path: root/databases/p5-DBD-Mock
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove WWW entries moved into port MakefilesStefan Eßer2022-09-071-2/+0
| | | | | | | | | | Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on WWW: lines in pkg-descr files. This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these pkg-descr files. Approved by: portmgr (tcberner)
* Add WWW entries to port MakefilesStefan Eßer2022-09-071-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources. Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the port specific URL to further information. There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time. This commit implements such a proposal and moves one of the WWW: entries of each pkg-descr file into the respective port's Makefile. A heuristic attempts to identify the most relevant URL in case there is more than one WWW: entry in some pkg-descr file. URLs that are not moved into the Makefile are prefixed with "See also:" instead of "WWW:" in the pkg-descr files in order to preserve them. There are 1256 ports that had no WWW: entries in pkg-descr files. These ports will not be touched in this commit. The portlint port has been adjusted to expect a WWW entry in each port Makefile, and to flag any remaining "WWW:" lines in pkg-descr files as deprecated. Approved by: portmgr (tcberner)
* databases: remove 'Created by' linesTobias C. Berner2022-07-201-2/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports: * "Choe, Cheng-Dae" whitekid * "Mahdi Mokhtari <mokhi64@gmail.com>" * "Meikel Brandmeyer" <ocaml-sqlite3-port@kotka.de> * <hvo.pm@xs4all.nl> * <jsmith@resonatingmedia.com> * <ports@c0decafe.net> * Aaron Dalton <aaron@FreeBSD.org> * Adam Weinberger <adamw@FreeBSD.org> * Ade Lovett <ade@FreeBSD.org> * Akinori MUSHA aka knu <knu@idaemons.org> * Alan Snelson <Alan@Wave2.org> * Aldis Berjoza <graudeejs@gmail.com> * Alessando Sagratini <ale_sagra@hotmail.com> * Alex Dupre <ale@FreeBSD.org> * Alex Samorukov <samm@freebsd.org> * Alexander Logvinov <ports@logvinov,com> * Alexander Logvinov <ports@logvinov.com> * Alexander Nedotsukov <bland@FreeBSD.org> * Alexander Novitsky * Alexander Zhuravlev <zaa@zaa.pp.ru> * Alexey Degtyarev <alexey@renatasystems.org> * Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe@FreeBSD.org> * Anders Nordby <anders@fix.no> * Andrei Antoukh <niwi@niwi.be> * Andrew McNaughton <andrew@scoop.co.nz> * Andrew Pantyukhin <infofarmer@FreeBSD.org> * Andrey Kostenko <andrey@kostenko.name> * Andrey Simonenko * Andrey Zakhvatov * Anes Mukhametov <anes@anes.su> * Anton Berezin <tobez@FreeBSD.org> * Anton Berezin <tobez@tobez.org> * Antonio Carlos Venancio Junior (<antonio@inf.ufsc.br>) * Antonio Carlos Venancio Junior (<antonio@php.net>) * Autrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus.org> * Babak Farrokhi <farrokhi@FreeBSD.org> * Bartek Rutkowski <r@robakdesign.com> * Bernard Spil <brnrd@FreeBSD.org> * Brent J. Nordquist <bjn@visi.com> * Cezary Morga <cm@therek.net> * Cheng-Lung Sung <clsung@FreeBSD.org> * Choe, Cheng-Dae * Chris D. Faulhaber <jedgar@FreeBSD.org> * Chris Larsen <darth@vader.dk> * Damian Gerow <dgerow@afflictions.org> * Daniel O'Connor * Daniel Wijnands <daniel@itxl.nl> * Dave Green <dg@fastmail.co.uk> * David Thiel <lx@FreeBSD.org> * Davíð Steinn Geirsson <david@isnic.is> * Denis Generalov <gd.workbox@gmail.com> * Denis Generalov <gd@rambler-co.ru> * Denis Shaposhnikov <dsh@bamus.cz> * Dermot Tynan <dtynan@kalopa.com> * Dmitry Liakh <dliakh@ukr.net> * Dmitry Sivachenko <demon@FreeBSD.org> * Dmitry Sivachenko <dima@Chg.RU> * Dmitry Sivachenko <mitya@yandex-team.ru> * Domas Mituzas <midom@dammit.lt> * Dominic Mitchell * Don Owens <don@regexguy.com> * Dryice Dong Liu <dryice@dryice.name> * Edwin