# New ports collection makefile for: yell # Date created: 10 August 2004 # Whom: Emanuel Haupt # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= yell PORTVERSION= 1.0 CATEGORIES= audio MASTER_SITES= http://www.critical.ch/yell/ MAINTAINER= ehaupt@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= A command line speaker bell using machine/speaker.h PLIST_FILES= bin/yell ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 pre-everything:: .if !defined(WITH_SUID) @${ECHO_CMD} "" @${ECHO_CMD} "You can define WITH_SUID if you want yell to be installed with" @${ECHO_CMD} "the sticky bit (mode 4110)" @${ECHO_CMD} "" .endif do-build: ${CC} ${WRKSRC}/yell.c ${CFLAGS} -o ${WRKSRC}/${PORTNAME} do-install: .if defined(WITH_SUID) ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} -m 4110 ${WRKSRC}/${PORTNAME} ${PREFIX}/bin .else ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} -m 0100 ${WRKSRC}/${PORTNAME} ${PREFIX}/bin .endif post-install: @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include