# New ports collection makefile for: gmidimonitor # Date created: 2007-03-20 # Whom: trasz # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= gmidimonitor PORTVERSION= 3.2 CATEGORIES= audio # WARNING: the path below changes with every release. It's not enough to change # the version number above. MASTER_SITES= https://files.bountysource.com/file/download/588/ MAINTAINER= trasz@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= GTK+ application that shows MIDI events LIB_DEPENDS= jack.0:${PORTSDIR}/audio/jack \ lash.2:${PORTSDIR}/audio/lash USE_BZIP2= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-alsamidi USE_GMAKE= yes USE_GNOME= gtk20 libglade2 .include