| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
| |
Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.
This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.
Approved by: portmgr (tcberner)
| |
It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.
Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.
There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
This commit implements such a proposal and moves one of the WWW: entries
of each pkg-descr file into the respective port's Makefile. A heuristic
attempts to identify the most relevant URL in case there is more than
one WWW: entry in some pkg-descr file. URLs that are not moved into the
Makefile are prefixed with "See also:" instead of "WWW:" in the pkg-descr
files in order to preserve them.
There are 1256 ports that had no WWW: entries in pkg-descr files. These
ports will not be touched in this commit.
The portlint port has been adjusted to expect a WWW entry in each port
Makefile, and to flag any remaining "WWW:" lines in pkg-descr files as
Approved by: portmgr (tcberner)
| |
gnome@ no longer uses Marcusom as their staging ground.
Approved by: gnome (nc)
Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D35866
| |
A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:
* <ports@c0decafe.net>
* Aaron Dalton <aaron@FreeBSD.org>
* Aaron Straup Cope <ascope@cpan.org>
* Aaron Zauner <az_mail@gmx.at>
* Adam Jette <jettea46@yahoo.com>
* Adam Weinberger <adamw@FreeBSD.org>
* Alan Eldridge <alane@geeksrus.net>
* Alex Bakhtin <Alex.Bakhtin@gmail.com>
* Alex Deiter <Alex.Deiter@Gmail.COM>
* Alex Dupre <ale@FreeBSD.org>
* Alex Dupre <sysadmin@alexdupre.com>
* Alex Kapranoff <kappa@FreeBSD.org.ua>
* Alex Miller <asm@asm.kiev.ua>
* Alexander Hausner <alex@hugo.bmg.gv.at>
* Alexander Kriventsov <avk@vl.ru>
* Alexander Logvinov <avl@FreeBSD.org>
* Alexander Logvinov <ports@logvinov.com>
* Alexander Moisseev <moiseev@mezonplus.ru>
* Alexander Novitsky
* Alexander Nusov <alexander.nusov@nfvexpress.com>
* Alexander Panyushkin <vsityz@gmail.com>
* Alexander V. Chernikov <melifaro@FreeBSD.org>
* Alexandre Biancalana <ale@biancalanas.net>
* Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe@FreeBSD.org>
* Alexey V. Degtyarev <alexey@renatasystems.org>
* Alfred Perlstein <alfred@FreeBSD.org>
* Alonso Cardenas Marquez <acm@FreeBSD.org>
* Anatoliy Dmytriyev
* Anders Nordby <anders@FreeBSD.org>
* Anders Nordby <anders@fix.no>
* Andreas Klemm <andreas@klemm.gtn.com>
* Andreas Kohn <andreas@syndrom23.de>
* Andrei Lavreniyuk <andy.lavr@gmail.com>
* Andrew Pantyukhin <infofarmer@FreeBSD.org>
* Andrew Thompson <thompsa@FreeBSD.org>
* Andrey Zakhvatov
* Andy Kosela <akosela@andykosela.com>
* Anes Mukhametov <anes@anes.su>
* Anton Berezin <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
* Anton Berezin <tobez@tobez.org>
* Anton Karpov <toxa@toxahost.ru>
* Anton Yuzhaninov <citrin@citrin.ru>
* Antonio Carlos Venancio Junior (<antonio@inf.ufsc.br>)
* Antonio Querubin <tony@lava.net>
* Archie Cobbs
* Arne Lundberg <arlu@telia.com>
* Babak Farrokhi
* Babak Farrokhi <babak@farrokhi.net>
* Babak Farrokhi <farrokhi@FreeBSD.org>
* Bartek Rutkowski robak@FreeBSD.org
