlt.3 Tk_DrawFocusHighlight.3 \
- EventHndlr.3 Tk_CreateEventHandler.3 \
- EventHndlr.3 Tk_DeleteEventHandler.3 \
- FindPhoto.3 Tk_FindPhoto.3 \
- FindPhoto.3 Tk_PhotoPutBlock.3 \
- FindPhoto.3 Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock.3 \
- FindPhoto.3 Tk_PhotoGetImage.3 \
- FindPhoto.3 Tk_PhotoBlank.3 \
- FindPhoto.3 Tk_PhotoExpand.3 \
- FindPhoto.3 Tk_PhotoGetSize.3 \
- FindPhoto.3 Tk_PhotoSetSize.3 \
- FontId.3 Tk_FontId.3 \
- FontId.3 Tk_FontMetrics.3 \
- FontId.3 Tk_PostscriptFontName.3 \
- FreeXId.3 Tk_FreeXId.3 \
- GeomReq.3 Tk_GeometryRequest.3 \
- GeomReq.3 Tk_SetInternalBorder.3 \
- GetAnchor.3 Tk_GetAnchor.3 \
- GetAnchor.3 Tk_NameOfAnchor.3 \
- GetBitmap.3 Tk_GetBitmap.3 \
- GetBitmap.3 Tk_DefineBitmap.3 \
- GetBitmap.3 Tk_NameOfBitmap.3 \
- GetBitmap.3 Tk_SizeOfBitmap.3 \
- GetBitmap.3 Tk_FreeBitmap.3 \
- GetBitmap.3 Tk_GetBitmapFromData.3 \
- GetCapStyl.3 Tk_GetCapStyle.3 \
- GetCapStyl.3 Tk_NameOfCapStyle.3 \
- GetClrmap.3 Tk_GetColormap.3 \
- GetClrmap.3 Tk_FreeColormap.3 \
- GetColor.3 Tk_GetColor.3 \
- GetColor.3 Tk_GetColorByValue.3 \
- GetColor.3 Tk_NameOfColor.3 \
- GetColor.3 Tk_FreeColor.3 \
- GetCursor.3 Tk_GetCursor.3 \
- GetCursor.3 Tk_GetCursorFromData.3 \
- GetCursor.3 Tk_NameOfCursor.3 \
- GetCursor.3 Tk_FreeCursor.3 \
- GetFont.3 Tk_GetFont.3 \
- GetFont.3 Tk_NameOfFont.3 \
- GetFont.3 Tk_FreeFont.3 \
- GetGC.3 Tk_GetGC.3 \
- GetGC.3 Tk_FreeGC.3 \
- GetImage.3 Tk_GetImage.3 \
- GetImage.3 Tk_RedrawImage.3 \
- GetImage.3 Tk_SizeOfImage.3 \
- GetImage.3 Tk_FreeImage.3 \
- GetJoinStl.3 Tk_GetJoinStyle.3 \
- GetJoinStl.3 Tk_NameOfJoinStyle.3 \
- GetJustify.3 Tk_GetJustify.3 \
- GetJustify.3 Tk_NameOfJustify.3 \
- GetOption.3 Tk_GetOption.3 \
- GetPixels.3 Tk_GetPixels.3 \
- GetPixels.3 Tk_GetScreenMM.3 \
- GetPixmap.3 Tk_GetPixmap.3 \
- GetPixmap.3 Tk_FreePixmap.3 \
- GetRelief.3 Tk_GetRelief.3 \
- GetRelief.3 Tk_NameOfRelief.3 \
- GetRootCrd.3 Tk_GetRootCoords.3 \
- GetScroll.3 Tk_GetScrollInfo.3 \
- GetSelect.3 Tk_GetSelection.3 \
- GetUid.3 Tk_GetUid.3 \
- GetUid.3 Tk_Uid.3 \
- GetVRoot.3 Tk_GetVRootGeometry.3 \
- GetVisual.3 Tk_GetVisual.3 \
- HandleEvent.3 Tk_HandleEvent.3 \
- IdToWindow.3 Tk_IdToWindow.3 \
- ImgChanged.3 Tk_ImageChanged.3 \
- InternAtom.3 Tk_InternAtom.3 \
- InternAtom.3 Tk_GetAtomName.3 \
- MainLoop.3 Tk_MainLoop.3 \
- MainWin.3 Tk_MainWindow.3 \
- MaintGeom.3 Tk_MaintainGeometry.3 \
- MaintGeom.3 Tk_UnmaintainGeometry.3 \
- ManageGeom.3 Tk_ManageGeometry.3 \
- MapWindow.3 Tk_MapWindow.3 \
- MapWindow.3 Tk_UnmapWindow.3 \
- MeasureChar.3 Tk_MeasureChars.3 \
- MeasureChar.3 Tk_TextWidth.3 \
- MeasureChar.3 Tk_DrawChars.3 \
- MeasureChar.3 Tk_UnderlineChars.3 \
- MoveToplev.3 Tk_MoveToplevelWindow.3 \
- Name.3 Tk_Name.3 \
- Name.3 Tk_PathName.3 \
- Name.3 Tk_NameToWindow.3 \
- NameOfImg.3 Tk_NameOfImage.3 \
- OwnSelect.3 Tk_OwnSelection.3 \
- ParseArgv.3 Tk_ParseArgv.3 \
- QWinEvent.3 Tk_QueueWindowEvent.3 \
- Restack.3 Tk_RestackWindow.3 \
- RestrictEv.3 Tk_RestrictEvents.3 \
- SetAppName.3 Tk_SetAppName.3 \
- SetClass.3 Tk_SetClass.3 \
- SetClass.3 Tk_Class.3 \
- SetGrid.3 Tk_SetGrid.3 \
- SetGrid.3 Tk_UnsetGrid.3 \
- SetVisual.3 Tk_SetWindowVisual.3 \
- StrictMotif.3 Tk_StrictMotif.3 \
- TextLayout.3 Tk_ComputeTextLayout.3 \
- TextLayout.3 Tk_FreeTextLayout.3 \
- TextLayout.3 Tk_DrawTextLayout.3 \
- TextLayout.3 Tk_UnderlineTextLayout.3 \
- TextLayout.3 Tk_PointToChar.3 \
- TextLayout.3 Tk_CharBbox.3 \
- TextLayout.3 Tk_DistanceToTextLayout.3 \
- TextLayout.3 Tk_IntersectTextLayout.3 \
- TextLayout.3 Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_WindowId.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Parent.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Display.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_DisplayName.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_ScreenNumber.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Screen.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_X.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Y.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Width.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Height.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Changes.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Attributes.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_IsMapped.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_IsTopLevel.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_ReqWidth.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_ReqHeight.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_InternalBorderWidth.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Visual.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Depth.3 \
- WindowId.3 Tk_Colormap.3 \
- chooseColor.n tk_chooseColor.n \
- dialog.n tk_dialog.n \
- focusNext.n tk_focusNext.n \
- focusNext.n tk_focusPrev.n \
- focusNext.n tk_focusFollowsMouse.n \
- getOpenFile.n tk_getOpenFile.n \
- getOpenFile.n tk_getSaveFile.n \
- menubar.n tk_menuBar.n \
- menubar.n tk_bindForTraversal.n \
- messageBox.n tk_messageBox.n \
- optionMenu.n tk_optionMenu.n \
- pack-old.n pack.n \
- palette.n tk_setPalette.n \
- palette.n tk_bisque.n \
- popup.n tk_popup.n
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|X11/Intrinsic.h|X11/Xlib.h|g' ${WRKSRC}/configure
