# Ports collection makefile for: Solid-IRCd # Date created: 26 May 2005 # Whom: mj # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= solid-ircd PORTVERSION= 3.4.8 CATEGORIES= irc MASTER_SITES= SF/solidircd/Solid-Stable/solidircd-stable.${PORTVERSION} DISTNAME= solidircd-stable3.4.8 MAINTAINER= systemoperator@gmail.com COMMENT= Solid Internet Relay Chat Daemon based on bahamut IRCd WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/solidircd-stable USE_GMAKE= yes HAS_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --prefix=${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME} .if defined(WITHOUT_SSL) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-openssl .else USE_OPENSSL= yes .endif .include .if ${OSVERSION} > 900007 BROKEN= fails to build with new utmpx .endif .include