path: root/x11/XFree86/scripts/configure
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Diffstat (limited to 'x11/XFree86/scripts/configure')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/x11/XFree86/scripts/configure b/x11/XFree86/scripts/configure
deleted file mode 100644
index d4d42ca025ac..000000000000
--- a/x11/XFree86/scripts/configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-yesno () {
- answ=X;
- while [ $answ = X ]; do
- echo -n "$1"
- read answ
- if [ X$answ = X ]; then answ="YES"; fi
- case $answ in
- y|yes|Y|YES) answ=YES;;
- n|no|N|NO) answ=NO;;
- *) echo invalid answer
- answ=X
- ;;
- esac
- done
-if [ -f $WRKDIR/.cdrom ]; then
- X11FIXES=`cat $WRKDIR/.cdrom`
- echo -n 'Where is the "xc" directory on the cdrom? [/cdrom] '
- read X11R6; if [ X$X11R6 = X ]; then X11R6=/cdrom; fi
- if [ ! -d $X11R6/xc/config/cf ]; then
- echo "Can't find X11R6 in $X11R6"
- exit 1
- fi
- yesno "Is your cdrom distibution already patched? [y] ";
- if [ $answ = YES ]; then
- echo -n "What is the patchlevel of the distribution? [3] ";
- read pl; if [ X$pl = X ]; then pl=3; fi
- pl=`expr $pl + 1`
- if [ $pl -lt 10 ]; then pl=0$pl; fi
- else
- pl=01
- fi
- echo "==> building the tree (please wait)"
- (cd $WRKDIR; sh $FILESDIR/maketree $X11R6)
- X11FIXES=`cat $WRKDIR/.ftp`
- pl=12
-echo -n "==> applying XC patches (please wait)"
-for i in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11; do
- if [ $i = $pl ]; then ok=1; fi
- if [ $ok = 1 ]; then
- echo -n .;
- patch -d $WRKSRC --forward --quiet -E -p1 < $X11FIXES/fix-$i
- if [ $i = 10 ]; then
- zcat $X11FIXES/fix10fonts.Z | patch -d $WRKSRC --forward --quiet -E -p1
- fi
- if [ $i = 11 ]; then
- rm -rf $WRKDIR/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86
- tar -C $WRKDIR -xzf $X11FIXES/XFree86-3.1.1.tar.gz
- fi
- fi
-echo "==> applying XFree86 patches (please wait)"
-zcat $X11FIXES/XFree86-3.1.1.diff.gz | patch -d $WRKSRC --forward --quiet -E -p1
-cd $WRKSRC/config/cf/ || exit 1;
-cat <<END
- Which servers do you wish to build, you can save a lot of disk space
- by only compiling the server you will be using. It will also save you
- considerable compile time.
-servers="SVGA VGA16 VGA16Dual Mono MonoDual S3 I8514 Mach8 Mach32 Mach64 P9000 AGX W32"
-for i in $servers; do
- yesno "Do you want to build the $i server? [YES] "
- echo "#undef XF86${i}Server" >>$F
- echo "#define XF86${i}Server $answ" >>$F
-echo -n "default server to install. [none] "
-read answ
-if [ X$answ = X ]; then answ=none; fi
-if [ $answ != none ]; then
- echo "#define ServerToInstall XF86_$answ" >>$F
-cat >> $F <<END
-#define XF86SvgaDrivers et4000 et3000 pvga1 gvga ati tvga8900 cirrus \
- ncr77c22 compaq oak mx al2101 ali cl64xx \
- video7 chips generic
-#define XF86Vga16Drivers et4000 ncr77c22 ati tvga8900 oak cl64xx generic
-#define XF86Vga2Drivers et4000 et3000 pvga1 gvga ati tvga8900 cirrus \
- ncr77c22 compaq oak cl64xx generic
-#define XF86MonoDrivers hgc1280 sigma apollo hercules
-#define XF86W32Drivers et4000w32
-cat <<END
- Do you want to install the default system config files, this will overwrite
- and files that you may be currently using. This would only be required
- on a first time build.
-yesno "Install xdm config? [YES] "
-echo "#undef InstallXdmConfig" >> $F
-echo "#define InstallXdmConfig $answ" >> $F
-yesno "Install xinit config? [YES] "
-echo "#undef InstallXinitConfig" >> $F
-echo "#define InstallXinitConfig $answ" >> $F
-yesno "Do you want to include support for the FontServer? [YES] "
-echo "#undef BuildFontServer" >>$F
-echo "#define BuildFontServer $answ" >>$F
-echo "#undef InstallFSConfig" >>$F
-echo "#define InstallFSConfig $answ" >>$F
-cat <<'END'
- Do you want to Build Fonts (Usually you only want to build and install
- fonts once, if this is a first time install you will want to build the
- fonts)
-yesno "Build fonts? [YES] "
-if [ $answ = NO ]; then
- echo "#define BuildFonts NO" >> $F
-yesno "Build PEX? [YES] "
-if [ $answ = NO ]; then
- echo "#define BuildPexExt NO" >> $F
-yesno "Build XIE? [YES] "
-if [ $answ = NO ]; then
- echo "#define BuildXIE NO" >> $F
-version=`uname -r`
-set `echo $version|sed -e 's/\./ /g' -e 's/-/ /g'`
-mv FreeBSD.cf FreeBSD.cf.old
-sed -e "s/2.0/$version/" \
- -e "s/OSMajorVersion *2/OSMajorVersion $1/" \
- -e "s/OSMinorVersion *0/OSMinorVersion $2/" \
- -e "s/OSTeenyVersion *0/OSTeenyVersion $3/" \
- <FreeBSD.cf.old >FreeBSD.cf
-#you may change ExtraLibraries too:
-#echo "#undef ExtraLibraries >> FreeBSD.cf
-#echo "#define ExtraLibraries -lgnumalloc >>FreeBSD.cf
-exit 0