# New ports collection makefile for: sqwebmail # Date created: 23 Sep 2000 # Whom: Neil Blakey-Milner # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= sqwebmail PORTVERSION= 5.0.1 PORTREVISION= 0 CATEGORIES= mail www MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= courier MAINTAINER= oliver@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= CGI Webmail client for Maildirs BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/courierauthconfig:${PORTSDIR}/mail/courier-authlib RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/courierauthconfig:${PORTSDIR}/mail/courier-authlib CONFIGURE_ENV= CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I${LOCALBASE}/include" # # User-serviceable variables # # [ There's no need to add trailing ``/''s ] # # set CGIBINDIR to where you'd like the cgi to be placed # set CGIBINSUBDIR to subdirectory of CGIBINDIR, if necessary # set WEBDATADIR to where you'd like web pages to be placed # set WEBDATASUBDIR to where you'd like web pages to be placed # set IMAGEURL to where on the web server URL the images are found # set CACHEOWNER to who you'd like to own the cache files # set CACHEDIR to where you'd like your cache directory to be # CGIBINDIR?= www/cgi-bin-dist CGIBINSUBDIR?= sqwebmail WEBDATADIR?= www/data-dist WEBDATASUBDIR?= sqwebmail IMAGEURL?= ${WEBDATASUBDIR} RCDIR?= ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d CACHEDIR?= ${PREFIX}/var/sqwebmail/cache CACHEOWNER?= bin # # set WITHOUT_CACHEDIR to disable the cache dir # set WITH_HTTPS to generate https:// URLs for all accesses # set WITH_HTTPS=login to generate https:// URLs for only password access # set WITH_ISPELL to provide spell-checking # set WITH_MIMETYPES to enable the search for a mime.types file # set WITH_TIMEOUTHARD to something other than 7200 seconds (2hr) # set WITH_TIMEOUTSOFT to something other than 1200 seconds (20m) # set WITHOUT_SENTRENAME to turn off periodic renaming of the Sent folder # set WITHOUT_IMAP if you don't use the Courier IMAP server # set WITHOUT_GZIP for not using gzip to compress messages # set WITH_AUTOPURGE to something other than 7 days # set WITH_MAXPURGE to something other than 90 days # # The following settings are in bytes: # set WITH_MAXMSGSIZE to max size of messages (including attachments) # set WITH_MAXARGSIZE to max size of a text message (excluding attachments) # set WITH_MAXFORMARGSIZE to max size of attachments # # set WITH_CHARSET=chset,chset,... to enable charsets. # Set it to "all" will enable all unicode charset mappings. # "iconv -l" may give you an idea of some usable character sets, although # this is not exactly the same as the set which sqwebmail provides. # Do not forget the template character set and UTF-8. For example, to be # able to read ISO-8859-15 correctly, you need at least # WITH_CHARSET=ISO-8859-15,ISO-8859-1,UTF-8 # End of user variables CONFIGURE_TARGET= --build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-freebsd${OSREL} USE_PERL5= YES HAS_CONFIGURE= YES USE_BZIP2= YES USE_REINPLACE= YES USE_GETTEXT= YES USE_GMAKE= YES USE_RC_SUBR= YES USE_LIBTOOL_VER=15 CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-cgibindir=${PREFIX}/${CGIBINDIR}/${CGIBINSUBDIR} \ --enable-imagedir=${PREFIX}/${WEBDATADIR}/${WEBDATASUBDIR} \ --localstatedir=${PREFIX}/var/sqwebmail \ --sysconfdir=${PREFIX}/etc/sqwebmail \ --mandir=${PREFIX}/man \ --enable-imageurl=/${IMAGEURL} \ --with-locking-method=fcntl \ --with-libintl-prefix=${LOCALBASE} \ --with-libiconv-prefix=${LOCALBASE} PLIST_SUB+= CGIBINDIR=${CGIBINDIR} \ CGIBINSUBDIR=${CGIBINSUBDIR} \ WEBDATADIR=${WEBDATADIR} \ WEBDATASUBDIR=${WEBDATASUBDIR} .if defined(WITHOUT_CACHEDIR) PLIST_SUB+= CACHE="@comment " CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-cachedir .else PLIST_SUB+= CACHE="" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-cachedir=${CACHEDIR} \ --with-cacheowner=${CACHEOWNER} .endif .if defined(WITH_HTTPS) .if ${WITH_HTTPS} == "login" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-https=login .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-https .endif .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_SENTRENAME) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-autorenamesent .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_IMAP) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-utf7-folder-encoding .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_GZIP) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-gzip .endif .if defined(WITH_ISPELL) BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ispell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/ispell RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ispell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/ispell CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-ispell=${LOCALBASE}/bin/ispell .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-ispell .endif .if !defined(WITH_MIMETYPES) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-mimetypes .endif .if defined(WITH_TIMEOUTHARD) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-hardtimeout=${WITH_TIMEOUTHARD} .endif .if defined(WITH_TIMEOUTSOFT) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-softtimeout=${WITH_TIMEOUTSOFT} .endif .if defined(WITH_MAXMSGSIZE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-maxmsgsize=${WITH_MAXMSGSIZE} .endif .if defined(WITH_MAXARGSIZE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-maxargsize=${WITH_MAXARGSIZE} .endif .if defined(WITH_MAXFORMARGSIZE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-maxformargsize=${WITH_MAXFORMARGSIZE} .endif .if defined(WITH_CHARSET) .if ${WITH_CHARSET:U} == ALL CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-unicode .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-unicode=${WITH_CHARSET} .endif .endif .if defined(WITH_AUTOPURGE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-autopurge=${WITH_AUTOPURGE} .endif .if defined(WITH_MAXPURGE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-maxpurge=${WITH_MAXPURGE} .endif RC_SCRIPTS_SUB= PREFIX=${PREFIX} RC_SUBR=${RC_SUBR} MAN1= maildirmake.1 MAN8= deliverquota.8 EXTRA_DOCS= README README.logindomainlist.html README.pam sqwebmail/ChangeLog \ maildir/README.maildirquota.txt maildir/README.sharedfolders.txt post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|^case x$$lockmethod in|${TEST} \&\& &|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/liblock/configure @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|@LIBS@|@LIBS@ -rpath=:${LOCALBASE}/lib/courier-authlib|' \ ${WRKSRC}/sqwebmail/Makefile.in @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|mkdir -p|${MKDIR}|g' ${WRKSRC}/pcp/configure @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|@LIBTOOL@|${LIBTOOL}| ; \ s|$$(SHELL) $$(MKINSTALLDIRS)|$$(MKINSTALLDIRS)|' \ ${WRKSRC}/pcp/intl/Makefile.in post-install: ${SED} ${RC_SCRIPTS_SUB:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!%%/:S/=/%%!/} \ ${FILESDIR}/sqwebmail-sqwebmaild.sh > ${WRKDIR}/sqwebmail-sqwebmaild.sh ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/sqwebmail-sqwebmaild.sh ${RCDIR}/sqwebmail-sqwebmaild.sh .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) @${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} .for a in ${EXTRA_DOCS} ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${a} ${DOCSDIR} .endfor .endif cd ${WRKSRC} && ( ${MAKE} install-configure ; cd - ) @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "Add the following line to your /etc/crontab to make shure the" @${ECHO_MSG} "sqwebmail cache directory gets cleaned up." @${ECHO_MSG} "0 * * * * ${CACHEOWNER} ${PREFIX}/share/sqwebmail/cleancache.pl" @${ECHO_MSG} "" .include