NetRadiant is a fork of the well-known map editor for Quake 3 based games, GtkRadiant 1.5. The focus is put on stabilizing and bugfixing the included map compiler, q3map2, so it can become a reliable tool for map authors. Fixes include: - Better decompiling by q3map2 (texcoords no longer get lost) - Fixed 3D display in the Windows XP software renderer - Fixed deluxemapping when a surface is lit from both sides - Fixed some buffer overruns - Fixed the "expand selection to whole entities" feature - Fixed the origin of mirrored eclassmodel entities - Key bindings no longer disappear when using an international keyboard layout - Plane snapping fixed (no more fall-through holes in imported model terrain) - Various other map compiler fixes Original, classic GtkRadiant 1.5 is available as `games/gtkradiant' port. WWW: