# New ports collection makefile for: qmail-scanner # Date created: 2003-08-24 # Whom: moeti # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= qmail-scanner PORTVERSION= 2.01 PORTREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= mail security MASTER_SITES= SF EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz MAINTAINER= lippe@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Content/Anti-virus Scanner for qmail RUN_DEPENDS+= reformime:${PORTSDIR}/mail/maildrop \ unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip \ ${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/Time/HiRes.pm:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Time-HiRes \ ${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/MIME/Base64.pm:${PORTSDIR}/converters/p5-MIME-Base64 \ setuidgid:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/daemontools BUILD_DEPENDS+= reformime:${PORTSDIR}/mail/maildrop \ unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip \ ${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/Time/HiRes.pm:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Time-HiRes \ ${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/MIME/Base64.pm:${PORTSDIR}/converters/p5-MIME-Base64 \ setuidgid:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/daemontools CONFLICTS= qmail-scanner-1.* USE_PERL5= yes USE_QMAIL= yes SPOOLDIR?= /var/spool/qscand PLIST_SUB= SPOOLDIR=${SPOOLDIR} QMAIL_QUEUE= ${QMAIL_PREFIX}/bin/qmail-queue HAS_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= \ --qmaildir "${QMAIL_PREFIX}" \ --spooldir "${SPOOLDIR}" \ --bindir "${PREFIX}/bin" \ --qmail-queue-binary "${QMAIL_QUEUE}" \ --mime-unpacker "reformime" \ --no-QQ-check \ --batch QS_USER?= qscand QS_ADMIN?= postmaster QS_ID?= 98 DOCS= logging_first_80_chars.eml patch_for_nod32_single_user.eml \ reformime-test.eml spamc-nasty.eml spamc-nice.eml vpopmail-issues.eml CONTRIB= mrtg-qmail-scanner.cfg check_AV_daemons logrotate.qmail-scanner \ qs2mrtg.pl qs_config.sh qscan-spam-to-users.pl rbl_scanner.txt \ sub-avpdaemon.pl sub-sender-cache.pl test-avgd.pl test-clamd.pl \ test-sophie.pl test-trophie.pl test_installation.sh test_password.zip \ qmail-scanner-queue.c OPTIONS= TNEF "Mark Simpson's Patch (Recommended)" on \ FIX_MIME "Fix broken MIME messages" off \ REDUNDANT "Scan attachments and body mails" on \ NORMALIZE "Decode encoded headers per MIME Base64" off \ CWRAPPER "use C wrapper (no suid perl script needed)" on SUB_FILES= pkg-install pkg-message SUB_LIST+= QS_USER=${QS_USER} \ QS_ID=${QS_ID} \ SPOOLDIR=${SPOOLDIR} .include # Options .if defined(WITH_TNEF) BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tnef:${PORTSDIR}/converters/tnef .endif .if !defined(WITH_FIX_MIME) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --fix-mime no .endif .if !defined(WITH_REDUNDANT) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --redundant no .endif .if !defined(WITH_NORMALIZE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --normalize no .endif .if defined(WITH_CWRAPPER) SUB_LIST+= CWRAPPER=yes SUB_LIST+= QSQ_TARGET=qmail-scanner-queue CWRAPPER_FLG= yes PLIST_SUB+= CWRAPPER="" .else SUB_LIST+= CWRAPPER=no SUB_LIST+= QSQ_TARGET=qmail-scanner-queue.pl CWRAPPER_FLG= no PLIST_SUB+= CWRAPPER="@comment " .endif .if defined(QS_USER) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --qs-user "${QS_USER}" .endif .if defined(QS_ADMIN) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --admin "${QS_ADMIN}" .endif .if defined(QS_ADMIN_DESC) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --admin-description "${QS_ADMIN_DESC}" .endif .if defined(QS_SCANNERS) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --scanners "${QS_SCANNERS}" .endif .if defined(QS_SKIP_MSGS) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --skip-text-msgs "${QS_SKIP_MSGS}" .endif .if defined(QS_NOTIFY) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --notify "${QS_NOTIFY}" .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --notify psender,precips .endif .if defined(QS_LOCALDOMAINS) && !empty(QS_LOCALDOMAINS) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --local-domains "${QS_LOCALDOMAINS}" .endif .if defined(QS_SA_QUARANTINE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --sa-quarantine "${QS_SA_QUARANTINE}" .endif .if defined(QS_LANG) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --lang "${QS_LANG}" .endif .if defined(QS_ARCHIVE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --archive "${QS_ARCHIVE}" .endif .if defined(QS_MAX_SCAN_SIZE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --max-scan-size "${QS_MAX_SCAN_SIZE}" .endif .if defined(QS_LOGDETAILS) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --log-details "${QS_LOGDETAILS}" .endif .if defined(QS_LOGCRYPTO) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --log-crypto "${QS_LOGCRYPTO}" .endif .if defined(QS_EOLCHECK) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --ignore-eol-check "${QS_EOLCHECK}" .endif .if defined(QS_HEADERS) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --add-dscr-hdrs "${QS_HEADERS}" .endif .if defined(QS_DEBUG) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --debug "${QS_DEBUG}" .endif .if defined(QS_MAX_ZIP_SIZE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --max-zip-size "${QS_MAX_ZIP_SIZE}" .endif pre-configure: @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "----------------------------------------" @${ECHO_MSG} "You may use the following build options:" @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_USER User to run Q-S" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: qscand)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_ADMIN Administrator Q-S Address" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: postmaster)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_ADMIN_DESC Real Name of Administrator Q-S" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: System Anti-Virus Administrator)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_SCANNERS List of scanners installed, e.g. bitdefender,nod32" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: auto)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_SKIP_MSGS Q-S will skip running any anti-virus scanners on" @${ECHO_MSG} " any messages it works out are text-only." @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: yes|no)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_NOTIFY Who has to be notify of viruses/spams" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: 'psender|precips')" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_LOCALDOMAINS Domains classified as local domains preventing alerts" @${ECHO_MSG} " of externals users (and mailing-lists...)