# New ports collection makefile for: libtool # Date created: 6 May 1998 # Whom: Motoyuki Kasahara # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= libtool PORTVERSION= 1.5.20 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GNU} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= libtool PKGNAMEPREFIX= gnu- DISTNAME= libtool-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= ade@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Generic shared library support script (GNU unmodified) DEPRECATED= devel/libtool15 is now stock and should be used instead EXPIRATION_DATE=2006-06-01 PREFIX?= ${LOCALBASE}/gnu-autotools PLIST_SUB= BUILD_VERSION=${BUILD_VERSION} GNU_CONFIGURE= yes NO_MTREE= yes INFO= libtool CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-ltdl-install CONFIGURE_ENV= PREFIX=${PREFIX} CONFIGURE_TARGET= --build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL} .include