#-*- tab-width: 4; -*- # ex:ts=4 # # $FreeBSD$ # # Variables: # LINUX_DIST - Will be used to set some dist-specific presets. # Valid values: fedora # LINUX_DIST_VER - Use depends upon the dist-specific presets. # Valid values for "fedora": all version numbers # e.g. 10 for fedora 10 # This is used to set MASTER_SITE_{,SRC_}SUBDIR # if it isn't already set. # MASTER_SITE_SRC_SUBDIR # - The subdir for the src RPM's. # DISTFILES - For simple cases this will be set automatically # based upon the DISTNAME. # SRC_DISTFILES - Variable which contains the corresponding src RPM's. # If there's no corresponding src RPM, it has to be # set to the empty value (SRC_DISTFILES= ""). # AUTOMATIC_PLIST - Generate a dynamic plist (please have a look at the # porters handbook section which talks about plists. # This feature is reserved for rare cases). # BRANDELF_DIRS - A list of directories with executables to brand # as a linux executable. The directories has to not # contain libraries. # BRANDELF_FILES - A list of files to brand as a linux executable in # case BRANDELF_DIRS can't be used. .if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Linux_RPM_Pre_Include) Linux_RPM_Include_MAINTAINER= emulation@FreeBSD.org Linux_RPM_Pre_Include= bsd.linux-rpm.mk EXTRACT_SUFX?= .${LINUX_RPM_ARCH}.rpm SRC_SUFX?= .src.rpm USE_LINUX?= yes USE_LINUX_PREFIX= yes NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes NO_BUILD= yes . if ${ARCH} == "amd64" LINUX_RPM_ARCH?= i386 # the linuxulator does not yet support amd64 code . elif ${ARCH} == "powerpc" LINUX_RPM_ARCH?= ppc . else LINUX_RPM_ARCH?= ${ARCH} . endif .endif .if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Linux_RPM_Post_Include) Linux_RPM_Post_Include= bsd.linux-rpm.mk LINUX_DIST?= fedora LINUX_DIST_VER?= 10 . if !defined(OVERRIDE_LINUX_NONBASE_PORTS) && \ ${LINUX_DIST_VER} != 10 IGNORE= bsd.linux-rpm.mk test failed: package building defaults to linux-f10 ports, please define OVERRIDE_LINUX_NONBASE_PORTS to build other linux infrastructure ports . endif . if defined(LINUX_DIST) DIST_SUBDIR?= rpm/${LINUX_RPM_ARCH}/${LINUX_DIST}/${LINUX_DIST_VER} . if ${LINUX_DIST} == "fedora" # we do not want to define MASTER_SITES and MASTER_SITE_* if they are already defined # ex.: MASTER_SITES=file:///... . ifndef MASTER_SITES MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_FEDORA_LINUX} . if ${LINUX_DIST_VER} == 10 MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR?= ../releases/${LINUX_DIST_VER}/Everything/${LINUX_RPM_ARCH}/os/Packages \ ../updates/${LINUX_DIST_VER}/${LINUX_RPM_ARCH} MASTER_SITE_SRC_SUBDIR?= ../releases/${LINUX_DIST_VER}/Everything/source/SRPMS \ ../updates/${LINUX_DIST_VER}/SRPMS . else MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR?= ${LINUX_DIST_VER}/${LINUX_RPM_ARCH}/os/Fedora/RPMS \ updates/${LINUX_DIST_VER}/${LINUX_RPM_ARCH} MASTER_SITE_SRC_SUBDIR?= ${LINUX_DIST_VER}/SRPMS \ updates/${LINUX_DIST_VER}/SRPMS . endif . endif . else IGNORE= unknown LINUX_DIST in port Makefile . endif . endif PKGNAMEPREFIX?= linux- # DISTFILES and SRC_DISTFILES assume that there is only one bindist # and one src file. # Please, define them n the Makefile of the port in case this assumption # is not true. DISTFILES?= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} BIN_DISTFILES:= ${_DISTFILES} SRC_DISTFILES?= ${DISTNAME}${SRC_SUFX} EXTRACT_ONLY?= ${BIN_DISTFILES} . if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) DISTFILES+= ${SRC_DISTFILES} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR+= ${MASTER_SITE_SRC_SUBDIR} ALWAYS_KEEP_DISTFILES= yes . endif EXTRACT_CMD?= ${TAR} EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS?= -xf EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS?= DISTINFO_FILE?= ${MASTERDIR}/distinfo.${LINUX_RPM_ARCH} BRANDELF_DIRS?= BRANDELF_FILES?= # For ports that define PORTDOCS, be sure not to install # documentation if NOPORTDOCS is defined . if defined(PORTDOCS) && defined(NOPORTDOCS) pre-patch: linux-rpm-clean-portdocs . if !target(linux-rpm-clean-portdocs) linux-rpm-clean-portdocs: . for x in ${PORTDOCS} @${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/${DOCSDIR_REL}/${x} . endfor @${RMDIR} ${WRKDIR}/${DOCSDIR_REL} . endif . endif . if defined(AUTOMATIC_PLIST) . if ${USE_LINUX} == "f10" || ${USE_LINUX:L} == "yes" _LINUX_BASE_SUFFIX= f10 . else # other linux_base ports do not provide a pkg-plist file IGNORE= uses AUTOMATIC_PLIST with an unsupported USE_LINUX, \"${USE_LINUX}\". Supported values are \"yes\" and \"f10\" . endif PLIST?= ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.linux-rpm pre-install: linux-rpm-generate-plist . if !target(linux-rpm-generate-plist) linux-rpm-generate-plist: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${FIND} * ! -path "stage/*" ! -type d | ${SORT} > ${PLIST} && \ ${FIND} * ! -path "stage*" -type d | ${SORT} | ${SED} -e 's|^|@dirrm |' > ${PLIST}.dirs @${GREP} '^@dirrm' ${PORTSDIR}/emulators/linux_base-${_LINUX_BASE_SUFFIX}/pkg-plist | ${SED} 's:^@dirrmtry:@dirrm:g' | ${SORT} > ${PLIST}.shared-dirs @${COMM} -1 -3 ${PLIST}.shared-dirs ${PLIST}.dirs | ${SORT} -r >> ${PLIST} . endif . endif . if !target(do-install) do-install: . if ${BRANDELF_DIRS} @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${FIND} ${BRANDELF_DIRS} -type f -print0 \ | ${XARGS} -0 ${FILE} | ${GREP} ELF | ${CUT} -d : -f 1 \ | ${XARGS} ${BRANDELF} -t Linux . endif . if ${BRANDELF_FILES} @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${BRANDELF} -t Linux ${BRANDELF_FILES} . endif cd ${WRKSRC} && ${FIND} * ! -path "stage*" -type d -exec ${MKDIR} "${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/{}" \; cd ${WRKSRC} && ${FIND} * ! -path "stage/*" ! -type d | ${CPIO} -pm -R root:wheel ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX} . endif . if !target(new-plist) new-plist: build @${RM} -f ${PLIST}.new @cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${FIND} * ! -path "stage/*" ! -type d | ${SORT} > ${PLIST}.new; \ ${FIND} -d * ! -path "stage*" -type d | ${SED} -e 's|^|@dirrm |' >> ${PLIST}.new; \ done . endif .endif