This file documents some of the problems you may encounter when upgrading dspam port. I will try my best to minimize these disruptions, but sometimes they are unavoidable. You should get into the habit of checking this file for changes each time before attempting any port upgrade. This file concetrate on the FreeBSD / port specific changes and one should read also the UPGRADING enclosed in the dspam distribution. You can see it by doing in the port directory: make extract; more `find . -type f -maxdepth 2 -name UPGRADING` ########################################################################### # dspam-devel-3.3.4 # Users on 4.x are kindly asked to report problems ASAP I would like to fix them before the freeze on 31. Thanks ! The daemon mode seems to be completead now, so the port act like it should: - if enabled with WITH_DEAMON we install the rc script; to start it at boot put 'dspam_enable="YES"' in /etc/rc.conf and set the appropriate options in dspam.conf - read section "2.3 Client/Server Mode" from dspam README to learn how to use dspam in daemon mode - a simple portupgrade from previous versions will work with no problems with your current setup, even if compiled with WITH_DEAMON (default) - change default DB back-end to MySQL to make daemon mode work for package building - add MySQL v5.0.x support -- MYSQL50 (based on ports/74761 by Gea-Suan Lin ) - USE_MYSQL and have make describe output right - change of name: SQLITE --> SQLITE2, as we now have sqlite3 support - add Sqlite v3.x support -- SQLITE3 - add BNR_DEBUG option - drop QUARANTINE_AGENT as is not supported by ./configure anymore and set in dspam.conf UntrustedDeliveryAgent and QuarantineAgent to default to TrustedDeliveryAgent, but leave them commented out (ports/75548 by Julien Gabel) - change default DSPAM_HOME_MODE to 0770 (ports/75549 by Julien Gabel ) - DSPAM_HOME_{OWNER,GROUP} default to DSPAM_{OWNER,GROUP} - default maximum message size to 300KB in dspam.conf - correct long-standing copy/paste bug (DSPAM_{GROUP,MODE} were set to DSPAM_HOME_{GROUP,MODE}) - USE_MYSQL and have make describe output right - add support for exim [2] which we build with the same database back-end as dspam if possible ( suggested, incorrectly, in ports/74762 by Shahbaz Javeed ) - fix PREF_EXT and BDB4 cases as well in our Makefile ############################################################################# # dspam-devel=3.3.0.a.20041203.1245_1 (entry added post-factum, it was an # automated update approved by me but not under my control) # - chase dependecy for sqlite ############################################################################ # dspam-devel-3.3.0.a.20041201.1330 # Say hello to the daemonized dspam! Enble it at compile-time with DAEMON option. - it speaks LMTP: LHLO MAIL FROM: [password]@[server id] RCPT TO: [list of DSPAM users] [DSPAM parameters] [delivery agent parameters] DATA [message] . - daemon processes *and* delivers at the moment (including to stdout). - For client-side delivery, use --stdout and configure your MTA to deliver. - it may be necessary to perform all delivery in the client, as using fork && pipe in a MT app may be bad - implemented multiple responses per recipient - changed storage driver layer to use a driver context (for caching connections) - stateful db connections done for mysql driver - to do next: client - remember that all this is experimental and it may change at any time. ############################################################################ # dspam-devel-3.3.0.a.20041125.0945 # - changed the naming scheme because of to many upstream modification in tarball naming - right now it lacks any version (for the same reason the distfile is renamed from snapshot.tar.gz to PKGNAME and sits on my server); \ it is now made up of: PORTNAME: dspam-devel next MINOR_VERSION: 3.3.0 we're in pre-beta: a SNAPSHOT_DATE: 20041125.0945 \ the strange ``a'' is necessary for pkg_version to work correctly when we will have the 3.3.0 beta's, rc's and release (tested with pkg_version -t) - follow the update procedure from the entry bellow - there is a new and very useful dspam.conf option: MaxMessageSize - specify a maximum message size to process \ I suggest setting it somewhere between 100 and 300 KB, it is unlikely the spam you are receiving is bigger and this will improve performance as big messages won't stuck the databese - tum mode has been enhanced and it should outperform teft ############################################################################### # dspam-devel-3.2.0-20041027.0930 (never comited in the cvs, don't ask me why): # - dspam configuration is now done via dspam.conf - please remove any OPTION - the following OPTIONS should be set now in dspam.conf OPTION .conf name def. value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSPAM_HOME Home /var/dspam WITH_*_LDA TrustedDeliveryAgent mail.local UntrustedDeliveryAgent /usr/libexec/mail.local d %u QUARANTINE_AGENT QuarantineAgent # WITH_SPAM_SUBJ Preference "spamAction=tag" # Preference "spamSubject=SPAM" # USER_LOGGING UserLog on SYSTEM_LOGGING SystemLog on WEBMAIL TrainPristine off WITH_OPT_IN Opt out SAT TrackSources spam ham # PARSE_TO_HEADERS ParseToHeaders on BROKEN_MTA Broken lineStripping # BROKEN_ERR_CODES Broken returnCodes # SIGNATURE_HEADERS Preference "signatureLocation= message" # headers - the following OPTIONS should does not exist anymore: SIGNATURE_ATACH WITH_HOMEDIR_DOT - the following OPTIONS have their name changed to follow vedor names TRAD_BAYES GRAHAM_BAYES ALT_BAYES BURTON_BAYES WITH_SIGNATURE_LIFE SIGNATURE_LIFE - new OPTIONS OPTION port default ---------------------------------------------- LOG_DIR /var/log/dspam WITH_USER_HOMEDIR DSPAM_HOME_OWNER DSPAM_HOME_GROUP DSPAM_HOME_MODE DSPAM_MODE DSPAM_OWNER DSPAM_GROUP To upgrade you should: 0. Read docs enclosed with teh dpsam distribution, beginnig with UPGRADING and README 1. Adjust your OPTIONs ( make rmconfig config in dspam port dir, command line, pkg_tools.conf ) 2. make VARs....... in dspam port dir with appropiate OPTIONS adn VARs (see changes above) 3. stop you MTA or deactivate dspam from it 5. make VARs........ install 4.a) If using MySQL 4.0.xx or PostgreSQL: - back-up the database - use the appropiate migration script from files dir of dspam port dir (if using MySQL 4.1.x or 3.xx you're on your own for now) 5. Back-up and them move the files from the old DSPAM_HOME (defaulted: /usr/loca/etc/dspam) to the new DSPAM_HOME (default /vad/db/dspam) or where ever you defined DSPA_HOME in 2 above. 6. Adjust you new dspam.conf according with your setup OPTIONS and VARs defined on make / mak install step. 7. Remove the old setup files (you have them in the back-up, right ?) 7. Enable dspam in the MTA setup, but only locally or something and start testing. If something ain't working is one of: - permissions problems (hint: with what UID is dspam called from your MTA vs. DSPAM_HOME and DSPAM_LOG_DIR) - something wrong in dspam.conf (hint: you didn't remove old config files and they are still used ?)