PORTNAME= voc PORTVERSION= g20191119 CATEGORIES= lang MAINTAINER= antranigv@freebsd.am COMMENT= Vishap Oberon Compiler for Oberon-2 LICENSE= GPLv3 BROKEN_powerpc64= fails to compile: C compiler does not store multibyte numeric values in little-endian order USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= vishaps GH_PROJECT= voc GH_TAGNAME= 63008f6 MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= yes MAKEFILE= makefile ALL_TARGET= full USE_LDCONFIG= ${PREFIX}/share/voc/lib post-patch: # we cannot run ldconfig (which is what addlibrary does) on the destination # so we set USE_LDCONFIG instead, and disable addlibrary.sh ${PRINTF} '#!/bin/sh\ntrue\n' >${WRKSRC}/src/tools/make/addlibrary.sh do-install: (cd ${WRKSRC} && INSTALLDIR=${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/voc ${MAKE_CMD} install) .for i in bin/voc bin/showdef lib/libvoc-OC.so lib/libvoc-O2.so ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/voc/${i} .endfor .for i in bin/voc bin/showdef ${LN} -s ../share/voc/${i} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/ .endfor .include