#!/bin/sh # # $FreeBSD$ # # PROVIDE: p4d # REQUIRE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # These variables (and many more) can be set via environment variables. Check # p4d -h for what you can set. # # Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable p4d: # p4d_enable (bool): Set to "NO" by default. # Set it to "YES" to enable p4d. # p4d_root (str): Default to "%%P4ROOT%%". # Base database directory. # p4d_port (int): Default to "1666". # Set to TCP port to bind to. # p4d_debug (str): Default to "server=3". # Debug options. Highly recommended. # p4d_log (str): Default to "%%P4LOG%%". # Logfile for debug output. # p4d_args (str): Custom additional arguments to be passed # to p4d (default empty). # . /etc/rc.subr name="p4d" rcvar=`set_rcvar` load_rc_config $name : ${p4d_enable="NO"} : ${p4d_root="%%P4ROOT%%"} : ${p4d_port="1666"} : ${p4d_debug="server=3"} : ${p4d_log="%%P4LOG%%"} command="%%PREFIX%%/sbin/p4d" command_args="-r ${p4d_root} -p ${p4d_port} -v ${p4d_debug} -L ${p4d_log} -d ${p4d_args} > /dev/null 2>&1 &" p4d_user="p4admin" run_rc_command "$1"