# New ports collection makefile for: xmame # Date created: 4 Sep 1999 # Whom: Donald Burr # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME?= xmame PORTVERSION?= 0.106 PORTREVISION?= 4 CATEGORIES= emulators MASTER_SITES= http://www.franksworld.org/dist/xmame/ \ http://x.mame.net/download/ \ http://www.energyhq.es.eu.org/files/ \ http://www.energyhq.be/files/ \ http://www.pkix.net/mirror/x.mame.net/ DISTNAME= xmame-${XMAMEVERSION} MAINTAINER?= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT?= UNIX/X11 port of the Multi Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) LIB_DEPENDS= expat.6:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/expat2 NO_CDROM= License does not permit selling USE_BZIP2= yes USE_PERL5= yes USE_GMAKE= yes MAKE_ARGS+= ARCH=freebsd WANT_SDL= yes WANT_GNOME= yes MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= yes # Broken on ia-64 NOT_FOR_ARCHS= ia64 # Are we building MAME or MESS? (also set by slave ports) MAMEMESS?= mame SUB_FILES= pkg-message MAN6= x${MAMEMESS}.6 OPTIONS= SDL "Use the SDL driver" on \ OPENGL "Use the OpenGL driver" off \ X11 "Use the X11 driver" off \ SVGALIB "Use the Svgalib driver" off \ ASM68K "Enable the speedier but buggy 68k emulator" off \ OPTIMIZATION "Enable maximum C compiler optimization" off \ ESOUND "Enable esound support" off \ NETWORK "Include support for network play (**BROKEN**)" off XMAMEVERSION?= ${PORTVERSION} DATADIR= ${PREFIX}/share/x${MAMEMESS} DOCSDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/x${MAMEMESS} PLIST_SUB+= MAMEMESS="x${MAMEMESS}" SPOOLGAMES="${SPOOLGAMES}" .if ${MAMEMESS} == "mame" PLIST_SUB+= MAMEONLY="" MESSONLY="@comment " .else .if ${MAMEMESS} == "mess" PLIST_SUB+= MAMEONLY="@comment " MESSONLY="" .else IGNORE= cannot install: MAMEMESS must be set to one of "mame" or "mess". .endif .endif # Where do we want game spool data? SPOOLGAMES?= /var/games # Docs list GENERALDOCS= changes.unix \ dga2.txt \ img/xmame.jpg \ liesmich.unix \ multiplayer-readme.txt \ xmame-doc-2.html \ xmame-doc-3.html \ xmame-doc-4.html \ xmame-doc-5.html \ xmame-doc-6.html \ xmame-doc-7.html \ xmame-doc.html \ xmame-doc.lyx \ xmame-doc.txt \ xmame-gdoc-1.html \ xmame-gdoc-2.html \ xmame-gdoc-3.html \ xmame-gdoc-4.html \ xmame-gdoc-5.html \ xmame-gdoc-6.html \ xmame-gdoc-7.html \ xmame-gdoc-8.html \ xmame-gdoc.html \ xmame.css XMAMEDOCS= XMESSDOCS= mess/credits.htm \ mess/faq.htm \ mess/imgtool.txt \ mess/messnew.txt \ mess/messroms.txt \ mess/sysinfo.dat \ GLDOCS= changes.opengl .if ${MAMEMESS} == "mame" ALLDOCS= ${GENERALDOCS} ${XMAMEDOCS} .else ALLDOCS= ${GENERALDOCS} ${XMESSDOCS} .endif # # Various options are processed here. # .include .if defined(WITH_ASM68K) ASM_COMMENT= .else ASM_COMMENT=\# .endif # Option WITH_OPTIMIZATION .if defined(WITH_OPTIMIZATION) CFLAGS+= -O3 -Wall -Wno-unused -funroll-loops \ -fstrength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math \ -falign-functions=4 -falign-jumps=4 -falign-loops=4 .endif SDLSOUNDCOMMENT= \# # Option DISPLAY_TARGET .if defined(WITH_SDL) || !defined(WITHOUT_SDL) USE_SDL= sdl DISPLAY_TARGET= sdl DISPLAY_METHOD= SDL SDLSOUNDCOMMENT= .endif .if defined(WITH_OPENGL) USE_XORG+= x11 DISPLAY_TARGET= opengl CFLAGS+= ${PTHREAD_CFLAGS} -I${LOCALBASE}/include USE_GL= yes DISPLAY_METHOD= x11 PLIST_SUB+= OPENGL="" ALL_DOCS+= ${GLDOCS} .else PLIST_SUB+= OPENGL="@comment " .endif .if defined(WITH_SVGALIB) DISPLAY_TARGET= svgalib LIB_DEPENDS+= vga.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/svgalib USE_XORG+= xpm DISPLAY_METHOD= svgalib .endif .if defined(WITH_X11) DISPLAY_METHOD= x11 USE_XORG+= x11 .endif # Option WITH_ESOUND .if defined(WITH_ESOUND) ESOUNDCOMMENT= USE_GNOME= esound .else ESOUNDCOMMENT=\# .endif # XXX Network support is *broken* in 0.85+, leave commented out for now # Option WITH_NETWORK .if defined(WITH_NETWORK) BROKEN= Networking support is currently broken NETWORK= .else NETWORK=\# .endif # The large number of sed regexes here is intended to make this port a whole # lot easier to maintain - please don't convert them into a patch. do-configure: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s@= gcc@?= ${CC}@g" \ -e "s@^TARGET.*@TARGET = ${MAMEMESS}@g" \ -e "s@# XMAME_NET@${NETWORK}XMAME_NET@g" \ -e "s@# X86_ASM_68000 =@${ASM_COMMENT}X86_ASM_68000 =@g" \ -e "s@^CFLAGS.*@CFLAGS ?= ${CFLAGS}@g" \ -e "s@^INSTALL_GROUP.*@INSTALL_GROUP = wheel@g" \ -e "s@# LIBS.*@LIBS = -L${LOCALBASE}/lib@g" \ -e "s@# INCLUDES.*@INCLUDES = -I${LOCALBASE}/include@g" \ -e "s@^PREFIX.*@PREFIX = ${PREFIX}@g" \ -e "s@/share/man@/man@g" \ -e "s@^MY_CPU.*@MY_CPU = ${ARCH}@g" \ -e "s@^ARCH.*@ARCH = freebsd@g" \ -e "s@# SOUND_ESOUND@${ESOUNDCOMMENT}SOUND_ESOUND@g" \ -e "s@# SOUND_SDL@${SDLSOUNDCOMMENT}SOUND_SDL@g" \ -e "s@^DISPLAY_METHOD.*@DISPLAY_METHOD = ${DISPLAY_METHOD}@g" \ -e "s@# X11_DGA@X11_DGA@g" \ -e "s@/usr/X11R6@${LOCALBASE}@g" \ -e "s@^SDL_CONFIG.*@SDL_CONFIG = ${SDL_CONFIG}@g" \ -e "s@^GLLIBS += .*@GLLIBS += ${PTHREAD_LIBS}@g" \ ${WRKSRC}/makefile.unix .if ${OSVERSION} < 800064 ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s@# JOY_USB@JOY_USB@g" ${WRKSRC}/makefile.unix .endif .if defined(WITH_SDL) || !defined(WITHOUT_SDL) ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s@# JOY_SDL = 1@JOY_SDL = 1@g" ${WRKSRC}/makefile.unix .endif .if defined(WITH_OPENGL) ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s@# X11_OPENGL = 1@X11_OPENGL = 1@g" ${WRKSRC}/makefile.unix .endif # png.h conflicts with libpng. .for f in mess/artworkx.c mess/artworkx.h src/artwork.c \ src/romload.c src/video.c src/png.c src/unix/video-drivers/glexport.c ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s@\"png.h\"@\"mame_png.h\"@g" ${WRKSRC}/${f} .endfor ${LN} -s ${WRKSRC}/src/png.h ${WRKSRC}/src/mame_png.h post-build: cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} SDL_VIDEODRIVER=aalib \ ${GMAKE} doc/x${MAMEMESS}.6 cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} SDL_VIDEODRIVER=aalib \ ${GMAKE} doc/x${MAMEMESS}rc.dist @${CP} ${WRKSRC}/doc/x${MAMEMESS}rc.dist \ ${WRKSRC}/doc/x${MAMEMESS}rc.dist.sed ${SED} -e "s@^spooldir.*\$$@spooldir ${SPOOLGAMES}/x${MAMEMESS}@" \ -e "s@^rompath.*\$$@rompath ${DATADIR}/roms@" \ ${WRKSRC}/doc/x${MAMEMESS}rc.dist.sed > ${WRKSRC}/doc/x${MAMEMESS}rc.dist post-install: .if ${MAMEMESS} == "mame" ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/xml2info ${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/romcmp ${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/chdman ${PREFIX}/bin .endif .if ${MAMEMESS} == "mess" ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/imgtool ${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/dat2html ${PREFIX}/bin .endif ${MV} ${PREFIX}/bin/x${MAMEMESS}.${DISPLAY_METHOD} \ ${PREFIX}/bin/x${MAMEMESS} ${CHOWN} root:games ${PREFIX}/bin/x${MAMEMESS} ${CHMOD} u-s,g+s ${PREFIX}/bin/x${MAMEMESS} ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/roms ${MKDIR} ${SPOOLGAMES}/x${MAMEMESS} ${CHOWN} -R root:games ${SPOOLGAMES}/x${MAMEMESS} ${CHMOD} 775 ${SPOOLGAMES}/x${MAMEMESS} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/x${MAMEMESS}rc.dist \ ${PREFIX}/etc/x${MAMEMESS}rc.sample ${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/etc/x${MAMEMESS}rc \ ${DATADIR}/x${MAMEMESS}rc .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) ${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/img .for f in ${ALLDOCS} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/${f} ${DOCSDIR} .endfor .endif .if ${MAMEMESS} == "mess" ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/mess/sysinfo.dat \ ${DATADIR}/history.dat .endif .if ${MAMEMESS} == "mame" @${ECHO_CMD} @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} @${ECHO_CMD} .endif .include