* Bill Fenner <fenner@FreeBSD.org>
* Bill Fumerola <billf@chc-chimes.com>
* Bill Fumerola <billf@mu.org>
* Bjorn Konig <bkoenig@alpha-tierchen.de>
* Blaz Zupan <blaz@si.FreeBSD.org>
* BluePex Security Solutions <freebsd-ports@bluepex.com>
* Bob Frazier
* Boris Lytochkin <lytboris@gmail.com>
* Brad Davis <so14k@so14k.com>
* Brent B. Powers <bbp2006@columbia.edu>
* Brian Somers <brian@FreeBSD.org>
* Bruce M Simpson <bms@FreeBSD.org>
* Bruce M. Simpson <bms@FreeBSD.org>
* Bruce Simpson
* Carlo Strub <cs@FreeBSD.org>
* Carlos J Puga Medina <cpm@FreeBSD.org>
* Carsten Larsen <cs@innolan.dk>
* Cheng-Lung Sung <clsung@FreeBSD.org>
* Cheng-Lung Sung <clsung@dragon2.net>
* Chris Hutchinson <portmaster@BSDforge.com>
* Christer Edwards <christer.edwards@gmail.com>
* Christian Brueffer <chris@unixpages.org)
* Christian Laursen <xi@borderworlds.dk>
* Christopher Boumenot <boumenot@gmail.com>
* Christopher Key <cjk32@cam.ac.uk>
* Chung-Kie Tung <tung@turtle.ee.ncku.edu.tw>
* Clement Laforet
* Clement Laforet <clement@FreeBSD.org>
* Clement Laforet <sheepkiller@cultdeadsheep.org>
* Corey Smith <corsmith@gmail.com>
* Cory R. King <coryking@mozimedia.com>
* Craig Boston <craig@yekse.gank.org>
* Craig Leres <leres@FreeBSD.org>
* Daisuke Aoyama <aoyama@peach.ne.jp>
* Dan Caescu <daniel at freebsd.ro>
* Dan Pelleg <dpelleg+unison@cs.cmu.edu>
* Daniel Baker <dbaker@FreeBSD.org> <dbaker@cuckoo.com>
* Daniel Bryan <sisko@bsdmail.com>
* Daniel O'Connor <darius@dons.net.au>
* Danilo G. Baio <dbaio@FreeBSD.org>
* Danny Howard <dannyman@tellme.com>
* David Carlier
* David O'Brien (obrien@FreeBSD.org)
* David O'Brien (obrien@NUXI.com)
* David O'Brien (obrien@cs.ucdavis.edu)
* David O'Brien <obrien@NUXI.com>
* David Shane Holden <dpejesh@yahoo.com>
* David Thiel (lx@redundancy.redundancy.org)
* David Thiel <lx@redundancy.redundancy.org>
* Dean Freeman (wfreeman@sourcefire.com)
* Denis Generalov <gd.workbox@gmail.com>
* Denis Pokataev <catone@cpan.org>
* Dennis Herrmann <adox@mcx2.org>
* Dennis Herrmann <dhn@FreeBSD.org>
* Derek Schrock <dereks@lifeofadishwasher.com>
* Diederik de Groot
* Dima Dorfman <dd@FreeBSD.org>
* Dima Panov <fluffy@FreeBSD.org>
* Dima Sivachenko
* Dima Sivachenko <dima@chg.ru>
* Dirk-Willem van Gulik / dirkx@webweaving.org
* Dmitry Sivachenko <demon@FreeBSD.org>
* Dmitry Sivachenko <dima@Chg.RU>
* Dmitry Sivachenko <mitya@yandex-team.ru>
* Dominic Marks <dominic.marks@btinternet.com>
* Dominic Mitchell <dom@happygiraffe.net>
* Douglas Thrift <douglas@douglasthrift.net>
* Dryice Liu
* Ed Schouten <ed@FreeBSD.org>
* Edwin Groothuis (edwin@mavetju.org)
* Elias Mandouvalos <ocean@compulink.gr>
* Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@FreeBSD.org>
* Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@critical.ch>
* Emmanuel Richiardone (err@tollari.org)
* Eric Freeman <freebsdports@chillibear.com>
* Erich Zigler <erich@tacni.net>
* Erwin Lansing <erwin@FreeBSD.org>
* Eugene Grosbein <eugen@FreeBSD.org>
* Eugene Grosbein <ports@grosbein.net>
* Felippe de Meirelles Motta <lippemail@gmail.com>
* Felix Hanley
* Felix Hanley <felix@userspace.com.au>
* Filippo Natali <filippo.natali@gmail.com>
