# Created by: Kubilay Kocak PORTNAME= capstone PORTVERSION= 4.0.1 CATEGORIES= devel python MASTER_SITES= CHEESESHOP PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX} DIST_SUBDIR= python # Conflicts with devel/capstone distfile MAINTAINER= koobs@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Python bindings for the Capstone Disassembly Engine LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.TXT LIB_DEPENDS= libcapstone.so:devel/capstone4 USES= python:3.6+ USE_PYTHON= autoplist distutils MAKE_ENV+= LIBCAPSTONE_PATH= # Prevent bundled libcapstone from being built NO_ARCH= yes post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|' ${WRKSRC}/capstone/__init__.py .include