Groothuis (edwin@mavetju.org) * Eric Freeman <freebsdports@chillibear.com> * Espen Tagestad <espen@tagestad.no> * Espen Volden aka voldern <voldern@hoeggen.net> * Evan Sarmiento <bsdports@wayfair.com> * Fernan Aguero <fernan@iib.unsam.edu.ar> * Frank Wall <fw@moov.de> * Ganbold Tsagaankhuu <ganbold@FreeBSD.org> * Gary Palmer <gpalmer@FreeBSD.org> * Gea-Suan Lin <gslin@gslin.org> * Geraud CONTINSOUZAS <geraud@gcu.info> * Gerrit Beine <tux@pinguru.net> * Greg Larkin <glarkin@FreeBSD.org> * Grzegorz Blach <gblach@FreeBSD.org> * Hansjoerg Pehofer <hansjoerg.pehofer@uibk.ac.at> * Henk van Oers <hvo.pm@xs4all.nl> * Henrik Hodne <henrik@hodne.io> * Hiroyuki Hanai <hanai@FreeBSD.org> * Horia Racoviceanu <horia@racoviceanu.com> * Hye-Shik Chang * Hye-Shik Chang <perky@python.or.kr> * Ilia Chipitsine <ilia@jane.cgu.chel.su> * Ivan Voras <ivoras@FreeBSD.org> * J.F. Dockes * Jaap Boender <jaapb@kerguelen.org> * Jake Smith <jake@xz.cx> * James FitzGibbon <jfitz@FreeBSD.org> * Janos Mohacsi <janos.mohacsi@bsd.hu> * Janos.Mohacsi@bsd.hu * Jason Helfman <jgh@FreeBSD.org> * Jens Rehsack <rehsack@liwing.de> * Jeremy Chadwick <koitsu@FreeBSD.org> * Jev Björsell <ports@ecadlabs.com> * Jim Ohlstein <jim@ohlste.in> * Jin-Shan Tseng <tjs@cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw> * Joe Horn <joehorn@gmail.com> * Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus@FreeBSD.org> * Johannes Meixner <johannes@perceivon.net> * John Chen <johnpupu@gmail.com> * John Marino <marino@FreeBSD.org> * John Merryweather Cooper * John Merryweather Cooper et al * Jon Nistor <nistor@snickers.org> * Jonathan Weiss (<jw@innerewut.de>) * Jose Jachuf <jjachuf@gmail.com> * Joshua D. Abraham <jabra@ccs.neu.edu> * Jov <amutu@amutu.com> * Jov amutu@amutu.com * Jui-Nan Lin <jnlin@freebsd.cs.nctu.edu.tw> * Julien Laffaye <kimelto@gmail.com> * Jyun-Yan You <jyyou@cs.nctu.edu.tw> * Keith Gaughan <k@sterechro.me> * Kevin Bowling <kbowling@freebsd.org> * Kimo <kimor79@yahoo.com> * Kimura Fuyuki <fuyuki@nigredo.org> * Koop Mast <kwm@FreeBSD.org> * Lars Balker Rasmussen <lbr@FreeBSD.org * Lars Balker Rasmussen <lbr@FreeBSD.org> * Lars Eggert <larse@isi.edu> * Lars Thegler <lars@thegler.dk> * Lars Thegler <lth@FreeBSD.org> * Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu@FreeBSD.org> * Loïc BARTOLETTI * Loïc BARTOLETTI <lbartoletti@FreeBSD.org> * Lubomir Marinov <lubomir_m@abv.bg> * Mahdi Mokhtari <mokhi64@gmail.com> * Mahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu> * Marc G. Fournier <scrappy@FreeBSD.org> * Mark Felder <feld@FreeBSD.org> * Markus Brueffer <markus@FreeBSD.org> * Martin Matuska <martin@matuska.org> * Martin Matuska <mm@FreeBSD.org> * Martin Wilke <miwi@FreeBSD.org> * Mathieu Arnold <m@absolight.net> * Matthew Seaman * Matthias Andree <mandree@FreeBSD.org> * Matthias Fechner <mfechner@FreeBSD.org> * Matthias Petermann <matthias@petermann-it.de> * Max Khon * Max Khon <fjoe@FreeBSD.org> * Michael Johnson <ahze@FreeBSD.org> * Michael Johnson <ahze@ahze.net> * Michael Winking <mwfp@foldl.net> * Mikael URANKAR and Loïc BARTOLETTI * Mike Carlson (carlson39@llnl.gov) * Mikhail T. <michael@fun-box.ru> * Mikhail Teterin * Mikhail Teterin <mi@aldan.algebra.com> * Mikolaj Golub <trociny@FreeBSD.org> * Mirko Zinn <mail@derzinn.de> * Mohammad S. Babaei <info@babaei.net> * Muhammad Moinur Rahman <bofh@FreeBSD.org> * Nick Hibma <n_hibma@freebsd.org> * Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> * Nick Sayer <nsayer@FreeBSD.org> * Nicola Vitale <nivit@FreeBSD.org> * Nicolas Embriz <nbari@tequila.io> * Nicolas de Bari Embriz <nbari@dalmp.com> * Oleg Sharoiko <os@rsu.ru> * Olexander Melnyk <olexander.v.melnyk@gmail.com> * Oliver Eikemeier <eikemeier@fillmore-labs.com> * Olivier Duchateau <duchateau.olivier@gmail.com> * Palle Girgensohn <girgen@FreeBSD.org> * Palle Girgensohn <girgen@partitur.se> * Palle Girgensohn <girgen@pingpong.net> * Parv <parv@pair.org> * Pete Fritchman <petef@databits.net> * Peter Avalos <pavalos@theshell.com> * Philip M. Gollucci * Philip M. Gollucci <philip@p6m7g8.com> * Philip Stoev <philip.stoev@galeracluster.com> * Pierre-Emmanuel Andre <pea@raveland.org> * Pietro Cerutti <gahr@FreeBSD.org> * Piotr Kubaj <pkubaj@anongoth.pl> * Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@FreeBSD.org> * Qing Feng <qingfeng@douban.com> * Quinton Dolan <q@onthenet.com.au> * Radim Kolar * Rainer Hurling <rhurlin@gwdg.de> * Rick Miller * Robert Kruus <rob.kruus@gmail.com> * Rod Taylor <ports@rbt.ca> * Roland van Laar <roland@micite.net> * Rong-En Fan <rafan@FreeBSD.org> * Roy Boerner * Rozhuk Ivan <rozhuk.im@gmail.com> * Rusty Nejdl * Ryan Steinmetz <rpsfa@rit.edu> * Ryan Steinmetz <zi@FreeBSD.org> * Ryan T. Dean <rtdean@cytherianage.net> * Sam Lawrance <boris@brooknet.com.au> * Scott McWhirter <scott@surreytech.co.uk> * Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca> * Sean Chittenden <seanc@FreeBSD.org> * Sergei Kolobov <sergei@kolobov.com> * Sergei Vyshenski <svysh.fbsd@gmail.com> * Sergey A. Osokin <osa@FreeBSD.org.ru> * Sergey A. Osokin <osa@FreeBSD.org> * Sergey Matveychuk <sem@FreeBSD.org> * Sergey Skvortsov <skv@FreeBSD.org> * Sergey Skvortsov <skv@protey.ru> * Sevan Janiyan <venture37@geeklan.co.uk> * Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@FreeBSD.org> * Stanislav Svirid <count@211.ru> * Stefan Schmidt <stefan.schmidt@stadtbuch.de> * Steve Wills <swills@FreeBSD.org> * Steve Wills <swills@freebsd.org> * Steven Kreuzer <skreuzer@FreeBSD.org> * Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@FreeBSD.org> * Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@sunpoet.net> * T. William Wells <bill@twwells.com> * TAKATSU Tomonari <tota@FreeBSD.org> * Thierry Thomas (<thierry@pompo.net>) * Thomas Gellekum <tg@FreeBSD.org> * Timur I. Bakeyev <bat@cpan.org> * Tom Judge <tj@FreeBSD.org> * Torsten Zuehlsdorff <ports@toco-domains.de> * Torsten Zuhlsdorff <ports@toco-domains.de> * Toshiya Saitoh (<toshiya@saitoh.nu>) * Tsung-Han Yeh <snowfly@yuntech.edu.tw> * Vasil Dimov <vd@FreeBSD.org> * Veniamin Gvozdikov <vg@FreeBSD.org> * Vladimir Timofeev <vovkasm@gmail.com> * Wen Heping * Wen Heping <wen@FreeBSD.org> * Wen Heping <wenheping@gmail.com> * Wen heping <wenheping@gmail.com> * William Grzybowski <wg@FreeBSD.org> * Xin Li <delphij@FreeBSD.org> * Yarema <yds@CoolRat.org> * Yarema <yds@Necessitu.de> * Yen-Ming Lee <leeym@FreeBSD.org> * Ying-Chieh Liao <ijliao@FreeBSD.org> * Yoichi NAKAYAMA <yoichi@FreeBSD.org> * Yuri Victorovich <yuri@rawbw.com> * Zach Thompson <hideo@lastamericanempire.com> * Zach Thompson <lin-chi@lastamericanempire.com> * ache@FreeBSD.org * alfred * alp@sfedu.ru * andrew@scoop.co.nz * andrey@kostenko.name * chinsan * chinsan <chinsan.tw@gmail.com> * clive * clive@FreeBSD.org * clsung@dragon2.net * dcf@aracnet.com * elvstone@gmail.com * erikhb@bgnett.no * erwin@FreeBSD.org * gahr * ijliao * ijlioa * ivoras * johnpupu <johnpupu@gmail.com> * kirk@daycos.com * kuriyama * lbartoletti <lbartoletti@FreeBSD.org> * loïc bartoletti <lbartoletti@FreeBSD.org> * mharo@FreeBSD.org * michael johnson <ahze@ahze.net> * milki <milki@rescomp.berkeley.edy> * mm@FreeBSD.org * nbm * nectar@FreeBSD.org * nork@FreeBSD.org * nork@cityfujisawa.ne.jp * olevole@olevole.ru * proler@gmail.com * sergey@migsoft.com.ua * sobomax * spam@rm-rf.kiev.ua * stas * tobez * tremere@cainites.net * vanilla * vanilla@ * wen@FreeBSD.org * wenheping<wenheping@gmail.com> * wolman@cs.washington.edu * # Created by Kevin Bowling <kbowling@FreeBSD.org> * # Created by Matthias Fechner <mfechner@FreeBSD.org> With hat: portmgr