* Filippo Natali <filippo@widestore.net>
* Florent Thoumie <flz@xbsd.org>
* Franco Fichtner <franco@opnsense.org>
* Frank Fenor <frank@fenor.de>
* Frank W. Josellis <frank@dynamical-systems.org>
* Frederic Culot <culot@FreeBSD.org>
* Frederic Culot <frederic@culot.org>
* Fukang Chen <loader@FreeBSD.org>
* G. Adam Stanislav <adam@whizkidtech.net>
* Gabriel Ambuehl <gabriel_ambuehl@buz.ch>
* Gabriel Dutra <0xdutra@gmail.com>
* Gabriel M. Dutra <0xdutra@gmail.com>
* Ganael LAPLANCHE <ganael.laplanche@martymac.org>
* Ganael Laplanche <ganael.laplanche@martymac.org>
* Gasol Wu <gasol.wu@gmail.com>
* Gaspar Chilingarov <nm@web.am>
* Gea-Suan Lin <gslin@ccca.nctu.edu.tw>
* Gea-Suan Lin <gslin@gslin.org>
* Geoff Garside
* George Reid <greid@ukug.uk.freebsd.org>
* George V. Neville-Neil
* Gerrit Beine (<tux@pinguru.net>)
* GomoR <netpkt@gomor.org>
* Goran Tal
* Greg Larkin <glarkin@FreeBSD.org>
* Gregory Edigarov <greg@bestnet.kharkov.ua>
* Guangyuan Yang <ygy@FreeBSD.org>
* Guerkan Karaman <gk.freebsd@googlemail.com>
* Gunter Wambaugh <gunter@six-two.net>
* Gustau Perez <gustau.perez@gmail.com>
* Gustau Perez i Querol <gustau.perez@gmail.com>
* Hajimu UMEMOTO <ume@FreeBSD.org>
* Haowu Ge <ghw@7axu.com>
* Henk van Oers <hvo.pm@xs4all.nl>
* Henrik Hodne <henrik@hodne.io>
* Honza Betik
* Hugo Saro <hugo@barafranca.com>
* Hung-Yi Chen <gaod@hychen.org>
* Hye-Shik Chang <perky@FreeBSD.org>
* IWATSUKI Hiroyuki <don@na.rim.or.jp>
* Iblis Lin <iblis@hs.ntnu.edu.tw>
* Igor Vinokurov <igor@zynaps.ru>
* Ilia Skalozubov <freebsd@skinc.ru>
* Ilya Bakulin <webmaster@kibab.com>
* Ion-Mihai "IOnut" Tetcu <itetcu@people.tecnik93.com>
* J.R. Oldroyd <fbsd@opal.com>
* Jaap Akkerhuis <jaap@NLnetLabs.nl>
* Jacques Vidrine <nectar@FreeBSD.org>
* James Elstone <james@elstone.net>
* James FitzGibbon <jfitz@FreeBSD.org>
* Jan Hornyak <pav@oook.cz>
* Janni
* Janos Mohacsi <janos.mohacsi@bsd.hu>
* Janos.Mohacsi@bsd.hu
* Janos.Mohacsi@dante.org.uk
* Jase Thew <freebsd@beardz.net>
* Jean-Yves Lefort <jylefort@brutele.be>
* Jeff Putsch <jdputsch@comcast.net>
* Jeremie Le Hen <jlh@FreeBSD.org>
* Jesper Skriver <jesper@FreeBSD.org>
* Jesse McConnell <jesse@gallup.com>
* Jin-Shan Tseng <tjs@cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw>
* Joe Clarke
* Joe Horn <joehorn@gmail.com>
* Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus@FreeBSD.org>
* Johannes Meixner <johannes@perceivon.net>
* John Bayly <freebsd.ports@tipstrade.net>
* John Hixson <jhixson@gmail.com>
* John Hixson<jhixson@FreeBSD.org>
* John Polstra <jdp@FreeBSD.org>
* Jon Nistor <nistor@snickers.org>
* Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez <acardenas@bsd.org.pe>
* Jose M. Alcaide <jose@we.lc.ehu.es>
* Joseph Benden <joe@thrallingpenguin.com>
* Joseph Scott <joseph@randomnetworks.com>
* Joshua Goodall <joshua@roughtrade.net>
* Jov <amutu@amutu.com>
* Juergen Lock <nox@FreeBSD.org>
* Jui-Nan Lin <jnlin@csie.nctu.edu.tw>
* Jui-Nan Lin <jnlin@freebsd.cs.nctu.edu.tw>
* Juraj Lutter <otis@FreeBSD.org>
* Jyun-Yan You <jyyou@cs.nctu.edu.tw>
* Karsten Pedersen <kpedersen@disroot.org>
* Kelly Yancey <kbyanc@FreeBSD.org>
