CMU Gwydion project's implementation of the Dylan programming language. Dylan is an object-oriented language with many powerful features, including automatic memory management (garbage collection), generic functions (also known as multiple dispatch or multi-methods), multiple inheritance, a powerful and safe macro facility for extending the language's syntax, and a powerful class and function library. Though it is a DYnamic LANguage, it includes facilities for making compiled programs more efficient than many other dynamic languages. Gwydion Dylan actually contains two implementations of the language. One, called Mindy (Mindy Is Not Dylan Yet), is a bytecode compiler and interpreter that implements most of the language except for the macro facility. The other, d2c, is a compiler for the full language that uses C as its target "assembly language". The d2c compiler was written in Dylan and bootstrapped using Mindy. A copy of the d2c compiler binary is required by the port to bootstrap the entire system, which can often take quite a bit of time. For more information about Gwydion Dylan, see the Gwydion Dylan maintainers WWW: