%%PKGNAME%% has been installed into: %%WWWDIR%% Please edit config.inc.php to suit your needs. To make phpMyAdmin available through your web site, I suggest that you add something like the following to httpd.conf: For Apache versions earlier than 2.4: Alias /phpmyadmin/ "%%WWWDIR%%/" Options none AllowOverride Limit Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from .example.com For Apache version 2.4.x or above: Alias /phpmyadmin/ "%%WWWDIR%%/" Options None AllowOverride Limit Require local Require host .example.com SECURITY NOTE: phpMyAdmin is an administrative tool that has had several remote vulnerabilities discovered in the past, some allowing remote attackers to execute arbitrary code with the web server's user credential. All known problems have been fixed, but the FreeBSD Security Team strongly advises that any instance be protected with an additional protection layer, e.g. a different access control mechanism implemented by the web server as shown in the example. Do consider enabling phpMyAdmin only when it is in use.