# Created by: Jose Jachuf # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= fdb PORTVERSION= 1.4 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= databases python MASTER_SITES= CHEESESHOP PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX} MAINTAINER= jjachuf@gmail.com COMMENT= Firebird RDBMS bindings for Python LICENSE= BSD LIB_DEPENDS= libfbclient.so:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird25-client USES= python USE_PYTHON= distutils autoplist .include .if ${ARCH} == i386 && ${OSVERSION} >= 900000 BROKEN= Does not compile on FreeBSD 9 i386 .endif post-patch: @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "Please make sure that your firebird-client installation" @${ECHO_MSG} "is built with command make -DPACKAGE_BUILDING." @${ECHO_MSG} "The build of py-fdb will fail otherwise." @${ECHO_MSG} .include