# Created by: Rusmir Dusko # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= radius-engine PORTVERSION= 1.1 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= graphics devel MASTER_SITES= SF/${PORTNAME}/ MAINTAINER= koalative@gmail.com COMMENT= Lua script-based 2D engine built on top of OpenGL and SDL LICENSE= MIT LIB_DEPENDS= liblua-5.1.so:${PORTSDIR}/lang/lua51 \ libpng15.so:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/png \ libphysfs.so.1:${PORTSDIR}/devel/physfs USES= pathfix pkgconfig USE_SDL= sdl sound USE_GL= glu GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CPPFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include LIBS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib PLIST_FILES= include/radius.h \ lib/libradius-engine.a \ libdata/pkgconfig/radius-engine.pc post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|lua5.1|lua-5.1|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/acinclude.m4 ${WRKSRC}/configure .include