# ports collection Makefile for: sciplore-mindmapping # Whom: Matthias Andree # Date created: 2010-08-30 # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= sciplore-mindmapping PORTVERSION= 0.b010 CATEGORIES= deskutils java MASTER_SITES= SF MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= splmm/beta10 DISTNAME= SciPlore_MindMapping_AllOS_v010b # we use the binary distribution - it's 25% smaller than the source .zip # and does not depend on devel/apache-ant MAINTAINER= mandree@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Mind Mapping tool with Reference and PDF Management LICENSE= GPLv2 USE_ZIP= yes USE_JAVA= yes JAVA_VERSION= 1.6 NO_BUILD= yes DATADIR= ${JAVASHAREDIR}/${PORTNAME} WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR} post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/readlink -mn/readlink -n/' \ ${WRKSRC}/SciploreMindMapping.sh do-install: @${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/SciploreMindMapping.bat \ ${WRKSRC}/SciploreMindMapping.exe \ ${WRKSRC}/macOS_and_linux_users--please_read.txt \ ${WRKSRC}/*.bak # We can't install into $DOCSDIR or support NOPORTDOCS # since the documentation is an integral part of the # installation, as online help via the program menus. ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR} (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} \* ${DATADIR}) ${CHMOD} a=rx ${DATADIR}/SciploreMindMapping.sh ${LN} -s ${DATADIR}/SciploreMindMapping.sh ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME} .include