* Kelly Yancey <kbyanc@posi.net>
* Kevin Bowling <k@kev009.com>
* Kevin Bowling <kbowling@freebsd.org>
* Kevin Lo <kevlo@FreeBSD.org>
* Kimura Fuyuki <fuyuki@hadaly.org>
* Kimura Fuyuki <fuyuki@mj.0038.net>
* Kirill Ponomarew <krion@FreeBSD.org>
* Kirill Ponomarew <ponomarew@oberon.net>
* Koop Mast <einekoai@chello.nl>
* Koop Mast <kwm@FreeBSD.org>
* Kris Kennaway <kris@FreeBSD.org
* Kris Kennaway <kris@FreeBSD.org>
* Kristof Provost <kp@FreeBSD.org>
* Krzysztof Stryjek <ports@bsdserwis.com>
* Kubilay Kocak <koobs@FreeBSD.org>
* Lars Eggert <lars@eggert.org>
* Lars Erik Gullerud <lerik@nolink.net>
* Lars Thegler <lars@thegler.dk>
* Lars Thegler <lth@FreeBSD.org>
* Lasse L. Johnsen (lasse@freebsdcluster.org)
* Lawrence Chen <beastie@tardisi.com>
* Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu@FreeBSD.org>
* Loic Pefferkorn <loic-freebsd@loicp.eu>
* Loren M. Lang
* Lung-Pin Chang <changlp@cs.nctu.edu.tw>
* M. Birgmeier
* MANTANI Nobutaka <nobutaka@FreeBSD.org>
* MIHIRA Yoshiro <sanpei@FreeBSD.org>
* Mahlon E. Smith <mahlon@martini.nu>
* Maksym Sobolyev <sobomax@pbxpress.it>
* Manuel Creach <manuel.creach@icloud.com>
* Marcin Cieslak <saper@system.pl>
* Marcin Jessa <freebsd@yazzy.org>
* Marcin Jessa <yazzy@yazzy.org>
* Marco P. Rodrigues <drkangel@drkangel.org>
* Marco Steinbach <coco@webdev.c0c0.intra>
* Marcus Glocker <marcus@nazgul.ch>
* Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <lioux@FreeBSD.org>
* Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <liouxFreeBSD.org>
* Mark Felder <feld@FreeBSD.org>
* Mark Pulford <mark@kyne.com.au>
* Mars G Miro <spry@anarchy.in.the.ph>
* Martin Matuska <mm@FreeBSD.org>
* Martin Wilke <miwi@FreeBSD.org>
* Masafumi NAKANE <max@FreeBSD.org>
* Masahiro Teramoto <markun@onohara.to>
* Masaki TAGAWA <masaki@club.kyutech.ac.jp>
* Massimiliano Stucchi <mstucchi@ripe.net>
* Matt Emmerton <matt@gsicomp.on.ca>
* Matt Peterson <matt@peterson.org>
* Matthew George <mdg@secureworks.net>
* Matthew Luckie <mjl@luckie.org.nz>
* Matthew Seaman
* Matthias Fechner <mfechner@FreeBSD.org>
* Matthias Teege <matthias@mteege.de>
* Max Khon <fjoe@FreeBSD.org>
* Max V. Kostikov <max@kostikov.co>
* Maxim Sobolev <sobomax@FreeBSD.org>
* Meno Abels <meno.abels@adviser.com>
* Michael Frey <frey@raum3.de>
* Michael Handler <handler@grendel.net>
* Michael Johnson <ahze@FreeBSD.org
* Michael Johnson <ahze@FreeBSD.org>
* Michael Joyner <mjoyner@hq.dyns.cx>
* Michael Kohn <mike@mikekohn.net>
* Michael L. Hostbaek (mich@freebsdcluster.org)
* Michael L. Hostbaek <mich@freebsdcluster.org>
* Michael Muenz <m.muenz@gmail.com>
* Mike Carlson <carlson39@llnl.gov>
* Mikhail Teterin
* Mikhail Teterin <mi@aldan.algebra.com>
* Mikhail Zakharov <zmey20000@yahoo.com>
* Muhammad Moinur Rahman <5u623l20@gmail.com>
* Muhammad Moinur Rahman <bd_subzero@yahoo.com>
* Muhammad Moinur Rahman <bofh@FreeBSD.org>
* Munechika SUMIKAWA <sumikawa@FreeBSD.org>
* Nathan Whitehon <nwhitehorn@freebsd.org>
* Neil Booth
* Nick Sayer <nsayer@FreeBSD.org>
* Nicola Vitale <nivit@FreeBSD.org>
* Nobutaka Mantani <nobutaka@FreeBSD.org>
* Oleg Mamontov <oleg@mamontov.net>
* Oliver Mahmoudi <olivermahmoudi@gmail.com>
