PORTNAME= pkgconf PORTVERSION= 1.7.4 PORTEPOCH= 1 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= https://distfiles.dereferenced.org/pkgconf/ \ http://files.etoilebsd.net/pkgconf/ # NOTE: before committing to this port, contact portmgr to arrange for an # experimental ports run. Untested commits may be backed out at portmgr's # discretion. MAINTAINER= bapt@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Utility to help to configure compiler and linker flags LICENSE= ISCL TEST_DEPENDS= kyua:devel/kyua USES= tar:xz libtool pathfix GNU_CONFIGURE= yes INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip USE_LDCONFIG= yes TEST_TARGET= check CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-pkg-config-dir=${PREFIX}/libdata/pkgconfig:/usr/libdata/pkgconfig \ --with-system-libdir=/usr/lib \ --with-system-includedir=/usr/include MAKE_ARGS= MANDIR="${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1" OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS post-install: ${LN} -sf pkgconf ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/pkg-config .include