# New ports collection makefile for: sml/nj # Date created: 7 July 1998 # Whom: jkoshy # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= smlnj PORTVERSION= 110.0.7 PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= lang MASTER_SITES= http://smlnj.cs.uchicago.edu/dist/release/110.0.7/ \ ftp://flint.cs.yale.edu/pub/smlnj/release/110.0.7/ \ SF/${PORTNAME}/${PORTNAME}-release/${PORTVERSION} DISTFILES= bin.x86-unix.tar.Z cm.tar.Z cml.tar.Z \ config.tar.Z eXene.tar.Z \ ml-burg.tar.Z ml-lex.tar.Z \ ml-yacc.tar.Z runtime.tar.Z \ smlnj-c.tar.Z smlnj-lib.tar.Z EXTRACT_ONLY= config.tar.Z MAINTAINER= joemann@beefree.free.de COMMENT= A popular functional language from Bell Labs # Other mirror sites that generally carry only released versions of SML # ftp://ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk/MIRRORED/smlnj/release/ DIST_SUBDIR= sml-nj/${PORTVERSION} NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes USE_GMAKE= yes ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 SUB_FILES= pkg-install SUB_LIST= EXEBINDIR=${SML_BASERELATIVE}/bin EXENAMES="${SML_EXES}" PKGDEINSTALL= ${PKGINSTALL} SML_BASERELATIVE= lib/sml-nj SML_BASE= ${PREFIX}/${SML_BASERELATIVE} SML_LIBDIR= ${SML_BASE}/lib SML_BINDIR= ${SML_BASE}/bin SML_SRCDIR= ${SML_BASE}/src SML_EXES= ml-burg ml-lex ml-yacc sml sml-cm # make symlinks to the dist files post-extract: cd ${WRKDIR} && ${LN} -sf ${_DISTDIR}/* . # The build target needs to run $WRKDIR/config/install.sh do-build: cd ${WRKDIR} && unset PWD && \ FILESDIR="${FILESDIR}" PATCH="${PATCH}" PATCH_ARGS="${PATCH_ARGS}" \ ./config/install.sh # install target # 1. create installation directories # 2. copy the ./bin directory across # 3. edit bin/.run_sml to override BIN_DIR # 4. set up temporary symlinks from WRKDIR subdirs to SML_BASE # 5. run config/install.sh in SML_BASE in order to # 6. rebuild sml-cm with CM's paths pointing into SML_BASE # 7. remove the temporary symlinks # 8. copy all x86-unix directories # 9. find all .cm files reachable from $WRKDIR/lib and copy them across # 10. copy the aliases in ./lib changing WRKDIR to SML_LIBDIR # 11. install links to executables in $PREFIX/bin do-install: ${MKDIR} ${SML_BASE} ${SML_BINDIR} ${SML_LIBDIR} tar -C ${WRKDIR} -cf - bin | tar -C ${SML_BASE} -xf - ${RM} -f ${SML_BINDIR}/.run-sml ${SED} -e "s,^BIN_DIR=.*\$$,BIN_DIR=${SML_BINDIR}," \ < ${WRKDIR}/bin/.run-sml > ${SML_BINDIR}/.run-sml ${CHMOD} 755 ${SML_BINDIR}/.run-sml ${LN} -s ${WRKDIR}/config ${SML_BASE} ${LN} -s ${WRKDIR}/bin.x86-unix ${SML_BASE} ${LN} -s ${WRKDIR}/src ${SML_BASE} ${RM} ${SML_BINDIR}/.heap/sml* cd ${SML_BASE} && config/install.sh ${RM} ${SML_BASE}/config ${RM} ${SML_BASE}/bin.x86-unix ${RM} ${SML_BASE}/src cd ${WRKDIR} && tar -cf - `${FIND} . -name x86-unix` | \ tar -C ${SML_BASE} -xf - cd ${WRKDIR} && tar -cf - `${SCRIPTDIR}/get-cm ${WRKDIR}` | \ tar -C ${SML_BASE} -xf - for f in ${WRKDIR}/lib/*; do\ ${SED} -e "s,${WRKDIR},${SML_BASE}," < $$f > \ ${SML_LIBDIR}/`${BASENAME} $$f`; \ done @${CHOWN} -R ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${SML_BINDIR} @${CHOWN} -R ${SHAREOWN}:${SHAREGRP} ${SML_SRCDIR} post-install: PKG_PREFIX=${PREFIX} MULTIEXEC_WRAPPER_VERBOSE=yes \ ${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PKGNAME} POST-INSTALL .ifndef MULTIEXEC_WRAPPER_VERBOSE deinstall: export MULTIEXEC_WRAPPER_VERBOSE=yes && \ cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${.MAKEFLAGS} deinstall .endif .include