* Olivier Cochard-Labbé <olivier@FreeBSD.org>
* Olivier Duchateau
* Olivier Tharan <olive@oban.frmug.org>
* Palle Girgensohn <girgen@FreeBSD.org>
* Pankov Pavel <pankov_p@mail.ru>
* Paolo Pisati <flag@gufi.org>
* Patrick Li <pat@databits.net>
* Patrick MARIE <mycroft@virgaria.org>
* Patrick Powell <papowell@astart.com>
* Paul Dlug <paul@aps.org>
* Paul Schmehl <pauls@utdallas.edu>
* Pav Lucistnik <pav@FreeBSD.org>
* Pawel Pekala <pawel@FreeBSD.org>
* Peter Pentchev <roam@FreeBSD.org>
* Philip M. Gollucci <ports@FreeBSD.org>
* Philippe Audeoud <jadawin@tuxaco.net>
* Phillip Neumann <pneumann@gmail.com>
* Piotr Florczyk <pf@itwf.pl>
* Piotr Kubaj <pkubaj@anongoth.pl>
* Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@FreeBSD.org>
* Raffaele De Lorenzo - raffaele.delorenzo@libero.it
* Rich Neswold <rneswold@mcs.net>
* Richard Gallamore <ultima@FreeBSD.org>
* Roger Hardiman <roger@FreeBSD.org>
* Roman Bogorodskiy <novel@FreeBSD.org>
* Roman Neuhauser (<neuhauser@bellavista.cz>)
* Roman Shterenzon <roman@xpert.com>
* Rong-En Fan <rafan@FreeBSD.org>
* Rong-En Fan <rafan@infor.org>
* Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
* Rusmir Dusko <nemysis@FreeBSD.org>
* Russell Francis
* Ryan Steinmetz <rpsfa@rit.edu>
* Ryan Steinmetz <zi@FreeBSD.org>
* Ryan T. Dean <rtdean@cytherianage.net>
* Sahil Tandon <sahil@FreeBSD.org>
* Sahil Tandon <sahil@tandon.net>
* Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
* Sebastien Petit <spe@phear.org>
* Sebastien Santoro <dereckson@gmail.com>
* Seiichirou Hiraoka
* Sergei Kolobov <sergei@kolobov.com>
* Sergey Kandaurov <pluknet@gmail.com>
* Sergey Kozlov <sergey.kozlov@intel.com>
* Sergey Kozlov <skozlov@FreeBSD.org>
* Sergey Matveychuk <sem@FreeBSD.org>
* Sergey Skvortsov <skv@protey.ru>
* Sergey Velichkevych <serg@cad.kiev.ua>
* Shinsuke Matsui (<smatsui@karashi.org>)
* Silvio Ap Silva aka kanazuchi <alvolivre@live.com>
* Simon Barner <barner@gmx.de>
* Simun Mikecin < numisemis at yahoo dot com >
* Simun Mikecin <numisemis@yahoo.com>
* Sofian Brabez <sbrabez@gmail.com>
* Stacey D. Son <sds@son.org>
* Stanislav Sedov <stas@FreeBSD.org>
* Stefan Hagen <sh@codevoid.de>
* Steve Jacobson <sjac@cs.stanford.edu>
* Steve Wills <swills@FreeBSD.org>
* Steven Kreuzer <skreuzer@FreeBSD.org>
* Sunagawa Koji <koj@ofug.net>
* Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@FreeBSD.org>
* TAKAHASHI Kaoru <kaoru@kaisei.org>
* TAKATSU Tomonari <tota@FreeBSD.org>
* TERAMOTO Masahiro <markun@onohara.to>
* Talal Al Dik (tad@vif.com)
* Thibault Payet <monwarez@mailoo.org>
* Thierry Thomas (<thierry@FreeBSD.org>)
* Thierry Thomas (<thierry@pompo.net>)
* Thierry Thomas <thierry@pompo.net>
* Thomas Dreibholz <dreibh@iem.uni-due.de>
* Thomas Quinot <thomas@cuivre.fr.eu.org>
* Tillman Hodgson <tillman@seekingfire.com>
* Tim Bishop <tim@bishnet.net>
* Timothy Beyer <beyert@cs.ucr.edu>
* Timothy Redaelli <drizzt@gufi.org>
* Tom McLaughlin <tmclaugh@FreeBSD.org>
* Tom McLaughlin <tmclaugh@sdf.lonestar.org>
* Tony Shadwick <tshadwick@oss-solutions.com>
* Torsten Zuehlsdorff <ports@toco-domains.de>
* Torsten Zuehlsdorff <tz@FreeBSD.org>
* Trenton Schulz <trueos@norwegianrockcat.com>