* databases/p5-DBD-Mock: Update to 1.59Wen Heping2021-09-192-4/+4
* *: Return culot@'s ports to the pool (and perl@) after safekeeping his bit.Rene Ladan2021-09-061-1/+1
* Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.Mathieu Arnold2021-04-061-1/+0
* databases/p5-DBD-Mock: update to 1.55Frederic Culot2020-01-062-4/+4
| | | | | | | Changes: https://metacpan.org/source/JLCOOPER/DBD-Mock-1.55/Changes Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=522215
* databases/p5-DBD-Mock: update to 1.49Frederic Culot2019-09-232-4/+4
| | | | | | | Changes: https://metacpan.org/source/JLCOOPER/DBD-Mock-1.49/Changes Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=512635
* databases/p5-DBD-Mock: update to 1.47Frederic Culot2019-09-063-7/+17
| | | | | | | Changes: https://metacpan.org/source/JLCOOPER/DBD-Mock-1.47/Changes Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=511314
* Fix every instance of RUN_DEPENDS:=${BUILD_DEPENDS} in p5 ports, exceptDag-Erling Smørgrav2018-10-061-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | for where it resulted in a change in output from build-depends-list or run-depends-list. Approved by: portmgr (adamw) Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=481365
* Update WWWSunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh2018-05-271-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | search.cpan.org is shutting down. It will redirect to metacpan.org after June 25, 2018. With hat: perl Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=470993
* Remove ${PORTSDIR}/ from dependencies, categories d, e, f, and g.Mathieu Arnold2016-04-011-3/+3
| | | | | | | | With hat: portmgr Sponsored by: Absolight Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=412346
* - Reassign lippe@'s ports after his commit bit was taken in for safekeepingFrederic Culot2015-10-141-1/+1
| | | | Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=399249
* Change the way Perl modules are installed, update the default Perl to 5.18.Mathieu Arnold2014-11-262-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Before, we had: site_perl : lib/perl5/site_perl/5.18 site_perl/perl_arch : lib/perl5/site_perl/5.18/mach perl_man3 : lib/perl5/5.18/man/man3 Now we have: site_perl : lib/perl5/site_perl site_arch : lib/perl5/site_perl/mach/5.18 perl_man3 : lib/perl5/site_perl/man/man3 Modules without any .so will be installed at the same place regardless of the Perl version, minimizing the upgrade when the major Perl version is changed. It uses a version dependent directory for modules with compiled bits. As PERL_ARCH is no longer needed in plists, it has been removed from PLIST_SUB. The USE_PERL5=fixpacklist keyword is removed, the .packlist file is now always removed, as is perllocal.pod. The old site_perl and site_perl/arch directories have been kept in the default Perl @INC for all Perl ports, and will be phased out as these old Perl versions expire. PR: 194969 Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D1019 Exp-run by: antoine Reviewed by: perl@ Approved by: portmgr Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=373448
* Cleanup plistBaptiste Daroussin2014-10-201-6/+0
| | | | Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=371255
* - add stage supportAndrej Zverev2014-01-292-3/+1
| | | | | | | Approved by: portmgr (blanket infrastructure) Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=341764
* Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat: ↵Baptiste Daroussin2013-09-201-0/+1
| | | | | | | databases) Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=327717
* - convert to the new perl5 frameworkAndrej Zverev2013-09-101-6/+3
