# New ports collection makefile for: linux-gdk-pixbuf # Date created: 23 December 2003 # Whom: Seth Kingsley # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= gdk-pixbuf PORTVERSION= PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= graphics linux MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_REDHAT_LINUX} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= ${BASEVERSION}/${LANG}/os/${MACHINE_ARCH}/RedHat/RPMS PKGNAMEPREFIX= linux- DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION:C/\.([^\.]+)$/-\1/}.${MACHINE_ARCH} EXTRACT_SUFX= .rpm EXTRACT_ONLY= MAINTAINER= sethk@meowfishies.com COMMENT= Linux version of the graphic library for GTK+ BUILD_DEPENDS= rpm:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/rpm USE_LINUX_PREFIX= yes ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= alpha i386 DIST_SUBDIR= rpm NO_BUILD= yes NO_FILTER_SHLIBS= yes PLIST= ${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist.${MACHINE_ARCH} PLIST_SUB= VERSION=${PORTVERSION:C/^(.+)\.[^\.]+$/\1/} MD5_FILE= ${MASTERDIR}/distinfo.${MACHINE_ARCH} # Let's avoid hardcoding 'en' as the language. LANG= en # Set the version of linux_base BASEVERSION?= 7.1 RPMFLAGS= --ignoreos --root ${PREFIX} --dbpath /var/lib/rpm \ --nodeps --replacepkgs do-install: @for rpm in ${DISTFILES}; do\ ${ECHO_MSG} $$rpm;\ rpm -U ${RPMFLAGS} ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/$$rpm || true;\ done .include