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/\.[3n]/&.gz/g' ${WRKSRC}/mkLinks
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/Makefile.lib ${WRKSRC}
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/makefile ${WRKSRC}
- @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MAKE} -f Makefile.lib PREFIX=${PREFIX} \
- ${LN} -sf ${TK_LIB_FILE} ${PREFIX}/lib/${TK_LIB}
-.if !defined(NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES) && defined(WITH_TK80_MAN)
- @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MAKE} -f Makefile install-man
- cd ${WRKSRC}; make test
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/tk80/distinfo b/x11-toolkits/tk80/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 243e0fc14a04..000000000000
--- a/x11-toolkits/tk80/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (tk8.0.5.tar.gz) = 3ae92b86c01ec99a1872697294839e64
-SHA256 (tk8.0.5.tar.gz) = 58fac16495c213331998feac44e2f5a21911e6b6f4b00d6fb4bdac0084809d8c
-SIZE (tk8.0.5.tar.gz) = 2033223
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/Makefile.lib b/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/Makefile.lib
deleted file mode 100644
index ae5a1f320b1d..000000000000
--- a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/Makefile.lib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-LIB= tk80
-TK_LIBRARY= ${PREFIX}/lib/tk80
-CFLAGS+= -I. -I./../generic -I../bitmaps -I$(LOCALBASE)/include \
- -I${PREFIX}/include/tcl8.0/generic \
-SRCS= \
- tk3d.c tkArgv.c \
- tkAtom.c tkBind.c \
- tkBitmap.c tkClipboard.c \
- tkCmds.c tkColor.c \
- tkConfig.c tkCursor.c \
- tkError.c tkEvent.c \
- tkFocus.c tkFont.c \
- tkGet.c tkGC.c \
- tkGeometry.c tkGrab.c \
- tkGrid.c \
- tkMain.c tkOption.c \
- tkPack.c tkPlace.c \
- tkSelect.c \
- tkUtil.c \
- tkVisual.c tkWindow.c \
- tkButton.c \
- tkEntry.c tkFrame.c \
- tkListbox.c tkMenu.c \
- tkMenubutton.c tkMessage.c \
- tkScale.c tkScrollbar.c \
- tkCanvas.c tkCanvArc.c \
- tkCanvBmap.c tkCanvImg.c \
- tkCanvLine.c tkCanvPoly.c \
- tkCanvPs.c tkCanvText.c \
- tkCanvUtil.c \
- tkCanvWind.c tkRectOval.c \
- tkTrig.c tkImage.c \
- tkImgBmap.c tkImgGIF.c \
- tkImgPPM.c \
- tkImgPhoto.c tkText.c \
- tkTextBTree.c tkTextDisp.c \
- tkTextIndex.c tkTextMark.c \
- tkTextTag.c tkTextWind.c \
- tkMenuDraw.c tkTextImage.c \
- tkUnix.c tkUnixCursor.c tkUnixDraw.c \
- tkUnixEvent.c tkUnixInit.c \
- tkUnixSelect.c tkUnixWm.c \
- tkUnixXId.c tkUnix3d.c\
- tkUnixButton.c tkUnixColor.c \
- tkUnixEmbed.c \
- tkUnixFocus.c tkUnixFont.c\
- tkUnixMenu.c tkUnixDialog.c\
- tkUnixMenubu.c tkUnixScale.c\
- tkUnixScrlbr.c tkUnixSend.c
-.PATH: ../generic
-.include <bsd.lib.mk>
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/makefile b/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 050b1e13097e..000000000000
--- a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- make -f Makefile wish
- make -f Makefile test
- make -f Makefile install
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/patch-aa b/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/patch-aa
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d3c22edfe2e..000000000000
--- a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/patch-aa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
---- configure.orig Mon Mar 8 22:53:50 1999
-+++ configure Thu Apr 29 11:23:44 1999
-@@ -874,14 +874,14 @@
- withval="$with_tcl"
- TCL_BIN_DIR=$withval
- else
-- TCL_BIN_DIR=`cd ../../tcl8.0$TK_PATCH_LEVEL/unix; pwd`
-+ TCL_BIN_DIR=${prefix}/lib/tcl8.0
- fi
- if test ! -d $TCL_BIN_DIR; then
- { echo "configure: error: Tcl directory $TCL_BIN_DIR doesn't exist" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
--if test ! -f $TCL_BIN_DIR/Makefile; then
-- { echo "configure: error: There's no Makefile in $TCL_BIN_DIR; perhaps you didn't specify the Tcl *build* directory (not the toplevel Tcl directory) or you forgot to configure Tcl?" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-+if test ! -f $TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh; then
-+ { echo "configure: error: There's no tclConfig.sh in $TCL_BIN_DIR; perhaps your Tcl installation has been corrupted. Verify the installation of Tcl8.0 and try again." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -921,6 +921,7 @@
-@@ -2387,7 +2388,7 @@
- if test "$ok" = "yes" -a "${SHLIB_SUFFIX}" != ""; then
- RANLIB=":"
- else
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/patch-ab b/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/patch-ab
deleted file mode 100644
index 4302bcb52851..000000000000
--- a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/patch-ab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.in.orig Tue Mar 9 07:53:50 1999
-+++ Makefile.in Mon Mar 12 16:55:45 2007
-@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@
- BIN_DIR = $(exec_prefix)/bin
- # Directory in which to install the include file tk.h:
--INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR = $(INSTALL_ROOT)$(prefix)/include
- # Top-level directory for manual entries:
- MAN_INSTALL_DIR = $(INSTALL_ROOT)$(prefix)/man
-@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@
- # Libraries to use when linking. This definition is determined by the
- # configure script.
