PHYLIP - Phylogeny Inference Package (version 3.5) This is a FREE package of programs for inferring phylogenies and carrying out certain related tasks. At present it contains 30 programs, which carry out different algorithms on different kinds of data. The programs in the package are: ---------- Programs for molecular sequence data ---------- PROTPARS Protein parsimony DNAPARS Parsimony method for DNA DNAMOVE Interactive DNA parsimony DNAPENNY Branch and bound for DNA DNACOMP Compatibility for DNA DNAINVAR Phylogenetic invariants DNAML Maximum likelihood method DNAMLK DNA ML with molecular clock DNADIST Distances from sequences PROTDIST Distances from proteins RESTML ML for restriction sites SEQBOOT Bootstraps sequence data sets ----------- Programs for distance matrix data ------------ FITCH Fitch-Margoliash and least-squares methods KITSCH Fitch-Margoliash and least squares methods with evolutionary clock NEIGHBOR Neighbor-joining and UPGMA methods -------- Programs for gene frequencies and continuous characters ------- CONTML Maximum likelihood method GENDIST Computes genetic distances CONTRAST Computes contrasts and correlations for comparative method studies ------------- Programs for 0-1 discrete state data ----------- MIX Wagner, Camin-Sokal, and mixed parsimony criteria MOVE Interactive Wagner, C-S, mixed parsimony program PENNY Finds all most parsimonious trees by branch-and-bound DOLLOP, DOLMOVE, DOLPENNY same as preceding four programs, but for the Dollo and polymorphism parsimony criteria CLIQUE Compatibility method FACTOR recode multistate characters ---------- Programs for plotting trees and consensus trees ------- DRAWGRAM Draws cladograms and phenograms on screens, plotters and printers DRAWTREE Draws unrooted phylogenies on screens, plotters and printers CONSENSE Majority-rule and strict consensus trees RETREE Reroots, changes names and branch lengths, and flips trees There is also an Unsupported Division containing two programs, makeinf and ProtML, which were contributed by others and are maintained by their authors. The package includes extensive documentation files that provide the information necessary to use and modify the programs. Joe Felsenstein Department of Genetics University of Washington Box 357360 Seattle, Washington 98195-7360, U.S.A.