# New ports collection makefile for: X-Emacs Packages with Mule # Date created: 24 Oct 1999 # Whom: KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= xemacs-mule-packages PORTVERSION= 3.4 CATEGORIES= editors elisp MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_XEMACS} \ ${MASTER_SITE_LOCAL} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= packages kiri/xemacs DISTFILES= \ edict-1.13-pkg.tar.gz \ egg-its-1.26-pkg.tar.gz \ latin-unity-1.07-pkg.tar.gz \ leim-1.20-pkg.tar.gz \ locale-1.20-pkg.tar.gz \ lookup-1.13-pkg.tar.gz \ mule-base-1.42-pkg.tar.gz \ mule-ucs-1.04-pkg.tar.gz \ skk-1.23-pkg.tar.gz DIST_SUBDIR= xemacs MAINTAINER= kiri@FreeBSD.org NO_BUILD= yes WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PACKAGES_SUBDIR} XEMACSDIR= ${PREFIX}/lib/xemacs PACKAGES_SUBDIR= mule-packages do-extract: @${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC} .for f in ${DISTFILES} @${EXTRACT_CMD} ${EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS} ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${f} \ ${EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS} -C ${WRKSRC} .endfor do-install: ${MKDIR} ${XEMACSDIR} ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC} ${XEMACSDIR} post-install: @cd ${WRKDIR} && \ ${FIND} ${PACKAGES_SUBDIR} -type f|sort|${SED} 's:^:lib/xemacs/:' >> ${TMPPLIST}; \ ${FIND} ${PACKAGES_SUBDIR}/*/* -type d|sort -r|${SED} 's:^:@dirrm lib/xemacs/:'>> ${TMPPLIST} @${ECHO_CMD} '@unexec rmdir %D/lib/xemacs/${PACKAGES_SUBDIR}/* 2>/dev/null || true' >> ${TMPPLIST} @${ECHO_CMD} '@unexec rmdir %D/lib/xemacs/${PACKAGES_SUBDIR} 2>/dev/null || true' >> ${TMPPLIST} @${ECHO_CMD} '@unexec rmdir %D/lib/xemacs 2>/dev/null || true' >> ${TMPPLIST} @${ECHO_MSG} " This is the set of the packages for xemacs with the mule-packages category." @${ECHO_MSG} "You might be enough with this package installing xemacs-packages altogether for" @${ECHO_MSG} "working at XEmacs but if you think it insufficient,you can install other" @${ECHO_MSG} "packages of editors/xemacs-*-packages ports. These ports are prepared for the" @${ECHO_MSG} "rack of corresponding XEmacs packages except for" @${ECHO_MSG} "xemacs-packages,xemacs-mule-packages and xemacs-additional-packages by which all" @${ECHO_MSG} "the additional packages those above will be installed at once." @${ECHO_MSG} " You can also install with running it as root and using the 'Manage Packages'" @${ECHO_MSG} "menu within the 'Options' menu of the menubar. But using this xemacs package" @${ECHO_MSG} "managing, you could not control under ports managing ;-)" .include