-+LIBS = -L${PREFIX}/lib -ltcl80 @LIBS@ $(X11_LIB_SWITCHES) @DL_LIBS@ @MATH_LIBS@ -lc
- # To turn off the security checks that disallow incoming sends when
- # the X server appears to be insecure, reverse the comments on the
-@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@
- # "install" around; better to use the install-sh script that comes
- # with the distribution, which is slower but guaranteed to work.
--INSTALL = @srcdir@/install-sh -c
-+INSTALL = install -c
-@@ -311,6 +313,11 @@
-+libtk80.a: ${OBJS}
-+ rm -f libtk80.a
-+ ar cr libtk80.a ${OBJS}
-+ ranlib libtk80.a
- # Make target which outputs the list of the .o contained in the Tk lib
- # usefull to build a single big shared library containing Tcl/Tk and other
- # extensions. used for the Tcl Plugin. -- dl
-@@ -359,13 +366,13 @@
- TK_LIBRARY=$(TOP_DIR)/library; export TK_LIBRARY; \
- ./tktest
--install: install-binaries install-libraries install-demos install-man
-+install: install-binaries install-libraries install-demos
- # Note: before running ranlib below, must cd to target directory because
- # some ranlibs write to current directory, and this might not always be
- # possible (e.g. if installing as root).
--install-binaries: $(TK_LIB_FILE) wish
-+install-binaries: $(TK_LIB_FILE) libtk80.a wish
- @for i in $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR) $(BIN_INSTALL_DIR) ; \
- do \
- if [ ! -d $$i ] ; then \
-@@ -379,13 +386,19 @@
- @chmod 555 $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)/$(TK_LIB_FILE)
-+ @echo "Installing libtk80.a"
-+ @$(INSTALL_DATA) libtk80.a $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)/libtk80.a
-+ @(cd $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR); $(RANLIB) libtk80.a)
-+ @chmod 555 $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)/libtk80.a
- @echo "Installing wish"
- @echo "Installing tkConfig.sh"
-- @$(INSTALL_DATA) tkConfig.sh $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)/tkConfig.sh
-+ @mkdir -p $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)/tk$(VERSION)
-+ @$(INSTALL_DATA) tkConfig.sh $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)/tk$(VERSION)/tkConfig.sh
- install-libraries:
- @for i in $(INSTALL_ROOT)$(prefix)/lib $(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR) \
- do \
- if [ ! -d $$i ] ; then \
-@@ -395,8 +408,18 @@
- else true; \
- fi; \
- done;
-- @echo "Installing tk.h"
-+ @echo "Installing headers"
-+ @for i in $(GENERIC_DIR)/*.h ; \
-+ do \
-+ echo "Installing $$i"; \
-+ done;
-+ @for i in $(UNIX_DIR)/*.h ; \
-+ do \
-+ echo "Installing $$i"; \
-+ done;
- for i in $(SRC_DIR)/library/*.tcl $(SRC_DIR)/library/tclIndex $(SRC_DIR)/library/prolog.ps $(UNIX_DIR)/tkAppInit.c; \
- do \
- echo "Installing $$i"; \
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/patch-ac b/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/patch-ac
deleted file mode 100644
index 0709c6100259..000000000000
--- a/x11-toolkits/tk80/files/patch-ac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,918 +0,0 @@
-*** tkText.c 1997/07/04 22:39:41 2.0
---- ../generic/tkText.c 1997/08/15 22:25:21
-*** 866,871 ****
---- 866,872 ----
- || (textPtr->selTagPtr->spacing2String != NULL)
- || (textPtr->selTagPtr->spacing3String != NULL)
- || (textPtr->selTagPtr->tabString != NULL)
-+ || (textPtr->selTagPtr->elideString != NULL)
- || (textPtr->selTagPtr->underlineString != NULL)
- || (textPtr->selTagPtr->wrapMode != NULL)) {
- textPtr->selTagPtr->affectsDisplay = 1;
-*** 1414,1420 ****
- }
- }
- }
-! if (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType) {
- memcpy((VOID *) buffer, (VOID *) (segPtr->body.chars
- + offsetInSeg), (size_t) chunkSize);
- buffer += chunkSize;
---- 1415,1421 ----
- }
- }
- }
-! if (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType && !TkTextIsElided(textPtr, &textPtr->selIndex)) {
- memcpy((VOID *) buffer, (VOID *) (segPtr->body.chars
- + offsetInSeg), (size_t) chunkSize);
- buffer += chunkSize;
-*** 1555,1561 ****
- int argc; /* Number of arguments. */
- char **argv; /* Argument strings. */
- {
-! int backwards, exact, c, i, argsLeft, noCase, leftToScan;
- size_t length;
- int numLines, startingLine, startingChar, lineNum, firstChar, lastChar;
- int code, matchLength, matchChar, passes, stopLine, searchWholeText;
---- 1556,1562 ----
- int argc; /* Number of arguments. */
- char **argv; /* Argument strings. */
- {
-! int backwards, exact, searchElide, c, i, argsLeft, noCase, leftToScan;
- size_t length;
- int numLines, startingLine, startingChar, lineNum, firstChar, lastChar;
- int code, matchLength, matchChar, passes, stopLine, searchWholeText;
-*** 1566,1571 ****
---- 1567,1573 ----
- Tcl_DString line, patDString;
- TkTextSegment *segPtr;
- TkTextLine *linePtr;
-+ TkTextIndex curIndex;
- Tcl_RegExp regexp = NULL; /* Initialization needed only to
- * prevent compiler warning. */
-*** 1574,1579 ****
---- 1576,1583 ----
- */
- exact = 1;
-+ searchElide = 0;
-+ curIndex.tree = textPtr->tree;
- backwards = 0;
- noCase = 0;
- varName = NULL;
-*** 1587,1593 ****
- badSwitch:
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad switch \"", arg,
- "\": must be -forward, -backward, -exact, -regexp, ",
-! "-nocase, -count, or --", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- c = arg[1];
