PORTNAME= seqan3 DISTVERSION= 3.3.0 CATEGORIES= biology devel math MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= C++ header-only library for biological sequence analysis WWW= https://github.com/seqan/seqan3 LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.md HPP_DEPENDS= cereal>0:devel/cereal \ range-v3>0:devel/range-v3 BUILD_DEPENDS= ${HPP_DEPENDS} RUN_DEPENDS= ${HPP_DEPENDS} \ coin-or-lemon>0:math/lemon USES= cmake localbase USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= seqan GH_TUPLE= xxsds:sdsl-lite:d54d389:sdsl_lite/submodules/sdsl-lite USE_GCC= yes # tests only pass with gcc, see https://github.com/seqan/seqan3/issues/2643, otherwise gcc isn't needed because this is a header-only library # tests fail to compile, see https://github.com/seqan/seqan3/issues/3191 TEST_WRKSRC= ${WRKSRC}/.test NO_ARCH= yes post-install: @${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} do-test: @${MKDIR} ${TEST_WRKSRC} && cd ${TEST_WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} ${CMAKE_BIN} ${CMAKE_ARGS} ${WRKSRC}/test/unit && \ ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE_CMD} ${MAKE_ARGS} ${ALL_TARGET} && \ ctest .include