This EBNETD distribution contains three server commands: ebnetd, ndtpd and ebhttpd. They are servers for accessing CD-ROM book on remote host via TCP/IP. ebnetd: ebnetd is a server of EBNET protocol which is designed to communicate with EB Library. For more details about EB Library, see ndtpd: ndtpd is an NDTP (Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol) server. The first implementation of the NDTP esrver is `dserver'. ndtpd has upper compatibility with dserver-2.2. ebhttpd: ebhttpd is a WWW (World Wide Web) server. It supprts HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 (Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 1.0 and 1.1). The servers support CD-ROM books of EB, EBG, EBXA, EBXA-C, S-EBXA and EPWING formats. The servers can run as a standalone daemons by default, but can also run as children of `inetd'. In addition, you must follow the licenses of your CD-ROM books. Though EBNETD is free software, your books may not be free. Don't open your books to unlicensed hosts nor users. WWW: