Tk::CheckBox - A radio button style widget that uses a
check mark in a box. Useful as a boolean field.
Tk::Columns - A multicolumn list widget with resizeable borders
and sorting by column.
Tk::ComboEntry - A Drop down listbox + entry widget with nice keyboard
equivalent behaviour
Tk::IconCanvas - A canvas implementing a moveable iconic interface.
Allows attaching menus to icons and to background.
Tk::SplitFrame - A sliding separator for two child widgets. Allows either
horizontal or vertical separation between the two widgets.
Can work in concert as horizontal inside vertical or
Tk::TabFrame - A tabbed frame geometry manager (like NoteBook).
Tk::DockFrame - A dockable widget management widget hierarchy.
Tk::CornerBox - A textured window resizing widget (like in Win95)
Tk::Signals - A publish and subscribe object signalling method like
that found in QT. Very useful when widgets that are not
in the same hierarchy need to alert each other to various
application level events.
WWW: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Tk-DKW/
Author: Damion K. Wilson <dkw@rcm.bm>
svn path=/head/; revision=190178