# New ports collection makefile for: Half-Life Dedicated Server # Date created: Sat Jul 15 14:27:16 SAST 2000 # Whom: markm@FreeBSD.org # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= hlds PORTVERSION= PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= games linux MASTER_SITES= http://www.carnage.q-net.net.au/downloads/server/halflife/linux/ \ http://carnage.q-net.net.au/~carnage/server/halflife/linux/ \ http://www.redphive.org/files/ \ ftp://ftp.splatterworld.de/hl/official/server/ \ http://files.ausgamers.com:81/half-life/linux/ DISTFILES= hlds_l_3108_full.tar.gz \ hlds_l_3108a_up.tar.gz MAINTAINER= pat@FreeBSD.org ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 USE_LINUX_PREFIX= yes NO_CDROM= "Size; the data set is much too big" NO_BUILD= yes WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/hlds_l STRIP= PLIST_SUB= ${PLIST_SUB_FOR_THIS_PORT} PLIST_SUB_FOR_THIS_PORT= HLDSDIR="${HLDSDIR:S/^\///}" LDCONFIG="${LDCONFIG_LINUX}" INSTALL_DIR= ${INSTALL} -d -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 755 LDCONFIG_LINUX= ${LINUXBASE}/sbin/ldconfig HLDSDIR= /usr/games/hlds_l/ HL_PROGRAM= hlds_run SORT?= /usr/bin/sort # files which should be installed with executables perms EXECUTABLES= ${HL_PROGRAM} hltv .ifdef(WITH_PING_BOOSTER) MASTER_SITES+= http://www.udpsoft.com/booster/ DISTFILES+= HLDSPingBooster-0.99.tar.gz BOOSTER_FILES= booster.so hlds_boost EXECUTABLES+= hlds_boost PLIST_SUB+= BOOSTER="" .else PLIST_SUB+= BOOSTER="@comment " .endif pre-everything:: .ifndef(WITH_PING_BOOSTER) @${ECHO_MSG} '===>' @${ECHO_MSG} '===> Define WITH_PING_BOOSTER to enable HLDS Ping Booster.' @${ECHO_MSG} '===>' @${ECHO_MSG} '===> HLDS Ping Booster is a small tweak to the Half-Life Dedicated' @${ECHO_MSG} '===> Server that drastically reduces player pings and generally' @${ECHO_MSG} '===> makes the game much more responsive.' @${ECHO_MSG} '===> Besides defining this, instead of using hlds_run to start the' @${ECHO_MSG} '===> server, use hlds_boost. Clients do not have to install anything.' @${ECHO_MSG} '===> Check http://www.udpsoft.com/booster/ for additional information.' @${ECHO_MSG} '===>' .endif post-extract: .ifdef(WITH_PING_BOOSTER) .for file in ${BOOSTER_FILES} @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/${file} ${WRKSRC} .endfor .endif pre-patch: # remove trailing ^M @${FIND} -E ${WRKSRC} -type f \ -iregex ".*\.(bat|cfg|gam|htm|html|inf|ini|lst|sc|scr|txt|rc)" \ -exec ${PERL} -pi -ne 's!\r\n!\n!' {} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 \; .ifdef(WITH_PING_BOOSTER) @${PERL} -pi -e 's|booster.so|${PREFIX}${HLDSDIR}booster.so|' \ ${WRKSRC}/hlds_boost .endif do-install: install-parse-plist install-run-scripts scan-libs # Contributed by install-parse-plist: generate-plist @${PERL} -e 'open(FHANDLER,"${TMPPLIST}");' \ -e 'open(FDIR,">${WRKDIR}/dirs.sh.tmp");' \ -e 'open(FFILES,">${WRKDIR}/files.sh");' \ -e 'while (!eof(FHANDLER)) {' \ -e 'chop($$file = );' \ -e '$$dir = $$file_partial = $$file;' \ -e '$$file_partial =~ s!^${HLDSDIR:S!^/!!}!!;' \ -e 'print FDIR "${INSTALL_DIR}", \ " ", "\"${PREFIX}/$$dir\"", \ "\n" if $$dir =~ s!(^\@dirrm\s+)!!;' \ -e 'if ($$file !~ m!^\@!) {' \ -e '$$program_flag = 0;' \ -e 'if ("${EXECUTABLES}" ne "") {' \ -e 'foreach $$program_pattern \ (split (/\s+/,"${EXECUTABLES}")) {' \ -e '($$program_flag = 1 , break) \ if ($$file =~ /$$program_pattern$$/);' \ -e '}' \ -e '}' \ -e 'print FFILES ($$program_flag == 0) ? \ "${INSTALL_DATA}" : "${INSTALL_PROGRAM}";' \ -e 'print FFILES " ", "\"${WRKSRC}/$$file_partial\"", \ " ", "\"${PREFIX}/$$file\"", \ "\n";' \ -e '}' \ -e '}' \ -e 'close(FFILES);' \ -e 'close(FDIR);' \ -e 'close(FHANDLER);' @${SORT} ${WRKDIR}/dirs.sh.tmp > ${WRKDIR}/dirs.sh install-run-scripts: .for script in dirs files @${SH} ${WRKDIR}/${script}.sh .endfor @if ! (${GREP} -E \"^${HLDSDIR}$$\" ${PREFIX}/etc/ld.so.conf 1>/dev/null 2>&1) ;\ then \ ${ECHO_CMD} ${HLDSDIR} >> ${PREFIX}/etc/ld.so.conf ;\ fi scan-libs: @${LDCONFIG_LINUX} post-install: @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include