path: root/x11/kdelibs4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'x11/kdelibs4')
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/x11/kdelibs4/Makefile b/x11/kdelibs4/Makefile
index a480d9a97587..02327477f41b 100644
--- a/x11/kdelibs4/Makefile
+++ b/x11/kdelibs4/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
PORTNAME= kdelibs
diff --git a/x11/kdelibs4/distinfo b/x11/kdelibs4/distinfo
index 3b242de411f1..52fb0948d632 100644
--- a/x11/kdelibs4/distinfo
+++ b/x11/kdelibs4/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (KDE/4.14.2/kdelibs-4.14.2.tar.xz) = 39745a77f019cc1280374aa5de02fbf961393d1045059aa811fc374e0afd895b
-SIZE (KDE/4.14.2/kdelibs-4.14.2.tar.xz) = 11597872
+SHA256 (KDE/4.14.3/kdelibs-4.14.3.tar.xz) = f8206da1106184ef0bd031b82701c4910b8dade331c4cdaf1cd9c6c5208cfd9e
+SIZE (KDE/4.14.3/kdelibs-4.14.3.tar.xz) = 11600500
diff --git a/x11/kdelibs4/files/patch-git_0df92439 b/x11/kdelibs4/files/patch-git_0df92439
deleted file mode 100644
index 9185f4bb609f..000000000000
--- a/x11/kdelibs4/files/patch-git_0df92439
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-commit 0df92439241a76c6a67efa9485bd95c3c25d63a0
-Author: Christian Mollekopf <chrigi_1@fastmail.fm>
-Date: Thu Jan 22 15:04:16 2015 +0100
- KRecursiveFilterProxyModel: Fixed the model
- The model was not working properly and didn't include all items under
- some circumstances.
- This patch fixes the following scenarios in particular:
- * The change in sourceDataChanged is required to fix the shortcut condition.
- The idea is that if the parent is already part of the model (it must be if acceptRow returns true),
- we can directly invoke dataChanged on the parent, resulting in the changed index
- getting reevaluated. However, because the recursive filterAcceptsRow version was used
- the shortcut was also used when only the current index matches the filter and
- the parent index is in fact not yet in the model. In this case we failed to call
- dataChanged on the right index and thus the complete branch was never added to the model.
- * The change in refreshAscendantMapping is required to include indexes that were
- included by descendants. The intended way how this was supposed to work is that we
- traverse the tree upwards and find the last index that is not yet part of the model.
- We would then call dataChanged on that index causing it and its descendants to get reevaluated.
- However, acceptRow does not reflect wether an index is already in the model or not.
- Consider the following model:
- - A
- - B
- - C
- - D
- If C is included in the model by default but D not, and A & B only get included due to C, we have the following model:
- - A
- - B
- - C
- If we then call refreshAscendantsMapping on D it will not consider B as already being part of the model.
- This results in the toplevel index A being considered lastAscendant, and a call to dataChanged on A results in
- a reevaluation of A only, which is already in the model. Thus D never gets added to the model.
- Unfortunately there is no way to probe QSortFilterProxyModel for indexes that are
- already part of the model. Even the const mapFromSource internally creates a mapping when called,
- and thus instead of revealing indexes that are not yet part of the model, it silently
- creates a mapping (without issuing the relevant signals!).
- As the only possible workaround we have to issues dataChanged for all ancestors
- which is ignored for indexes that are not yet mapped, and results in a rowsInserted
- signal for the correct indexes. It also results in superfluous dataChanged signals,
- since we don't know when to stop, but at least we have a properly behaving model
- this way.
- REVIEW: 120119
- BUG: 338950
---- kdeui/itemviews/krecursivefilterproxymodel.cpp
-+++ kdeui/itemviews/krecursivefilterproxymodel.cpp
-@@ -108,12 +108,9 @@ public:
- void sourceRowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &source_parent, int start, int end);
- /**
-- Given that @p index does not match the filter, clear mappings in the QSortFilterProxyModel up to and excluding the
-- first ascendant that does match, and remake the mappings.
-- If @p refreshAll is true, this method also refreshes intermediate mappings. This is significant when removing rows.
-+ Given that @p index does not match the filter, clear mappings in the QSortFilterProxyModel up to roo, and remake the mappings.
- */
-- void refreshAscendantMapping(const QModelIndex &index, bool refreshAll = false);
-+ void refreshAscendantMapping(const QModelIndex &index);
- bool ignoreRemove;
- bool completeInsert;
-@@ -126,7 +123,7 @@ void KRecursiveFilterProxyModelPrivate::sourceDataChanged(const QModelIndex &sou
- QModelIndex source_parent = source_top_left.parent();
-- if (!source_parent.isValid() || q->filterAcceptsRow(source_parent.row(), source_parent.parent()))
-+ if (!source_parent.isValid() || q->acceptRow(source_parent.row(), source_parent.parent()))
- {
- invokeDataChanged(source_top_left, source_bottom_right);
- return;
-@@ -146,27 +143,20 @@ void KRecursiveFilterProxyModelPrivate::sourceDataChanged(const QModelIndex &sou
- refreshAscendantMapping(source_parent);
- }
--void KRecursiveFilterProxyModelPrivate::refreshAscendantMapping(const QModelIndex &index, bool refreshAll)
-+void KRecursiveFilterProxyModelPrivate::refreshAscendantMapping(const QModelIndex &index)
- {
- Q_Q(KRecursiveFilterProxyModel);
- Q_ASSERT(index.isValid());
-- QModelIndex lastAscendant = index;
-- QModelIndex sourceAscendant = index.parent();
-+ QModelIndex sourceAscendant = index;
- // We got a matching descendant, so find the right place to insert the row.
- // We need to tell the QSortFilterProxyModel that the first child between an existing row in the model
- // has changed data so that it will get a mapping.
-- while(sourceAscendant.isValid() && !q->acceptRow(sourceAscendant.row(), sourceAscendant.parent()))
-+ while(sourceAscendant.isValid())
- {
-- if (refreshAll)
-- invokeDataChanged(sourceAscendant, sourceAscendant);
-- lastAscendant = sourceAscendant;
-+ invokeDataChanged(sourceAscendant, sourceAscendant);
- sourceAscendant = sourceAscendant.parent();
- }
-- // Inform the model that its data changed so that it creates new mappings and finds the rows which now match the filter.
-- invokeDataChanged(lastAscendant, lastAscendant);
- }
- void KRecursiveFilterProxyModelPrivate::sourceRowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &source_parent, int start, int end)
-@@ -261,7 +251,7 @@ void KRecursiveFilterProxyModelPrivate::sourceRowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &sou
- // This is needed because QSFPM only invalidates the mapping for the
- // index range given to dataChanged, not its children.
- if (source_parent.isValid())
-- refreshAscendantMapping(source_parent, true);
-+ refreshAscendantMapping(source_parent);
- }
- KRecursiveFilterProxyModel::KRecursiveFilterProxyModel(QObject* parent)
---- kdeui/tests/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ kdeui/tests/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ KDEUI_PROXYMODEL_TESTS(
- kdescendantsproxymodeltest
- kselectionproxymodeltest
- testmodelqueuedconnections
-+ krecursivefilterproxymodeltest
- )
---- /dev/null
-+++ kdeui/tests/krecursivefilterproxymodeltest.cpp
-@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
-+ Copyright (c) 2014 Christian Mollekopf <mollekopf@kolabsys.com>
-+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-+ under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
-+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-+ option) any later version.
-+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
-+ License for more details.
-+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
-+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
-+ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-+ 02110-1301, USA.
-+#include <qtest_kde.h>
-+#include <krecursivefilterproxymodel.h>
-+#include <QStandardItemModel>
-+class ModelSignalSpy : public QObject {
-+ explicit ModelSignalSpy(QAbstractItemModel &model) {
-+ connect(&model, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT(onRowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)));
-+ connect(&model, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT(onRowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)));
-+ connect(&model, SIGNAL(rowsMoved(QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int)), this, SLOT(onRowsMoved(QModelIndex,int,int, QModelIndex, int)));
-+ connect(&model, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(onDataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)));
-+ connect(&model, SIGNAL(layoutChanged()), this, SLOT(onLayoutChanged()));
-+ connect(&model, SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(onModelReset()));
-+ }
-+ QStringList mSignals;
-+ QModelIndex parent;
-+ int start;
-+ int end;
-+public Q_SLOTS:
-+ void onRowsInserted(QModelIndex p, int s, int e) {
-+ mSignals << QLatin1String("rowsInserted");
-+ parent = p;
-+ start = s;
-+ end = e;
-+ }
-+ void onRowsRemoved(QModelIndex p, int s, int e) {
-+ mSignals << QLatin1String("rowsRemoved");
-+ parent = p;
-+ start = s;
-+ end = e;
-+ }
-+ void onRowsMoved(QModelIndex,int,int,QModelIndex,int) {
-+ mSignals << QLatin1String("rowsMoved");
-+ }
-+ void onDataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex) {
-+ mSignals << QLatin1String("dataChanged");
-+ }
-+ void onLayoutChanged() {
-+ mSignals << QLatin1String("layoutChanged");
-+ }
-+ void onModelReset() {
-+ mSignals << QLatin1String("modelReset");
-+ }
-+class TestModel : public KRecursiveFilterProxyModel
-+ virtual bool acceptRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const
-+ {
-+ // qDebug() << sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent).data().toString() << sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent).data(Qt::UserRole+1).toBool();
-+ return sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent).data(Qt::UserRole+1).toBool();
-+ }
-+static QModelIndex getIndex(const char *string, const QAbstractItemModel &model)
-+ QModelIndexList list = model.match(model.index(0, 0), Qt::DisplayRole, QString::fromLatin1(string), 1, Qt::MatchRecursive);
-+ if (list.isEmpty()) {
-+ return QModelIndex();
-+ }
-+ return list.first();
-+class KRecursiveFilterProxyModelTest : public QObject
-+private slots:
-+ // Test that we properly react to a data-changed signal in a descendant and include all required rows
-+ void testDataChange()
-+ {
-+ QStandardItemModel model;
-+ TestModel proxy;
-+ proxy.setSourceModel(&model);
-+ QStandardItem *index1 = new QStandardItem("1");
-+ index1->setData(false);
-+ model.appendRow(index1);
-+ QVERIFY(!getIndex("1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QStandardItem *index1_1_1 = new QStandardItem("1.1.1");
-+ index1_1_1->setData(false);
-+ QStandardItem *index1_1 = new QStandardItem("1.1");
-+ index1_1->setData(false);
-+ index1_1->appendRow(index1_1_1);
-+ index1->appendRow(index1_1);
-+ ModelSignalSpy spy(proxy);
-+ index1_1_1->setData(true);
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("1.1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("1.1.1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QCOMPARE(spy.mSignals, QStringList() << QLatin1String("rowsInserted"));
-+ }
-+ void testInsert()
-+ {
-+ QStandardItemModel model;
-+ TestModel proxy;
-+ proxy.setSourceModel(&model);
-+ QStandardItem *index1 = new QStandardItem("index1");
-+ index1->setData(false);
-+ model.appendRow(index1);
-+ QStandardItem *index1_1 = new QStandardItem("index1_1");
-+ index1_1->setData(false);
-+ index1->appendRow(index1_1);
-+ QStandardItem *index1_1_1 = new QStandardItem("index1_1_1");
-+ index1_1_1->setData(false);
-+ index1_1->appendRow(index1_1_1);
-+ QVERIFY(!getIndex("index1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(!getIndex("index1_1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(!getIndex("index1_1_1", proxy).isValid());
-+ ModelSignalSpy spy(proxy);
-+ {
-+ QStandardItem *index1_1_1_1 = new QStandardItem("index1_1_1_1");
-+ index1_1_1_1->setData(true);
-+ index1_1_1->appendRow(index1_1_1_1);
-+ }
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("index1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("index1_1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("index1_1_1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("index1_1_1_1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QCOMPARE(spy.mSignals, QStringList() << QLatin1String("rowsInserted"));
-+ QCOMPARE(spy.parent, QModelIndex());
-+ }
-+ // We want to get index1_1_1_1 into the model which is a descendant of index1_1.
-+ // index1_1 is already in the model from the neighbor2 branch. We must ensure dataChange is called on index1_1,
-+ // so index1_1_1_1 is included in the model.
-+ void testNeighborPath()
-+ {
-+ QStandardItemModel model;
-+ TestModel proxy;
-+ proxy.setSourceModel(&model);
-+ QStandardItem *index1 = new QStandardItem("index1");
-+ index1->setData(false);
-+ model.appendRow(index1);
-+ QStandardItem *index1_1 = new QStandardItem("index1_1");
-+ index1_1->setData(false);
-+ index1->appendRow(index1_1);
-+ QStandardItem *index1_1_1 = new QStandardItem("index1_1_1");
-+ index1_1_1->setData(false);
-+ index1_1->appendRow(index1_1_1);
-+ {
-+ QStandardItem *nb1 = new QStandardItem("neighbor");
-+ nb1->setData(false);
-+ index1_1->appendRow(nb1);
-+ QStandardItem *nb2 = new QStandardItem("neighbor2");
-+ nb2->setData(true);
-+ nb1->appendRow(nb2);
-+ }
-+ //These tests affect the test. It seems without them the mapping is not created in qsortfilterproxymodel, resulting in the item
-+ //simply getting added later on. With these the model didn't react to the added index1_1_1_1 as it should.
-+ QVERIFY(!getIndex("index1_1_1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("index1_1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("neighbor", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("neighbor2", proxy).isValid());
-+ ModelSignalSpy spy(proxy);
-+ {
-+ QStandardItem *index1_1_1_1 = new QStandardItem("index1_1_1_1");
-+ index1_1_1_1->setData(true);
-+ index1_1_1->appendRow(index1_1_1_1);
-+ }
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("index1_1_1", proxy).isValid());
-+ QVERIFY(getIndex("index1_1_1_1", proxy).isValid());
-+ //The dataChanged signals are not intentional and caused by refreshAscendantMapping. Unfortunately we can't avoid them.
-+ QCOMPARE(spy.mSignals, QStringList() << QLatin1String("rowsInserted") << QLatin1String("dataChanged") << QLatin1String("dataChanged"));
-+ }
-+QTEST_KDEMAIN(KRecursiveFilterProxyModelTest, NoGUI)
-+#include "krecursivefilterproxymodeltest.moc"