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_SA_QUARANTINE If SA tags a message as having a score higher than" @${ECHO_MSG} " 'required_hits', then that message will be quarantined" @${ECHO_MSG} " into a new maildir '/.spam/' and not delivered to end-user" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: disabled, Options: Any positive number)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_LANG Specify languages for Q-S mails alerts" @${ECHO_MSG} " Supported languages are: af_ZA, cs_CZ, da_DK, de_DE," @${ECHO_MSG} " en_GB, en_PL, enlt_LT, enlt_LT_short, es_ES, fr_FR," @${ECHO_MSG} " it_IT, ja_JP.EUC, nl_NL, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT," @${ECHO_MSG} " sk_SK, sv_SE, tr_TR, tr_TR_ascii and tw_BIG5" @${ECHO_MSG} " Default depends on your LANG variable" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: en_GB if LANG is not set)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_ARCHIVE If "yes", all copies of processed mail will be moved into the" @${ECHO_MSG} " maildir '$SPOOLDIR/$ARCHIVEDIR/'. Any other string besides 'yes'" @${ECHO_MSG} " and 'no' will be treated as a REGEX. Only mail from or to an" @${ECHO_MSG} " address that contains that regex will be archived." @${ECHO_MSG} " e.g. 'jhaar|harry'" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: no, Options: yes|no|regex)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_LOGDETAILS Whether or not to log to mailstats.csv/via syslog the attachment" @${ECHO_MSG} " structure of every Email message. Logs to "syslog" by default." @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: syslog, Options: yes|syslog|no)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_LOGCRYPTO Simply notes in the log record if the message" @${ECHO_MSG} " contained any form of digital signing or encryption" @${ECHO_MSG} " (S/MIME, PGP and password protected files)" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: no, Options: yes|no)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_MAXSCANSIZE Email messages (raw size) larger than this number (in bytes)" @${ECHO_MSG} " will skip all AV and Spam scanning checks. It's to stop Q-S" @${ECHO_MSG} " scanning 300Mbyte TIFF file messages and the like." @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: 100Mbytes)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_MAXZIPSIZE Zip that would have unpacked into more diskspace" @${ECHO_MSG} " than this value will be blocked (prevent DoS)" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: 1Gbytes)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_EOLCHECK Making this "yes" stops Qmail-Scanner from treating '\r' or '\0'" @${ECHO_MSG} " chars in the headers of MIME mail messages as being suspicious" @${ECHO_MSG} " enough to quarantine mail over." @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: no, Options: yes|no)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_HEADERS This adds the now old-fashion X-Qmail-Scanner headers to the message." @${ECHO_MSG} " "all" adds the "rcpt to" headers too - this is a privacy hole." @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: no, Options: yes|no|all)" @${ECHO_MSG} "QS_DEBUG Whether or not debugging is turned on. Can be also set to a number." @${ECHO_MSG} " NOTE: Numbers over 100 cause Q-S to not cleanup working files" @${ECHO_MSG} " (Default: yes, Options: yes|no|number)" @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${SED} -e 's,%%SPOOLDIR%%,${SPOOLDIR},g; s,%%QS_USER%%,${QS_USER},g; \ s,%%QS_ID%%,${QS_ID},g; s,%%CWRAPPER%%,${CWRAPPER_FLG},g' \ ${FILESDIR}/pkg-install.in > ${PKGINSTALL} @${SETENV} PKG_PREFIX="${PREFIX}" ${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PKGNAME} PRE-INSTALL do-build: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E 's,^#!.*perl(.*)$$,#!${PERL}\1,' ${WRKSRC}/qmail-scanner-queue.pl .if defined(WITH_CWRAPPER) # remove the -T option in the perl script: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E 's,^(#!${PERL}.*)-T(.*)$$,\1\2,' ${WRKSRC}/qmail-scanner-queue.pl # patch the correct paths into the c wrapper: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E 's|^(#define REAL_PATH ")/var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl(".*)$$|\1${PREFIX}/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl\2|' \ ${WRKSRC}/contrib/qmail-scanner-queue.c # compile the c wrapper: @${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o ${WRKSRC}/contrib/qmail-scanner-queue ${WRKSRC}/contrib/qmail-scanner-queue.c .endif do-install: .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) @${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/contrib @${INSTALL_DATA} ${DOCS:S,^,${WRKSRC}/contrib/,} ${DOCSDIR}/contrib @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${CONTRIB:S,^,${WRKSRC}/contrib/,} ${DOCSDIR}/contrib .endif @${MKDIR} ${SPOOLDIR} @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/qmail-scanner-queue.pl ${PREFIX}/bin .if defined(WITH_CWRAPPER) @${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/qmail-scanner-queue ${PREFIX}/bin .endif @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/quarantine-events.txt ${SPOOLDIR}/quarantine-events.txt.sample @${SETENV} PKG_PREFIX="${PREFIX}" ${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PKGNAME} POST-INSTALL @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} post-deinstall: @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "If you're not updating this port, you can delete directory '${SPOOLDIR}'." @${ECHO_MSG} "" test: @${WRKSRC}/contrib/test_installation.sh -doit .include