| | | | | | | | | - trim Makefile header Approved by: portmgr (bapt@, blanket) Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=326900
* - Update to 1.45Felippe de Meirelles Motta2012-11-062-4/+3
| | | | | | | Feature safe: yes Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=307089
* - Fix typo in BUILD_DEPENDSFelippe de Meirelles Motta2012-04-091-1/+2
| | | | | | | | Reported by: pav Feature safe: yes Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=294437
* - Update to 1.43.Felippe de Meirelles Motta2012-04-053-4/+17
| | | | | | | Feature safe: yes Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=294257
* At the moment 1385 ports use BUILD_DEPENDS= ${RUN_DEPENDS} and 450Eitan Adler2012-01-211-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | ports use BUILD_DEPENDS:= ${RUN_DEPENDS}. This patch fixes ports that are currently broken. This is a temporary measure until we organically stop using := or someone(s) spend a lot of time changing all the ports over. Explicit duplication > := > = and this just moves ports one step to the left Approved by: portmgr Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=289563
* - remove maintainer tags from pkg-descrEitan Adler2011-10-221-3/+0
| | | | | | | | Approved by: portmgr Approved by: bapt (mentor) Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=284139
* - Change PERL_CONFIGURE to "yes" for all values between 5.8.1+ and 5.8.9+Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh2011-09-171-1/+1
| | | | | | | | Suggested by: az With hat: perl Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=281882
* - Update to 1.41Felippe de Meirelles Motta2011-08-012-3/+3
| | | | | | | | PR: ports/158193 Submitted by: Jin-Sih Lin <linpct@gmail.com> Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=278662
* - Get Rid MD5 supportMartin Wilke2011-03-201-1/+0
| | | | Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=271346
* - Update to 1.39.Felippe de Meirelles Motta2008-11-282-4/+4
| | | | Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=223475
* - Take maintainership.Felippe de Meirelles Motta2008-09-051-1/+1
| | | | Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=219875
* Reset espen@tagestad.no due to maintainer-timeouts and no response to email.Mark Linimon2008-09-031-1/+1
| | | | | | | Hat: portmgr Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=219706
* - Update to 1.36.Felippe de Meirelles Motta2008-03-162-7/+6
| | | | | | | | | PR: ports/120391 Submitted by: lippe (myself) Approved by: araujo (mentor), maintainer timeout (> 2 weeks) Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=209151
* Welcome bsd.perl.mk. Add support for constructs such as USE_PERL5=5.8.0+.Mark Linimon2007-09-081-8/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | Drop support for antique perl. Work done by: gabor Sponsored by: Google Summer of Code 2007 Hat: portmgr Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=199069
* Update to 1.34Mathieu Arnold2006-08-243-8/+4
| | | | | | | | | | maintainer timeout (3 weeks) PR: 101036 Submitted by: Jin-Shan Tseng <tjs@cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw> Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=171307
* - Update to 1.32Marcus Alves Grando2006-03-183-4/+6
| | | | | | | | PR: 94445 Submitted by: maintainer Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=157597
* Replace ugly "@unexec rmdir %D... 2>/dev/null || true" with @dirrmtryEdwin Groothuis2006-01-221-2/+2
| | | | | | | | Approved by: krion@ PR: ports/88711 (related) Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=154109
* Add p5-DBD-Mock, a simple mock DBD implementation used for testingEmanuel Haupt2005-12-084-0/+50
PR: 89835 Submitted by: Espen Tagestad <espen@tagestad.no> Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=150646