---- 1591,1597 ----
- badSwitch:
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad switch \"", arg,
- "\": must be -forward, -backward, -exact, -regexp, ",
-! "-nocase, -count, -elide, or --", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- c = arg[1];
-*** 1608,1613 ****
---- 1612,1619 ----
- noCase = 1;
- } else if ((c == 'r') && (strncmp(argv[i], "-regexp", length) == 0)) {
- exact = 0;
-+ } else if ((c == 'e') && (strncmp(argv[i], "-elide", length) == 0)) {
-+ searchElide = 1;
- } else if ((c == '-') && (strncmp(argv[i], "--", length) == 0)) {
- i++;
- break;
-*** 1703,1711 ****
- */
- linePtr = TkBTreeFindLine(textPtr->tree, lineNum);
- for (segPtr = linePtr->segPtr; segPtr != NULL;
-! segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr) {
-! if (segPtr->typePtr != &tkTextCharType) {
- continue;
- }
- Tcl_DStringAppend(&line, segPtr->body.chars, segPtr->size);
---- 1709,1718 ----
- */
- linePtr = TkBTreeFindLine(textPtr->tree, lineNum);
-+ curIndex.linePtr = linePtr; curIndex.charIndex = 0;
- for (segPtr = linePtr->segPtr; segPtr != NULL;
-! curIndex.charIndex += segPtr->size, segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr) {
-! if (segPtr->typePtr != &tkTextCharType || (!searchElide && TkTextIsElided(textPtr, &curIndex))) {
- continue;
- }
- Tcl_DStringAppend(&line, segPtr->body.chars, segPtr->size);
-*** tkText.h 1997/07/04 22:39:41 2.0
---- ../generic/tkText.h 1997/08/15 22:18:56
-*** 370,375 ****
---- 370,379 ----
- * Must be tkTextCharUid, tkTextNoneUid,
- * tkTextWordUid, or NULL to use wrapMode
- * for whole widget. */
-+ char *elideString; /* -elide option string (malloc-ed).
-+ * NULL means option not specified. */
-+ int elide; /* Non-zero means text is elided.
-+ * Only valid if elideString is non-NULL. */
- int affectsDisplay; /* Non-zero means that this tag affects the
- * way information is displayed on the screen
- * (so need to redisplay if tag changes). */
-*** 800,805 ****
---- 804,811 ----
- ClientData clientData));
- extern TkTextIndex * TkTextMakeIndex _ANSI_ARGS_((TkTextBTree tree,
- int lineIndex, int charIndex,
-+ TkTextIndex *indexPtr));
-+ extern int TkTextIsElided _ANSI_ARGS_((TkText *textPtr,
- TkTextIndex *indexPtr));
- extern int TkTextMarkCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((TkText *textPtr,
- Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char **argv));
-*** tkTextBTree.c 1997/07/04 22:39:41 2.0
---- ../generic/tkTextBTree.c 1997/08/15 22:20:16
-*** 2427,2432 ****
---- 2427,2558 ----
- }
- return tagInfo.tagPtrs;
- }
-+ /*
-+ special case to just return information about elided attribute
-+ specialized from TkBTreeGetTags(indexPtr, numTagsPtr) and GetStyle(textPtr, indexPtr)
-+ just need to keep track of invisibility settings for each priority, pick highest one active at end
-+ */
-+ int
-+ TkTextIsElided(textPtr, indexPtr)
-+ TkText *textPtr; /* Overall information about text widget. */
-+ TkTextIndex *indexPtr; /* The character in the text for which
-+ * display information is wanted. */
-+ {
-+ #define LOTSA_TAGS 1000
-+ int elide = 0; /* if nobody says otherwise, it's visible */
-+ int deftagCnts[LOTSA_TAGS];
-+ int *tagCnts = deftagCnts;
-+ TkTextTag *deftagPtrs[LOTSA_TAGS];
-+ TkTextTag **tagPtrs = deftagPtrs;
-+ int numTags = textPtr->numTags;
-+ register Node *nodePtr;
-+ register TkTextLine *siblingLinePtr;
-+ register TkTextSegment *segPtr;
-+ register TkTextTag *tagPtr;
-+ register int i, index;
-+ /* almost always avoid malloc, so stay out of system calls */
-+ if (LOTSA_TAGS < numTags) {
-+ tagCnts = (int *)ckalloc((unsigned)sizeof(int) * numTags);
-+ tagPtrs = (TkTextTag **)ckalloc((unsigned)sizeof(TkTextTag *) * numTags);
-+ }
-+ for (i=0; i<numTags; i++) tagCnts[i]=0;
-+ /*
-+ * Record tag toggles within the line of indexPtr but preceding
-+ * indexPtr.
-+ */
-+ for (index = 0, segPtr = indexPtr->linePtr->segPtr;
-+ (index + segPtr->size) <= indexPtr->charIndex;
-+ index += segPtr->size, segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr) {
-+ if ((segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOnType)
-+ || (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOffType)) {
-+ tagPtr = segPtr->body.toggle.tagPtr;
-+ if (tagPtr->elideString != NULL) {
-+ tagPtrs[tagPtr->priority] = tagPtr;
-+ tagCnts[tagPtr->priority]++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * Record toggles for tags in lines that are predecessors of
-+ * indexPtr->linePtr but under the same level-0 node.
-+ */
-+ for (siblingLinePtr = indexPtr->linePtr->parentPtr->children.linePtr;
-+ siblingLinePtr != indexPtr->linePtr;
-+ siblingLinePtr = siblingLinePtr->nextPtr) {
-+ for (segPtr = siblingLinePtr->segPtr; segPtr != NULL;
-+ segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr) {
-+ if ((segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOnType)
-+ || (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOffType)) {
-+ tagPtr = segPtr->body.toggle.tagPtr;
-+ if (tagPtr->elideString != NULL) {
-+ tagPtrs[tagPtr->priority] = tagPtr;
-+ tagCnts[tagPtr->priority]++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * For each node in the ancestry of this line, record tag toggles
-+ * for all siblings that precede that node.
-+ */
-+ for (nodePtr = indexPtr->linePtr->parentPtr; nodePtr->parentPtr != NULL;
-+ nodePtr = nodePtr->parentPtr) {
-+ register Node *siblingPtr;
-+ register Summary *summaryPtr;
-+ for (siblingPtr = nodePtr->parentPtr->children.nodePtr;
-+ siblingPtr != nodePtr; siblingPtr = siblingPtr->nextPtr) {
-+ for (summaryPtr = siblingPtr->summaryPtr; summaryPtr != NULL;
-+ summaryPtr = summaryPtr->nextPtr) {
-+ if (summaryPtr->toggleCount & 1) {
-+ tagPtr = summaryPtr->tagPtr;
-+ if (tagPtr->elideString != NULL) {
-+ tagPtrs[tagPtr->priority] = tagPtr;
-+ tagCnts[tagPtr->priority] += summaryPtr->toggleCount;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * Now traverse from highest priority to lowest,
-+ * take elided value from first odd count (= on)
-+ */
-+ for (i = numTags-1; i >=0; i--) {
-+ if (tagCnts[i] & 1) {
-+ /* who would make the selection elided? */
-+ if ((tagPtr == textPtr->selTagPtr) && !(textPtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS)) {
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ #endif
-+ elide = tagPtrs[i]->elide;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (LOTSA_TAGS < numTags) {
-+ ckfree((char *) tagCnts);
-+ ckfree((char *) tagPtrs);
-+ }
-+ return elide;
-+ }
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
-*** tkTextDisp.c 1997/07/04 22:39:41 2.0
---- ../generic/tkTextDisp.c 1997/08/16 01:20:18
-*** 55,60 ****
---- 55,61 ----
- * be NULL). */
- int underline; /* Non-zero means draw underline underneath
- * text. */
-+ int elide; /* Non-zero means draw text */
- Tk_Uid wrapMode; /* How to handle wrap-around for this tag.
- * One of tkTextCharUid, tkTextNoneUid,
- * or tkTextWordUid. */
-*** 311,316 ****
---- 312,332 ----
- int x));
- static void CharUndisplayProc _ANSI_ARGS_((TkText *textPtr,
- TkTextDispChunk *chunkPtr));
-+ /*
-+ Definitions of elided procs.
-+ Compiler can't inline these since we use pointers to these functions.
-+ ElideDisplayProc, ElideUndisplayProc special-cased for speed,
-+ as potentially many elided DLine chunks if large, tag toggle-filled
-+ elided region.
-+ */
-+ static void ElideBboxProc _ANSI_ARGS_((TkTextDispChunk *chunkPtr,
-+ int index, int y, int lineHeight, int baseline,
-+ int *xPtr, int *yPtr, int *widthPtr,
-+ int *heightPtr));
-+ static int ElideMeasureProc _ANSI_ARGS_((TkTextDispChunk *chunkPtr,
-+ int x));
- static void DisplayDLine _ANSI_ARGS_((TkText *textPtr,
- DLine *dlPtr, DLine *prevPtr, Pixmap pixmap));
- static void DisplayLineBackground _ANSI_ARGS_((TkText *textPtr,
-*** 479,485 ****
- int borderPrio, borderWidthPrio, reliefPrio, bgStipplePrio;
- int fgPrio, fontPrio, fgStipplePrio;
-! int underlinePrio, justifyPrio, offsetPrio;
- int lMargin1Prio, lMargin2Prio, rMarginPrio;
- int spacing1Prio, spacing2Prio, spacing3Prio;
- int overstrikePrio, tabPrio, wrapPrio;
---- 495,501 ----
- int borderPrio, borderWidthPrio, reliefPrio, bgStipplePrio;
- int fgPrio, fontPrio, fgStipplePrio;
-! int underlinePrio, elidePrio, justifyPrio, offsetPrio;
- int lMargin1Prio, lMargin2Prio, rMarginPrio;
- int spacing1Prio, spacing2Prio, spacing3Prio;
- int overstrikePrio, tabPrio, wrapPrio;
-*** 494,500 ****
- tagPtrs = TkBTreeGetTags(indexPtr, &numTags);
- borderPrio = borderWidthPrio = reliefPrio = bgStipplePrio = -1;
- fgPrio = fontPrio = fgStipplePrio = -1;
-! underlinePrio = justifyPrio = offsetPrio = -1;
- lMargin1Prio = lMargin2Prio = rMarginPrio = -1;
- spacing1Prio = spacing2Prio = spacing3Prio = -1;
- overstrikePrio = tabPrio = wrapPrio = -1;
---- 510,516 ----
- tagPtrs = TkBTreeGetTags(indexPtr, &numTags);
- borderPrio = borderWidthPrio = reliefPrio = bgStipplePrio = -1;
- fgPrio = fontPrio = fgStipplePrio = -1;
-! underlinePrio = elidePrio = justifyPrio = offsetPrio = -1;
- lMargin1Prio = lMargin2Prio = rMarginPrio = -1;
- spacing1Prio = spacing2Prio = spacing3Prio = -1;
- overstrikePrio = tabPrio = wrapPrio = -1;
-*** 612,617 ****
---- 628,638 ----
- styleValues.underline = tagPtr->underline;
- underlinePrio = tagPtr->priority;
- }
-+ if ((tagPtr->elideString != NULL)
-+ && (tagPtr->priority > elidePrio)) {
-+ styleValues.elide = tagPtr->elide;
-+ elidePrio = tagPtr->priority;
-+ }
- if ((tagPtr->wrapMode != NULL)
- && (tagPtr->priority > wrapPrio)) {
- styleValues.wrapMode = tagPtr->wrapMode;
-*** 768,774 ****
- * lines with numChars > 0. Used to
- * drop 0-sized chunks from the end
- * of the line. */
-! int offset, ascent, descent, code;
- StyleValues *sValuePtr;
- /*
---- 789,795 ----
- * lines with numChars > 0. Used to
- * drop 0-sized chunks from the end
- * of the line. */
-! int offset, ascent, descent, code, elide, elidesize;
- StyleValues *sValuePtr;
- /*
-*** 786,791 ****
---- 807,840 ----
- dlPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
- dlPtr->flags = NEW_LAYOUT;
-+ /*
-+ * special case entirely elide line as there may be 1000s or more
-+ */
-+ elide = TkTextIsElided(textPtr, indexPtr); /* save a malloc */
-+ if (elide && indexPtr->charIndex==0) {
-+ maxChars = 0;
-+ for (segPtr = indexPtr->linePtr->segPtr; elide && segPtr!=NULL; segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr) {
-+ if ((elidesize = segPtr->size) > 0) {
-+ maxChars += elidesize;
-+ /* if have tag toggle, chance that invisibility state changed, so bail out */
-+ } else if (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOffType || segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOnType) {
