cppadvio: Advanced i/o, Networking, and Arithmetic Compression
classlib, extended file names, and portable handling and compression
of binary data

A collection of classes and C++ streams that perform:
 - a variable-bit coding of sequences of integers (including
   Arithmetic compression),
 - a trick of sharing a stream buffer (a "file") among several streams, 
 - handling of extended file names, with uni- and bi-directional 'pipes'
   and a 'tcp://' prefix
 - explicit endian specification in dealing with integer streams 
 - TCP streams
 - a Vocabulary package, (poly/homo)morphic dictionaries with a
   dynamic "inheritance" path, an embedded OO system

Current Version:	2.6, November 19, 2000.
WWW: http://pobox.com/~oleg/ftp/packages.html

Oleg Kiselyov
mailto:oleg@pobox.com, mailto:oleg@acm.org, mailto:oleg@computer.org