cqcam - Color Quickcam (PC/Parallel) control program Features: * Automatic brightness and color adjustments * Batchable output for webcams * Support for "millions" (24bpp) and "billions" (32bpp) modes * Nearly lossless on-the-fly despeckling (removal of the "Christmas lights" effect) * X11 front-end with optional GTK+, XView, or Tk support and Floyd dithering for 8bpp displays * Support for images up to 640x480 * 24-bit PPM or JPEG output * Streaming output for use as a continuous-feed webcam cqcam supports the Color Quickcam and Color Quickcam 2. It does not support B&W Quickcams, the Quickclip, the VC, or the new Quickcam Home. WWW: http://www.cs.duke.edu/~reynolds/cqcam/