-+ if (segPtr->body.toggle.tagPtr->elideString!=NULL) {
-+ elide = (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOffType) ^ (segPtr->body.toggle.tagPtr->elide==1);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (elide) {
-+ dlPtr->count = maxChars;
-+ dlPtr->spaceAbove = dlPtr->spaceBelow = dlPtr->length = 0;
-+ return dlPtr;
-+ }
-+ }
- /*
- * Each iteration of the loop below creates one TkTextDispChunk for
- * the new display line. The line will always have at least one
-*** 797,802 ****
---- 846,852 ----
- lastChunkPtr = NULL;
- chunkPtr = NULL;
- noCharsYet = 1;
-+ elide = 0;
- breakChunkPtr = NULL;
- breakCharOffset = 0;
- justify = TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
-*** 821,826 ****
---- 871,901 ----
- }
- while (segPtr != NULL) {
-+ /* every line still gets at least one chunk due to expectations in rest of code,
-+ but able to skip elided portions of line quickly */
-+ /* if current chunk elided and last chunk was too, coalese */
-+ if (elide && lastChunkPtr!=NULL && lastChunkPtr->displayProc == NULL/*ElideDisplayProc*/) {
-+ if ((elidesize = segPtr->size - offset) > 0) {
-+ curIndex.charIndex += elidesize;
-+ lastChunkPtr->numChars += elidesize;
-+ breakCharOffset = lastChunkPtr->breakIndex = lastChunkPtr->numChars;
-+ /* if have tag toggle, chance that invisibility state changed */
-+ } else if (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOffType || segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOnType) {
-+ if (segPtr->body.toggle.tagPtr->elideString!=NULL) {
-+ elide = (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextToggleOffType) ^ (segPtr->body.toggle.tagPtr->elide==1);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ offset = 0;
-+ segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr;
-+ if (segPtr == NULL && chunkPtr != NULL) ckfree((char *) chunkPtr);
-+ continue;
-+ }
- if (segPtr->typePtr->layoutProc == NULL) {
- segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr;
- offset = 0;
-*** 831,836 ****
---- 906,912 ----
- chunkPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
- }
- chunkPtr->stylePtr = GetStyle(textPtr, &curIndex);
-+ elide = chunkPtr->stylePtr->sValuePtr->elide;
- /*
- * Save style information such as justification and indentation,
-*** 864,870 ****
- gotTab = 0;
- maxChars = segPtr->size - offset;
-! if (justify == TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT) {
- if (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType) {
- char *p;
---- 940,946 ----
- gotTab = 0;
- maxChars = segPtr->size - offset;
-! if (!elide && justify == TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT) {
- if (segPtr->typePtr == &tkTextCharType) {
- char *p;
-*** 877,884 ****
- }
- }
- }
- chunkPtr->x = x;
- code = (*segPtr->typePtr->layoutProc)(textPtr, &curIndex, segPtr,
- offset, maxX-tabSize, maxChars, noCharsYet, wrapMode,
- chunkPtr);
---- 953,973 ----
- }
- }
- }
- chunkPtr->x = x;
-+ if (elide && maxChars) {
-+ /* don't free style here, as other code expects to be able to do that */
-+ /*breakCharOffset =*/ chunkPtr->breakIndex = chunkPtr->numChars = maxChars;
-+ chunkPtr->width = 0;
-+ chunkPtr->minAscent = chunkPtr->minDescent = chunkPtr->minHeight = 0;
-+ /* would just like to point to canonical empty chunk */
-+ chunkPtr->displayProc = (Tk_ChunkDisplayProc *) NULL;
-+ chunkPtr->undisplayProc = (Tk_ChunkUndisplayProc *) NULL;
-+ chunkPtr->measureProc = ElideMeasureProc;
-+ chunkPtr->bboxProc = ElideBboxProc;
-+ code = 1;
-+ } else
- code = (*segPtr->typePtr->layoutProc)(textPtr, &curIndex, segPtr,
- offset, maxX-tabSize, maxChars, noCharsYet, wrapMode,
- chunkPtr);
-*** 950,955 ****
---- 1039,1045 ----
- offset = 0;
- segPtr = segPtr->nextPtr;
- }
- chunkPtr = NULL;
- }
- if (noCharsYet) {
-*** 998,1003 ****
---- 1088,1094 ----
- wholeLine = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Make tab adjustments for the last tab stop, if there is one.
- */
-*** 1321,1326 ****
---- 1412,1418 ----
- index.linePtr = TkBTreeFindLine(textPtr->tree, lineNum);
- index.charIndex = 0;
- lowestPtr = NULL;
- do {
- dlPtr = LayoutDLine(textPtr, &index);
- dlPtr->nextPtr = lowestPtr;
-*** 1554,1559 ****
---- 1646,1653 ----
- Display *display;
- int height, x;
-+ if (dlPtr->chunkPtr == NULL) return;
- /*
- * First, clear the area of the line to the background color for the
- * text widget.
-*** 1620,1631 ****
---- 1714,1729 ----
- * something is off to the right).
- */
-+ if (chunkPtr->displayProc != NULL)
- (*chunkPtr->displayProc)(chunkPtr, -chunkPtr->width,
- dlPtr->spaceAbove,
- dlPtr->height - dlPtr->spaceAbove - dlPtr->spaceBelow,
- dlPtr->baseline - dlPtr->spaceAbove, display, pixmap,
- dlPtr->y + dlPtr->spaceAbove);
- } else {
-+ /* don't call if elide. This tax ok since not very many visible DLine's in
-+ an area, but potentially many elide ones */
-+ if (chunkPtr->displayProc != NULL)
- (*chunkPtr->displayProc)(chunkPtr, x, dlPtr->spaceAbove,
- dlPtr->height - dlPtr->spaceAbove - dlPtr->spaceBelow,
- dlPtr->baseline - dlPtr->spaceAbove, display, pixmap,
-*** 1714,1719 ****
---- 1812,1818 ----
- StyleValues *sValuePtr;
- Display *display;
- /*
- * Pass 1: scan through dlPtr from left to right. For each range of
- * chunks with the same style, draw the main background for the style
-*** 1787,1793 ****
- rightX = maxX;
- }
- chunkPtr2 = NULL;
-! if (prevPtr != NULL) {
- /*
- * Find the chunk in the previous line that covers leftX.
- */
---- 1886,1892 ----
- rightX = maxX;
- }
- chunkPtr2 = NULL;
-! if (prevPtr != NULL && prevPtr->chunkPtr != NULL) {
- /*
- * Find the chunk in the previous line that covers leftX.
- */
-*** 1908,1914 ****
- rightX = maxX;
- }
- chunkPtr2 = NULL;
-! if (dlPtr->nextPtr != NULL) {
- /*
- * Find the chunk in the previous line that covers leftX.
- */
---- 2007,2014 ----
- rightX = maxX;
- }
- chunkPtr2 = NULL;
-! /* for (dlPtr2 = dlPtr; dlPtr2->nextPtr != NULL && dlPtr2->nextPtr->chunkPtr == NULL; dlPtr2 = dlPtr2->nextPtr) {}*/
-! if (dlPtr->nextPtr != NULL && dlPtr->nextPtr->chunkPtr != NULL) {
- /*
- * Find the chunk in the previous line that covers leftX.
- */
-*** 2299,2304 ****
---- 2399,2405 ----
- for (prevPtr = NULL, dlPtr = textPtr->dInfoPtr->dLinePtr;
- (dlPtr != NULL) && (dlPtr->y < dInfoPtr->maxY);
- prevPtr = dlPtr, dlPtr = dlPtr->nextPtr) {
-+ if (dlPtr->chunkPtr == NULL) continue;
- if (dlPtr->oldY != dlPtr->y) {
- if (tkTextDebug) {
- char string[TK_POS_CHARS];
-*** 2315,2320 ****
---- 2416,2422 ----
- dlPtr->oldY = dlPtr->y;
- dlPtr->flags &= ~NEW_LAYOUT;
- }
-+ /*prevPtr = dlPtr;*/
- }
- Tk_FreePixmap(Tk_Display(textPtr->tkwin), pixmap);
- }
-*** 3369,3374 ****
---- 3471,3477 ----
- dlPtr = LayoutDLine(textPtr, &index);
- dlPtr->nextPtr = lowestPtr;
- lowestPtr = dlPtr;
-+ if (dlPtr->length == 0 && dlPtr->height == 0) { offset--; break; } /* elide */
- TkTextIndexForwChars(&index, dlPtr->count, &index);
- charsToCount -= dlPtr->count;
- } while ((charsToCount > 0)
-*** 3381,3387 ****
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Discard the display lines, then either return or prepare
- * for the next display line to lay out.
---- 3484,3490 ----
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Discard the display lines, then either return or prepare
- * for the next display line to lay out.
-*** 3410,3421 ****
---- 3513,3526 ----
- TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree));
- for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
- dlPtr = LayoutDLine(textPtr, &textPtr->topIndex);
-+ if (dlPtr->length == 0 && dlPtr->height == 0) offset++;
- dlPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
- TkTextIndexForwChars(&textPtr->topIndex, dlPtr->count, &new);
- FreeDLines(textPtr, dlPtr, (DLine *) NULL, 0);
- if (new.linePtr == lastLinePtr) {
- break;
- }
- textPtr->topIndex = new;
- }
- }
-*** 3949,3955 ****
- * index of the character nearest to (x,y). */
- {
- TextDInfo *dInfoPtr = textPtr->dInfoPtr;
-! register DLine *dlPtr;
- register TkTextDispChunk *chunkPtr;
- /*
---- 4054,4060 ----
- * index of the character nearest to (x,y). */
- {
- TextDInfo *dInfoPtr = textPtr->dInfoPtr;
-! register DLine *dlPtr, *validdlPtr;
- register TkTextDispChunk *chunkPtr;
- /*
-*** 3982,3989 ****
- * Find the display line containing the desired y-coordinate.
- */
-! for (dlPtr = dInfoPtr->dLinePtr; y >= (dlPtr->y + dlPtr->height);
- dlPtr = dlPtr->nextPtr) {
- if (dlPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
- /*
- * Y-coordinate is off the bottom of the displayed text.
---- 4087,4095 ----
- * Find the display line containing the desired y-coordinate.
- */
-! for (dlPtr = validdlPtr = dInfoPtr->dLinePtr; y >= (dlPtr->y + dlPtr->height);
- dlPtr = dlPtr->nextPtr) {
-+ if (dlPtr->chunkPtr !=NULL) validdlPtr = dlPtr;
- if (dlPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
- /*
- * Y-coordinate is off the bottom of the displayed text.
-*** 3994,3999 ****
---- 4100,4107 ----
- break;
- }
- }
-+ if (dlPtr->chunkPtr == NULL) dlPtr = validdlPtr;
- /*
- * Scan through the line's chunks to find the one that contains
-*** 4005,4016 ****
- *indexPtr = dlPtr->index;
- x = x - dInfoPtr->x + dInfoPtr->curPixelOffset;
- for (chunkPtr = dlPtr->chunkPtr; x >= (chunkPtr->x + chunkPtr->width);
-! indexPtr->charIndex += chunkPtr->numChars,
-! chunkPtr = chunkPtr->nextPtr) {
- if (chunkPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
- indexPtr->charIndex += chunkPtr->numChars - 1;
- return;
-! }
- }
- /*
---- 4113,4124 ----
- *indexPtr = dlPtr->index;
- x = x - dInfoPtr->x + dInfoPtr->curPixelOffset;
- for (chunkPtr = dlPtr->chunkPtr; x >= (chunkPtr->x + chunkPtr->width);
-! indexPtr->charIndex += chunkPtr->numChars,
-! chunkPtr = chunkPtr->nextPtr) {
- if (chunkPtr->nextPtr == NULL) {
- indexPtr->charIndex += chunkPtr->numChars - 1;
- return;
-! }
- }
- /*
-*** 4166,4171 ****
---- 4274,4280 ----
- {
- TextDInfo *dInfoPtr = textPtr->dInfoPtr;
- DLine *dlPtr;
-+ int dlx;
- /*
- * Make sure that all of the screen layout information is up to date.
-*** 4184,4191 ****
- return -1;
- }
-! *xPtr = dInfoPtr->x - dInfoPtr->curPixelOffset + dlPtr->chunkPtr->x;
-! *widthPtr = dlPtr->length - dlPtr->chunkPtr->x;
- *yPtr = dlPtr->y;
- if ((dlPtr->y + dlPtr->height) > dInfoPtr->maxY) {
- *heightPtr = dInfoPtr->maxY - dlPtr->y;
---- 4293,4301 ----
- return -1;
- }
-! dlx = (dlPtr->chunkPtr != NULL? dlPtr->chunkPtr->x: 0);
-! *xPtr = dInfoPtr->x - dInfoPtr->curPixelOffset + dlx;
-! *widthPtr = dlPtr->length - dlx;
- *yPtr = dlPtr->y;
- if ((dlPtr->y + dlPtr->height) > dInfoPtr->maxY) {
- *heightPtr = dInfoPtr->maxY - dlPtr->y;
-*** 4196,4201 ****
---- 4306,4346 ----
- return 0;
- }
-+ static void
-+ ElideBboxProc(chunkPtr, index, y, lineHeight, baseline, xPtr, yPtr,
-+ widthPtr, heightPtr)
-+ TkTextDispChunk *chunkPtr; /* Chunk containing desired char. */
-+ int index; /* Index of desired character within
-+ * the chunk. */
-+ int y; /* Topmost pixel in area allocated
-+ * for this line. */
-+ int lineHeight; /* Height of line, in pixels. */
-+ int baseline; /* Location of line's baseline, in
-+ * pixels measured down from y. */
-+ int *xPtr, *yPtr; /* Gets filled in with coords of
-+ * character's upper-left pixel.
-+ * X-coord is in same coordinate
-+ * system as chunkPtr->x. */
-+ int *widthPtr; /* Gets filled in with width of
-+ * character, in pixels. */
-+ int *heightPtr; /* Gets filled in with height of
-+ * character, in pixels. */
-+ {
-+ *xPtr = chunkPtr->x;
-+ *yPtr = y;
-+ *widthPtr = *heightPtr = 0;
-+ }
-+ static int
-+ ElideMeasureProc(chunkPtr, x)
-+ TkTextDispChunk *chunkPtr; /* Chunk containing desired coord. */
-+ int x; /* X-coordinate, in same coordinate
-+ * system as chunkPtr->x. */
-+ {
-+ return 0 /*chunkPtr->numChars - 1*/;
-+ }
- /*
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
-*** 4421,4427 ****
- * Draw the text, underline, and overstrike for this chunk.
- */
-! if (ciPtr->numChars > offsetChars) {
- int numChars = ciPtr->numChars - offsetChars;
- char *string = ciPtr->chars + offsetChars;
---- 4566,4572 ----
- * Draw the text, underline, and overstrike for this chunk.
- */
-! if (!sValuePtr->elide && ciPtr->numChars > offsetChars) {
- int numChars = ciPtr->numChars - offsetChars;
- char *string = ciPtr->chars + offsetChars;
-*** tkTextTag.c 1997/07/04 22:39:41 2.0
---- ../generic/tkTextTag.c 1997/08/15 22:20:32
-*** 63,68 ****
---- 63,71 ----
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-underline", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- (char *) NULL, Tk_Offset(TkTextTag, underlineString),
-+ {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-elide", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
-+ (char *) NULL, Tk_Offset(TkTextTag, elideString),
- {TK_CONFIG_UID, "-wrap", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- (char *) NULL, Tk_Offset(TkTextTag, wrapMode),
-*** 378,383 ****
---- 381,392 ----
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
-+ if (tagPtr->elideString != NULL) {
-+ if (Tcl_GetBoolean(interp, tagPtr->elideString,
-+ &tagPtr->elide) != TCL_OK) {
-+ return TCL_ERROR;
-+ }
-+ }
- if ((tagPtr->wrapMode != NULL)
- && (tagPtr->wrapMode != tkTextCharUid)
- && (tagPtr->wrapMode != tkTextNoneUid)
-*** 419,424 ****
---- 428,434 ----
- || (tagPtr->spacing3String != NULL)
- || (tagPtr->tabString != NULL)
- || (tagPtr->underlineString != NULL)
-+ || (tagPtr->elideString != NULL)
- || (tagPtr->wrapMode != NULL)) {
- tagPtr->affectsDisplay = 1;
- }
-*** 811,816 ****
---- 821,828 ----
- tagPtr->tabArrayPtr = NULL;
- tagPtr->underlineString = NULL;
- tagPtr->underline = 0;
-+ tagPtr->elideString = NULL;
-+ tagPtr->elide = 0;
- tagPtr->wrapMode = NULL;
- tagPtr->affectsDisplay = 0;
- textPtr->numTags++;
-*** 934,939 ****
---- 946,954 ----
- }
- if (tagPtr->underlineString != NULL) {
- ckfree(tagPtr->underlineString);
-+ }
-+ if (tagPtr->elideString != NULL) {
-+ ckfree(tagPtr->elideString);
- }
- ckfree((char *) tagPtr);
- }
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/tk80/pkg-descr b/x11-toolkits/tk80/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 38cd1a4179a1..000000000000
--- a/x11-toolkits/tk80/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-This package contains the binary release of Tk version 8.0, a GUI
-toolkit for Tcl.
-The best way to get started with Tcl is to read ``Tcl and the Tk
-Toolkit'' by John K. Ousterhout, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63337-X.
-A full set of manual pages is also provided with this package.
-NOTE: This kit requires a Tcl8.0 binary kit.
-WWW: http://www.tcl.tk/
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/tk80/pkg-plist b/x11-toolkits/tk80/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 000edf21c348..000000000000
--- a/x11-toolkits/tk80/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-@dirrm lib/tk8.0/demos/images
-@dirrm lib/tk8.0/demos
-@dirrm lib/tk8.0/images
-@dirrm lib/tk8.0
-@dirrm include/tk8.0/unix
-@dirrm include/tk8.0/generic
-@dirrm include/tk8.0