#!/bin/sh msg(){ echo " ================== ** Postgis Upgrade Notice ** =================== If you are a user from a old version of Postgis (0.9.1 or older), make a backup from your databases before continue ! If you need to backup your data, press CTRL-C now ! ======================= GEOS Support Notice ======================= In order to use the GEOS support, you may need to specially compile your version of PostgreSQL to link the C++ runtime library. To do this, invoke the PostgreSQL Makefile script this way: on csh shell: setenv LDFLAGS -lstdc++ make on sh or bash shell: export LDFLAGS=-lstdc++ make The initial LDFLAGS variable is passed through to the Makefile and adds the C++ library to the linking stage. =================================================================== " sleep 10 } case "$2" in "PRE-INSTALL") msg ;; "POST-INSTALL") PREF=${PREFIX:-$PKG_PREFIX} SHAREDIR=${PREF}/share/postgis LIBDIR=${PREF}/lib sed -e "s|\$libdir|${LIBDIR}|g" ${SHAREDIR}/lwpostgis.sql.default > ${SHAREDIR}/lwpostgis.sql sed -e "s|%%LIBDIR%%|${LIBDIR}|g" ${SHAREDIR}/updatedb.default > ${SHAREDIR}/updatedb chmod 0755 ${SHAREDIR}/updatedb ;; "MESSAGE") msg ;; esac