* Trevor Corpropst <tcornpropst@cox.net>
* Tsung-Han Yeh <snowfly@yuntech.edu.tw>
* Ulrich Spoerlein <uspoerlein@gmail.com>
* Vadim Belman <vab@lflat.vas.mobilix.dk>
* Valery Komarov <komarov@valerka.net>
* Vanilla I. Shu <vanilla@FreeBSD.org>
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* Vassili Tchersky <vt@bsdjeunz.org>
* Veniamin Gvozdikov <vg@FreeBSD.org>
* Victor Yagofarov <xnasx@yandex.ru>
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* Wen Heping <wenheping@gmail.com>
* Wen Heping<wenheping@gmail.com>
* Wen heping <wenheping@gmail.com>)
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* Xin Li <delphij@FreeBSD.org>
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* Yen-Ming Lee <leeym@leeym.com>
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* Yi-Jheng, Lin <yzlin@cs.nctu.edu.tw>
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* Yoshihiko Sarumaru <mistral@imasy.or.jp>
* Yukihiro Nakai <Nacai@iname.com>
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* ache
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* adam@veda.is
* adamw
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* andreas@FreeBSD.org
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* bsdx
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* chinsan <chinsan.tw@gmail.com>
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* clsung@dragon2.net
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* dds
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* gugu
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* jamundsen
* janos.mohacsi@bsd.hu
* jeff@cetlink.net
* jesusr
* jhay
* jkh
* johans@stack.nl
* jupengfei <jupengfei@gmail.com>
* kai
* krion@FreeBSD.org
* kris@FreeBSD.org
* kungfuftr <scott@surreytech.co.uk>
* kuriyama
* lance@evitel.net
* lbartoletti <lbartoletti@FreeBSD.org>
* liamfoy@sepulcrum.org
* lwhsu@FreeBSD.org
* marck@FreeBSD.org
* matusita@jp.FreeBSD.org
* maurice
* melifaro@ipfw.ru
* mfechner@FreeBSD.org
* mharo@FreeBSD.org
* michael johnson <ahze@ahze.net>
* mike@binghamton.edu
* msmith
* mwest@uct.ac.za
* nbm
* netch@netch.kiev.ua
* nishida@sfc.wide.ad.jp
* nork@FreeBSD.org
* pat@databits.net
* paul@FreeBSD.org
* petef
* petef@FreeBSD.org
* peter
* ports@c0decafe.net
* quest <quest@mac.com>
* rdenis@simphalempin.com
* renchap@cocoa-x.com
* rflynn@acsalaska.net
* roam@orbitel.bg
* ru
* ryo
* scrappy@FreeBSD.org
* shan
* shanali
* shigeru@iij.ad.jp
* shipley@dis.org
* skreuzer
* smace@FreeBSD.org
* sobomax
* spf@xslt.cs.nccu.edu.tw
* stast
* stb
* steinex
* sten@blinkenlights.nl
* swills@
* thierry@pompo.net
* tim@relay.nnn.tstu.ru
* timur@FreeBSD.org
* tm@onepost.net
* trevor
* vanhu <vanhu@netasq.com>
* vanilla
* vanilla@
* wenheping <wenheping@gmail.com>
* will
* # Created by Matthias Fechner <mfechner@FreeBSD.org>
* # Created by Radim Kolar <hsn@sendmail.cz>
With hat: portmgr
| |
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=558282
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svn path=/head/; revision=555238
| |
Approved by: portmgr (implicit)
svn path=/head/; revision=495959
| |
Patches where obtained from avahi upstream.
