The wizard module makes it easy to write typical desktop GUI-style "wizards," where a user is guided through a series of forms and enters configuration data. By design, the wizard module tries to shield the developer from all aspects of GUI development. This extends to keeping the Tkinter names out of the global namespace. A wizard encapsulates a set of interactions with a user. It contains one or more sheets. A sheet can either have text for the user to read, or it can have one or more data entry fields. These fields can be text entry, file or directory selection, check-boxes or multiple-choice lists. When the user indicates that they are finished, the wizard returns a dictionary containing the data the user entered. Entries can also be validated by calling out to application-specific code. Validation can be done when the user tries to move to the next sheet, or at the end after all the data has been entered. The wizard module includes several validators. WWW: