# New ports collection makefile for: frama-c # Date created: 25 May 2011 # Whom: b.f. # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= frama-c DISTVERSIONPREFIX= Carbon- DISTVERSION= 20110201 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= http://frama-c.com/download/ LOCAL/bf MAINTAINER= bf@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Extensible platform for source-code analysis of C LICENSE= LGPL21 BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/ocaml/ocamlgraph/graph.a:${PORTSDIR}/math/ocaml-ocamlgraph RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/ocaml/ocamlgraph/graph.a:${PORTSDIR}/math/ocaml-ocamlgraph GNU_CONFIGURE= yes MAKE_ENV+= FRAMAC_LIBDIR="${PREFIX}/lib/frama-c" MAN1= frama-c.1 frama-c-gui.1 OPTIONS= GUI "Build GUI" on \ PLUGINS "Build bundled plugins" on USE_GMAKE= yes USE_OCAML= yes .include .if defined(WITH_GUI) .if !defined(WITH_PLUGINS) IGNORE = requires WITH_PLUGINS for WITH_GUI .endif BUILD_DEPENDS += lablgtk2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/ocaml-lablgtk2 RUN_DEPENDS+= lablgtk2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/ocaml-lablgtk2 CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-gui PLIST_SUB+= GUI="" .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-gui PLIST_SUB+= GUI="@comment " .endif .if defined(WITH_PLUGINS) BUILD_DEPENDS += dot:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/graphviz \ ltl2ba:${PORTSDIR}/math/ltl2ba RUN_DEPENDS+= dot:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/graphviz \ ltl2ba:${PORTSDIR}/math/ltl2ba PLIST_SUB+= PLUGINS="" .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-no-plugin PLIST_SUB+= PLUGINS="@comment " .endif post-patch: @${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/tests/occurrence @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|@make |@${GMAKE} |' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/aorai/Makefile.in @${GREP} -le 'make ' -r ${WRKSRC}/tests | ${XARGS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} \ -e 's|make |${GMAKE} |' @${REINPLACE_CMD} \ -e 's|$$(CP)|${INSTALL_DATA}|' \ -e 's|add_prefix|addprefix|' \ ${WRKSRC}/share/Makefile.plugin @${REINPLACE_CMD} \ -e '\|$$(CP) $$(TARGETS|s|$$(CP)|${INSTALL_DATA}|' \ -e '\|$$(CP) frama-c|s|$$(CP)|${INSTALL_SCRIPT}|' \ ${WRKSRC}/share/Makefile.dynamic @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '\|^# Installation|,\|^# File headers|{ \ \|$$(CP).*bin|s|$$(CP)|${INSTALL_SCRIPT}|; \ \|$$(CP) -R doc/manuals $$(FRAMAC_DATADIR)| \ s||${MKDIR} $$(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/manuals ; \ ${INSTALL_DATA} doc/manuals/* $$(FRAMAC_DATADIR)/manuals|; \ \|$$(CP).*man|s|$$(CP)\( -R\)*|${INSTALL_MAN}|; \ \|$$(CP).*share|s|$$(CP)\( -R\)*|${INSTALL_DATA}|; \ s|$$(CP)|${INSTALL_DATA}|; }' \ ${WRKSRC}/Makefile @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '\|case $$OCAMLGRAPH_VERSION in| \ {N; s|1\.7|1.[78]*|;}' \ ${WRKSRC}/configure .if defined(WITH_GUI) pre-configure: @(if [ ! -e ${LOCALBASE}/lib/ocaml/lablgtk2/gtkSourceView2.cmi -o \ ! -e ${LOCALBASE}/lib/ocaml/lablgtk2/gnomeCanvas.cmi ] ; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "==> The WITH_GUI option for ${PKGNAME} requires" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "==> x11-toolkits/ocaml-lablgtk2 to be built" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "==> WITH_GNOMECANVAS and WITH_GTKSOURCEVIEW2" ; \ exit 1; fi) @(if [ ! -e ${LOCALBASE}/lib/ocaml/ocamlgraph/dgraph.cmi ] ; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} "==> The WITH_GUI option for ${PKGNAME} requires" ; \ ${ECHO_MSG} "==> math/ocaml-ocamlgraph to be built WITH_GUI" ; \ exit 1; fi) .endif post-install: @${TOUCH} ${PREFIX}/lib/frama-c/plugins/.keep_me \ ${PREFIX}/lib/frama-c/plugins/gui/.keep_me .if defined(MAINTAINER_MODE) check regression-test test: build @(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \ FRAMAC_LIB=${WRKSRC}/lib/fc \ FRAMAC_PLUGIN=${WRKSRC}/lib/plugins \ FRAMAC_SHARE=${WRKSRC}/share \ ${GMAKE} ${_MAKE_JOBS} ${MAKE_ARGS} tests) .endif .include