#!/bin/sh # # Date created: 18 Apr 2010 # Whom: ohauer@gmx.de # # Try to activate mod_dav.so in httpd.conf only if the module is not already active. # This script is a workaround for apxs bug: # https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47397 # # $FreeBSD$ # if [ "%%MOD_DAV_SVN_INSTALL%%" != "YES" ] ; then exit 0 fi if [ "$2" != "PRE-INSTALL" ]; then exit 0 fi APXSCMD=${PKG_PREFIX}/sbin/apxs if [ ! -x ${APXSCMD} ]; then echo Can\'t find the apxs program: ${APXSCMD}. exit 1 fi SYSCONFDIR=`${APXSCMD} -q SYSCONFDIR` LIBEXECDIR=`${APXSCMD} -q LIBEXECDIR` if [ ! -d "${SYSCONFDIR}" ]; then echo Can\'t find Apache conf dir: ${SYSCONFDIR} exit 1 fi if [ -f "${SYSCONFDIR}/httpd.conf" ]; then CONFFILE=httpd.conf fi if [ -z "${CONFFILE}" ]; then echo "Can\'t find ${SYSCONFDIR}/${CONFFILE}" exit 1 fi # use only 'egrep -e' else the check works not correct if [ ! -n "`egrep -e '^LoadModule[[:blank:]]+dav_module' ${SYSCONFDIR}/${CONFFILE}`" ]; then if [ -f ${LIBEXECDIR}/mod_dav.so ]; then ${APXSCMD} -e -S LIBEXECDIR=${LIBEXECDIR} -a -n dav ${LIBEXECDIR}/mod_dav.so else echo "cannot find ${LIBEXECDIR}/mod_dav.so" exit 1 fi else echo "dav_module already active in ${SYSCONFDIR}/${CONFFILE}" fi exit 0