**** To enable start/stop of the seti@home client, please run "setiathome" as your login name. If you installed "setiathome" by ports or package, add, change or uncomment the seti_user variable in %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/rc.setiathome.conf (or %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/setiathome.conf depending on the version currently installed on your computer) seti_user=nobody ^^^^^^ to your login name before setting up working directory, such as : seti_user= If you already done this as nobody, do %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/rc.d/setiathome.sh stop chown -Rh /var/db/setiathome %%LOCALBASE%%/etc/rc.d/setiathome.sh start **** Known Bugs For instance, default values have to be set manually using the panel preferences (right-click): set the value of "Basic->Directory containing the seti@home executable" to /var/db/setiathome check "Advanced->Use seti@home exe in a different directory" and set it's value to %%LOCALBASE%%/sbin Also, running xsetiathome by double-clicking the radar icon isn't possible right now.