Reported by: adridg@ (qt4 removal)
Obtained from: avahi upstream
svn path=/head/; revision=488134
| |
PR: 220022, 217179, 223889, 228138
Approved by: maintainer timeout (3 months)
svn path=/head/; revision=477046
| |
With hat: portmgr
Sponsored by: Absolight
svn path=/head/; revision=412348
| |
PR: 201505
Submitted by: Andriy Voskoboinyk <s3erios@gmail.com>
svn path=/head/; revision=391996
| |
a default dependancy of cups (used by gtk).
While here, trim one avahi-app line from the first RUN_DEPENDS, one is enough.
Submitted by: antione
svn path=/head/; revision=376273
| |
Unbreak py-avahi and allow avahi-gtk3 to build with gtk+ 3.10.
svn path=/head/; revision=336457
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=327755
| |
Trim headers, update to new USES, remove obsolete Qt3 bindings.
Add new gtk3 avahi library. Misc cleanups.
Obtained from: GNOME devel repo
svn path=/head/; revision=323006
| |
instead of gnomehack and pet portlint.
Add conflicts with future gnome3 versions.
Reviewed by: miwi, bapt
svn path=/head/; revision=314632
| |
This also fixes a denial of services vulnability.
Security: 8b986a05-4dbe-11e0-8b9a-02e0184b8d35
svn path=/head/; revision=270886
| |
release can be found at http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.32/
This will be the last release of the GNOME 2.x series, mainly a bugfix and
bridge release to the first release of the GNOME 3.x series.
This release features commits by avl, marcus, mezz and myself.
The FreeBSD GNOME Team would like to thank the following contributors and
testers for there help with this release:
Zane C.B. <vvelox@vvelox.net>
Olaf Seibert <O.Seibert@cs.ru.nl>
Bapt <baptiste.daroussin@gmail.com>
Sergio de Almeida Lenzi <lenzi.sergio@gmail.com>
Maxim Samsonov <xors@mne.ru>
Kris Moore
And pav@ for 2 exp-runs
PR: ports/152255
With hat: gnome@
svn path=/head/; revision=264837
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=258188
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=224290
| |
-Remove 5.x support.
-Get rc scripts to use current style for rename by remove '.sh' suffix. [1]
PR: ports/122443 [1]
Submitted by: rafan [1]
svn path=/head/; revision=216264
| |
The affected ports are the ones with gettext as a run-dependency
according to ports/INDEX-7 (5007 of them) and the ones with USE_GETTEXT
in Makefile (29 of them).
PR: ports/124340
Submitted by: edwin@
Approved by: portmgr (pav)
svn path=/head/; revision=214430
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=204223
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=202096
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=202017
| |
GNOME 2.20 release notes can be found at
http://www.gnome.org/start/2.20/notes/en/ . Beyond that, this update
includes the new GIMP 2.4 (courtesy of ahze).
The GNOME 2.20 update also includes a huge change in the FreeBSD GNOME
hierarchy. We are now using the more standard DATADIR of ${PREFIX}/share
rather than ${PREFIX}/share/gnome. The result is that fewer patches and
hacks are needed to port GNOME components to FreeBSD. This will mean some
user changes may be required, so be sure to read /usr/ports/UPDATING for
more details.
This release and the things we accomplished in it would not have been
possible without mezz's crazy idea to collapse DATADIR, and his persistence
to make it happen successfully. Ahze and pav also deserve thanks for
their work on porting modules and testing the whole ball of wax on
pointyhat (respectively).
The FreeBSD GNOME team would also like to thank our various testers and
Yasuda Keisuke
Frank Jahnke
Pawel Worach
Brian Gruber
Franz Klammer
Yuri Pankov
Nick Barkas
Cristian KLEIN
Tony Maher
Scot Hetzel
Martin Matuska (mm)
Benoit Dejean
Martin Wilke (miwi)
(And anyone else I may have missed)
PRs fixed in this release:
111272, 113470, 115995, 116338
svn path=/head/; revision=201947
| |
no domains are configured in /etc/resolv.conf.
svn path=/head/; revision=198316
| |
supports them. This is determined by running ``configure --help'' in
do-configure target and set the shell variable _LATE_CONFIGURE_ARGS
which is then passed to CONFIGURE_ARGS.
