# ex:ts=8 # New ports collection makefile for: ocs # Date created: 8 July 2007 # Whom: Björn König # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= ocs PORTVERSION= 2.3k CATEGORIES= lang MASTER_SITES= http://uebb.cs.tu-berlin.de/opal/ DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}-src MAINTAINER= bkoenig@cs.tu-berlin.de COMMENT= The OPAL Compilation System BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/gsed:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/gsed WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} PLIST= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-plist # The Makefile of the source package doesn't have a 'build' target. # It rather compiles and installs the software in a single step using # an 'install' target. For this reason the port compiles/installs the # software to a temporary directory at the 'do-build' stage and # installs it manually at the 'do-install' stage. ALL_TARGET= install USE_BZIP2= yes USE_TCL= yes USE_TK= yes USE_GMAKE= yes USE_PERL5= yes HAS_CONFIGURE= yes USE_XORG= xt USE_LDCONFIG= ${OCS}/lib/freebsd${OSREL}-${ARCH} NOT_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 ia64 sparc64 CONFIGURE_ARGS= --prefix="${WRKDIR}" \ --disable-absolute-pathes \ --with-tcl-lib="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib -ltcl${TCL_VER:S/.//}" \ --with-tcl-incl="-I${TCL_INCLUDEDIR} -I${TK_INCLUDEDIR} -I${X11BASE}/include" \ --with-tk-lib="-ltk${TK_VER:S/.//}" \ --with-tk-incl="-I${TCL_INCLUDEDIR} -I${TK_INCLUDEDIR} -I${X11BASE}/include" MAN1= ocs.1 oc.1 genmake.1 OCS_LINKS= oasys ocs OCS_INSTALL= bin etc lib packages # This is the place of the temporary installation. OCS_TEMPDIR= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION} # This is the target directory of the port installation. OCS= ${PREFIX}/${PORTNAME} .for f in ${OCS_LINKS} PLIST_FILES+= bin/$f .endfor post-patch: .for f in src/om/scripts/oasys src/om/scripts/ocs @${REINPLACE_CMD} "s,OCS=.*$$,OCS=\"${OCS}\"," ${WRKSRC}/$f .endfor @${REINPLACE_CMD} "s,\$$LIBS -ldl,\$$LIBS," ${WRKSRC}/configure # The Makefile don't like an existing (temporary) installation directory. # This won't hurt as long as we do a clean installation. But if you # 'make build' several times because of an interrupted compilation then it # is necessary to remove the directory to keep the make script satisfied. pre-build: @${RM} -rf ${OCS_TEMPDIR} pre-install: @${RM} -f ${PLIST} @${TOUCH} ${PLIST} .for d in ${OCS_INSTALL} @${FIND} ${OCS_TEMPDIR}/$d -not -type d | ${SED} "s,${OCS_TEMPDIR},${PORTNAME}," >> ${PLIST} @${FIND} -d ${OCS_TEMPDIR}/$d -type d | ${SED} "s,${OCS_TEMPDIR},@dirrmtry ${PORTNAME}," >> ${PLIST} .endfor @${ECHO} "@dirrmtry ${PORTNAME}" >> ${PLIST} .if !defined(WITHOUT_EXAMPLES) @${FIND} ${OCS_TEMPDIR}/examples -not -type d | ${SED} "s,${OCS_TEMPDIR}/examples,${EXAMPLESDIR_REL}," >> ${PLIST} @${FIND} -d ${OCS_TEMPDIR}/examples -type d | ${SED} "s,${OCS_TEMPDIR}/examples,@dirrmtry ${EXAMPLESDIR_REL}," >> ${PLIST} .endif do-install: @${MKDIR} ${OCS} .for d in ${OCS_INSTALL} @(cd ${OCS_TEMPDIR}; ${COPYTREE_BIN} $d ${OCS}) .endfor .if !defined(WITHOUT_EXAMPLES) @(cd ${OCS_TEMPDIR}/examples; ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${EXAMPLESDIR}) .endif .for f in ${OCS_LINKS} @${LN} -s ${OCS}/bin/$f ${PREFIX}/bin/$f .endfor .for f in ${MAN1} @${INSTALL_MAN} ${OCS_TEMPDIR}/man/man1/$f ${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1/ .endfor .include