# New ports collection makefile for: linux-panorama-tools # Date created: 26 august 2004 # Whom: cartola (Carlos E. G. Carvalho) # # $FreeBSD$ # # This port has been made as a running dependence for the hugin port. # The hugin port for itself would run with no problem without this port, # but the final step that generates the panorama images make use of the # external program PTStitcher, installed by this port. # This port, as a dependence, does not install the complete linux # panorama tools, just the few things necessary to hugin. If someone # wants the rest just tell me. PORTNAME= linux-panorama-tools PORTVERSION= 2.6b1 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= graphics MASTER_SITES= http://www.path.unimelb.edu.au/~dersch/ DISTNAME= PanoTools MAINTAINER= cartola@openit.com.br COMMENT= Software to View, Create, Edit and Remap Panoramic Images RUN_DEPENDS= ${LINUXBASE}/usr/bin/jpegtran:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/linux-jpeg \ ${LINUXBASE}/usr/bin/tiffcmp:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/linux-tiff \ ${LINUXBASE}/usr/lib/libpng12.so.${PORTSDIR}/graphics/linux-png USE_LINUX= yes NO_BUILD= yes WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/PTLinux PROGRAM= Helpers/PTStitcher do-install: ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME}/lib ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME}/bin ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/${PROGRAM} ${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME}/bin ${CHMOD} 555 ${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME}/bin/PTStitcher ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/libpano12.so ${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME}/lib ${CHMOD} 555 ${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME}/lib/libpano12.so ${LN} -s ${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME}/bin/PTStitcher ${PREFIX}/bin/PTStitcher ${LINUXBASE}/sbin/ldconfig ${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME}/lib/ .include