- Remove --mandir and --infodir in ports' Makefile where applicable
Few ports use REINPLACE_CMD to achieve the same effect, remove them too.
- Correct some manual pages location from PREFIX/man to MANPREFIX/man
- Define INFO_PATH where necessary
- Document that .info files are installed in a subdirectory relative to
PREFIX/INFO_PATH and slightly change add-plist-info to use INFO_PATH and
subdirectory detection.
PR: ports/111470
Approved by: portmgr
Discussed with: stas (Mk/*), gerald (info related stuffs)
Tested by: pointyhat exp run
svn path=/head/; revision=196111
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=195187
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=194133
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=193114
| |
Bump the PORTREVISION on net/avahi-qt3.
PR: ports/112917
Submitted by: Dima Panov <fluffy@ael.ru>
svn path=/head/; revision=192496
| |
- Set X11BASE to ${LOCALBASE} for recent ${OSVERSION}.
- Bump PORTREVISION for ports intalling files in ${X11BASE}.
svn path=/head/; revision=191544
| |
Submitted by: brian
svn path=/head/; revision=191439
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=190517
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svn path=/head/; revision=190040
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=184829
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svn path=/head/; revision=181250
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=177046
| |
"The address of the system message bus is given in the
DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable. If that variable is not set,
applications should try to connect to the well-known address
Approved by: marcus
svn path=/head/; revision=176789
| |
Reported by: auge_ on #freesdb-gnome
svn path=/head/; revision=176563
| |
PR: 105188
svn path=/head/; revision=176555
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=176516
| |
amount of work by the FreeBSD GNOME Team and our testers.
On top of the usual GNOME update, we have taken this opportunity to move
GNOME from X11BASE to LOCALBASE. This means roughly 600 ports NOT part of
the GNOME Desktop also need to be changed. The bulk of the move was carried
out by ahze, mezz, and pav, but it would not have been possible without
cooperation from the FreeBSD KDE team who worked with us to make sure
GNOME and KDE can still coexist happily. We would also like to send a
shout out to kris and pointyhat for putting up with multiple test runs
until we got something that was solid.
Back to GNOME 2.16. This release brings a huge amount of new functionality
to FreeBSD. The standard release notes can be read at
http://www.gnome.org/start/2.16/ . But on top of what you will read there,
jylefort and marcus have completed work on a port of HAL to FreeBSD. This
will allow FreeBSD to take advantage of closer hardware interaction such
as auto-mounting CD-ROMs, USB drives, and music players; auto-playing
audio CDs; and managing laptop power consumption.
But where would this all be without our loyal testers and contributors?
Therefore, the FreeBSD GNOME team would like to thank the following users:
Phillip Neumann <pneumann@gmail.com>
Yuri Pankov <yuri.pankov@gmail.com>
Thomas <freebsdlists@bsdunix.ch>
Brian Gruber <knightbg@yahoo.com>
Franz Klammer <klammer@webonaut.com>
Dominique Goncalves <dominique.goncalves@gmail.com>
Pascal Hofstee <caelian@gmail.com>
Yasuda Keisuke <kysd@po.harenet.ne.jp>
backyard <backyard1454-bsd@yahoo.com>
Andris Raugulis <endrju@null.lv> <endrju@null.lv>
Eric L. Chen <d9364104@mail.nchu.edu.tw>
Pawel Worach <pawel.worach@gmail.com>
QuiRK on #freebsd-gnome
Shane Bell <decept0@gmail.com>
sajd on #freebsd-gnome
Chris Coleman <chrisc@vmunix.com>
kaeru on #freebsd-gnome
crsd_ via irc.freenode.org/#FreeBSD-GNOME
Joel Diaz <joeldiaz@mac.com>
Approved by: portmgr (implicit, kris)
svn path=/head/; revision=175253
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=172356
| |
Reported by: pointyhat via kris
svn path=/head/; revision=172205
| |
Reported by: Pascal G. Hofstee <caelian@gmail.com>
svn path=/head/; revision=172063
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svn path=/head/; revision=171919
| |
rebuild and kill the errors net/avahi-sharp keeps getting on pointyhat.
Notified by: kris
Pointyhat: me
svn path=/head/; revision=170825