Knack is a Python command line parsing framework. Knack is built around the following patterns: - Be consistent with POSIX tools. - CLI success comes from ease and predictability of use so be consistent. - Support Piping and output direction to chain commands together. - Work with GREP, AWK, JQ and other common tools and commands. - Support productivity features like tab completion and parameter value completion. - Commands should follow a "[noun] [noun] [verb]" pattern. - For nouns that only support a single verb, the command should be named as a single hyphenated verb-noun pair. - Commands should support all output types (be consistent). - Exceptions are okay if only a 'raw' format makes sense e.g. XML. - Commands and arguments should have descriptions. - Include examples for the less straightforward commands. - Commands should return an object or dictionary, not strings/bools/etc.;"Upload of myfile.txt successful") NOT return "Upload successful". - Log to ERROR or WARNING for user messages; don't use print() function (by default it goes to STDOUT). - STDOUT vs. STDERR: STDOUT is used for actual command output. Everything else to STDERR (e.g. log/status/error messages). WWW: