# New ports collection makefile for: phpeclipse # Date created: 22 Oct 2003 # Whom: rtdean@cytherianage.net # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= phpeclipse PORTVERSION= 1.2.3 PORTREVISION= 5 CATEGORIES= java editors devel MASTER_SITES= SF/${PORTNAME}/a%29%20Eclipse%203.3.x/PHPEclipse-${PORTVERSION} DISTNAME= PHPEclipse-${PLIST_VER}-src MAINTAINER= kamikaze@bsdforen.de COMMENT= PHP Eclipse adds PHP support to the Eclipse IDE Framework BUILD_DEPENDS+= unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip RUN_DEPENDS= eclipse:${PORTSDIR}/java/eclipse PLUGIN_PATHS= features plugins PATCH_TASKS= eclipse.versionReplacer eclipse.idReplacer USE_JAVA= yes USE_ANT= yes USE_ZIP= yes WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/dist ECLIPSE= lib/eclipse PLIST_VER= ${PORTVERSION}.200910091456PRD PLIST_SUB= VER=${PLIST_VER} \ ECLIPSE=${ECLIPSE} post-patch: .for _task in ${PATCH_TASKS} @${FIND} ${WRKDIR} -name build.xml -exec ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E \ -e 's|<(${_task})(.*)/>||1' \{} \; .endfor do-build: @cd ${WRKDIR}/features; \ for feature in `ls`; do \ cd "$$feature"; \ ${ANT} zip.distribution; \ cd ..; \ done @${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC} @for file in ${WRKDIR}/features/*/*.zip; do \ ${UNZIP_CMD} "$$file" -d "${WRKSRC}/" ; \ done do-install: .for _path in ${PLUGIN_PATHS} @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/${ECLIPSE}/${_path} @${CP} -r ${WRKSRC}/${_path}/* ${PREFIX}/${ECLIPSE}/${_path}/ .endfor plist: build @${ECHO} "===> Rebuilding PLIST." @${TOUCH} ${PLIST} @${RM} ${PLIST} .for _path in ${PLUGIN_PATHS} @${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/${_path}/ -not -type d \ | ${SED} "s|${WRKSRC}|%%ECLIPSE%%|1" \ | ${SED} "s|${PLIST_VER}|%%VER%%|g" \ >> ${PLIST} @${FIND} -d ${WRKSRC}/${_path}/ -mindepth 1 -type d \ | ${SED} "s|${WRKSRC}|@dirrm %%ECLIPSE%%|1" \ | ${SED} "s|${PLIST_VER}|%%VER%%|g" \ >> ${PLIST} @${ECHO} "@dirrmtry ${ECLIPSE}/${_path}" >> ${PLIST} .endfor @${ECHO} "@dirrmtry ${ECLIPSE}" >> ${PLIST} post-install: @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include