======================================================================== Configuration Instructions You should now create a database for gps, and grant a dedicated database user appropriate privilege to access it. Please copy gps.conf-dist found in your local etc directory to gps.conf and do some changes to reflect the database and user. gps will automatically create the tables that is needed for greylisting. After you have all these done, modify the postfix master.cf and include gps as policy server. We recommend that you use Unix domain socket since this can be used even within a jail(8) environment. An example entry is: policy unix - n n - - spawn user=nobody argv=/usr/local/libexec/gps -v /usr/local/etc/gps.conf In order to make policy server effect on your postfix installation, you should add something like: check_policy_service unix:private/policy Into your smtpd_sender_restrictions configuration in postfix's main.cf. Also, you may want to include the following line into your crontab so system will automatically do daily cleanup of the greylist table: 27 * * * * /usr/local/libexec/gps-maintain.pl -delete -eq 0 -age 86400 /usr/local/etc/gps.conf 55 3 * * * /usr/local/libexec/gps-maintain.pl -delete -age 3110400 /usr/local/etc/gps.conf ========================================================================