GNU binutils for Atmel AVR cross-development Prerequisite for the GCC for AVR cross-compilation environment. Also included now is the "AVR COFF beta" patch. It allows avr-objcopy to generate AVR (extended) COFF files to be used on Atmel AVR Studio and VMLAB. Note that this patch has known issues, see In addition to the stock binutils-2.16.1 distribution, support for the following AVR devices has been added by a private patch: ATtiny24/44/84 ATtiny25/45/85 ATtiny261/461/861 AT90PWM2/3 ATmega164P/324P/644 ATmega165P/169P ATmega329/3290/649/6490 ATmega406 ATmega640/1280/1281 AT90CAN32/64 AT90USB646/647/1286/1287