# Created by: dchapes@ddm.on.ca # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= vice PORTVERSION= 3.1 PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= emulators MASTER_SITES= http://www.zimmers.net/anonftp/pub/cbm/crossplatform/emulators/VICE/ \ ftp://ftp.zimmers.net/pub/cbm/crossplatform/emulators/VICE/ MAINTAINER= dinoex@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Emulator for Commodore C64, C128, VIC20, PET, and CBM-II LICENSE= GPLv2 BUILD_DEPENDS= bdftopcf:x11-fonts/bdftopcf \ mkfontdir:x11-fonts/mkfontdir \ mkfontscale:x11-fonts/mkfontscale LIB_DEPENDS= libpng.so:graphics/png \ libgif.so:graphics/giflib \ libportaudio.so:audio/portaudio \ libmp3lame.so:audio/lame \ libogg.so:audio/libogg \ libvorbis.so:audio/libvorbis \ libavcodec.so:multimedia/ffmpeg \ libFLAC.so:audio/flac \ libpci.so:devel/libpci \ libfontconfig.so:x11-fonts/fontconfig \ libfreetype.so:print/freetype2 \ libpcre2-8.so:devel/pcre2 \ libgnutls.so:security/gnutls RESTRICTED= ROMs are copyrighted by Commodore Business Machines USES= pkgconfig makeinfo gmake iconv jpeg USE_XORG= xpm ice sm xext xv xt x11 xmu xxf86vm USE_XORG+= xrender xinerama xi xrandr xcursor xcomposite xdamage xfixes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes MAKE_ENV+= MAKEINFOFLAGS="--no-split" CFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib CPPFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-fullscreen --enable-ipv6 \ --enable-external-ffmpeg \ --disable-dependency-tracking LMLINKS= vice.1 x64.1 \ vice.1 x128.1 \ vice.1 xvic.1 \ vice.1 xpet.1 \ vice.1 xplus4.1 \ vice.1 xcbm2.1 OPTIONS_DEFINE= SDL ALSA PULSEAUDIO DOCS OPTIONS_SINGLE= GUI OPTIONS_SINGLE_GUI= GNOMEUI3 GNOMEUI2 XAW OPTIONS_DEFAULT?= GNOMEUI3 SDL ALSA NO_OPTIONS_SORT=yes OPTIONS_SUB= yes GNOMEUI3_DESC= use gnome3 user interface GNOMEUI2_DESC= use gnome2 user interface XAW_DESC= use plain Xaw library SDL_DESC= build with SDL2 sound system support GNOMEUI2_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= gnomeui GNOMEUI3_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= gnomeui3 SDL_USE= SDL=sdl2 SDL_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-sdlsound ALSA_CONFIGURE_OFF= --without-alsa ALSA_LIB_DEPENDS= libasound.so:audio/alsa-lib PULSEAUDIO_CONFIGURE_OFF= --without-pulse PULSEAUDIO_LIB_DEPENDS= libpulse.so:audio/pulseaudio .include .if !defined(BUILDING_INDEX) __pmlinks1!= ${ECHO_CMD} '${LMLINKS:S/ / /}' | ${AWK} \ '{ if (NF % 2 != 0) { print "broken"; exit; } \ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { \ if ( i % 2 == 0) { print " " $$i " ;"; } \ else { printf "${LN} -s " $$i " "; } \ } }' .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGNOMEUI2} USE_GNOME+= gtk20 vte cairo gdkpixbuf2 pangox-compat USE_GL+= glu gl LIB_DEPENDS+= libgdkglext-x11-1.0.so:x11-toolkits/gtkglext .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGNOMEUI3} .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MNLS} USES+= gettext-runtime .endif USE_GNOME+= gtk30 vte3 cairo gdkpixbuf2 USE_GL+= glu gl .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MXAW} USE_XORG+= xaw .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MNLS} USES+= gettext CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-nls --localedir=${LOCALBASE}/share/locale PLIST_SUB+= NLS="" .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-nls PLIST_SUB+= NLS="@comment " .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} INFO+= vice .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MSDL} USE_SDL= sdl2 .endif post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} \ -e 's|enum PixelFormat|enum AVPixelFormat|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/gfxoutputdrv/ffmpeglib.h .for i in da.po de.po es.po fr.po hu.po it.po nl.po pl.po sv.po tr.po ${MV} "${WRKSRC}/po/${i}" "${WRKSRC}/po/${i}.latin" ${ICONV_CMD} -f latin1 -t utf-8 < "${WRKSRC}/po/${i}.latin" > "${WRKSRC}/po/${i}" .endfor pre-configure: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|g" \ ${WRKSRC}/man/vice.1 ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|^localedir.*|localedir = $$(DESTDIR)${LOCALBASE}/share/locale|' \ ${WRKSRC}/po/Makefile.in.in .if ! ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's| doc||' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in .endif pre-install: ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/vice/fonts ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/data/fonts/vice-cbm.bdf \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/vice/fonts/ pre-install-DOCS-on: ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} post-install: ( cd ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/man/man1 && ${__pmlinks1} ) post-install-DOCS-on: ${LN} -sf vice_toc.html ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}/index.html .include