# New ports collection makefile for: mozilla-thunderbird # Date created: 4 September 2003 # Whom: Joe Marcus Clarke # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= thunderbird PORTVERSION= 0.4 CATEGORIES= mail MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_MOZILLA} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= thunderbird/releases/${PORTVERSION} PKGNAMEPREFIX= mozilla- DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-source-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= gnome@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above LIB_DEPENDS= jpeg.9:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/jpeg \ png.5:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/png \ mng.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libmng \ freetype.9:${PORTSDIR}/print/freetype2 \ iconv.3:${PORTSDIR}/converters/libiconv \ nspr4.1:${PORTSDIR}/devel/nspr BUILD_DEPENDS= zip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/zip \ freetype-config:${PORTSDIR}/print/freetype2 USE_X_PREFIX= yes USE_BZIP2= yes USE_GMAKE= yes USE_PERL5= yes USE_REINPLACE= yes HAS_CONFIGURE= yes ALL_TARGET= default USE_GNOME= gtk20 libidl NO_MTREE= yes WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/mozilla LOCAL_SUBDIR= lib/${PORTNAME} LOCAL_PREFIX= ${PREFIX}/${LOCAL_SUBDIR} NOT_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 .include SORT?=/usr/bin/sort .if ${ARCH} == "i386" CONFIGURE_ENV+= WITH_REORDER=yes .endif # ${ARCH} == "i386" .if ${ARCH} == "alpha" && ${OSVERSION} < 500035 IGNORE= "core dumps at runtime" .endif # ${ARCH} == "alpha" && ${OSVERSION} < 500035 .if defined(WITH_DEBUG) WITH_LOGGING= yes CONFIGURE_ENV+= WITH_DEBUG=yes .endif # defined(WITH_DEBUG) .if defined(WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS) CFLAGS+= -O2 .endif # defined(WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS) .if defined(WITH_LOGGING) CONFIGURE_ENV+= WITH_LOGGING=yes .endif # defined(WITH_LOGGING) .if defined(WITHOUT_XFT) CONFIGURE_ENV+= WITHOUT_XFT=yes .else LIB_DEPENDS+= Xft.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/Xft .endif # !defined(WITHOUT_XFT) CPPFLAGS+= -I${X11BASE}/include CFLAGS+= ${PTHREAD_CFLAGS} LDFLAGS+= -L${X11BASE}/lib LIBS+= ${PTHREAD_LIBS} pre-extract:: @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "Extracting source (this takes a while) ..." @${ECHO_MSG} post-extract:: @${SED} -e 's|@CPPFLAGS@|${CPPFLAGS}|' \ -e 's|@CFLAGS@|${CFLAGS}|' \ -e 's|@LDFLAGS@|${LDFLAGS}|' \ -e 's|@LIBS@|${LIBS}|' \ -e 's|@X11BASE@|${X11BASE}|' \ -e 's|@LOCALBASE@|${LOCALBASE}|' \ -e 's|@PREFIX@|${LOCAL_PREFIX}|' \ -e 's|@PERL@|${PERL5}|' \ <${FILESDIR}/mozconfig.in >${WRKSRC}/.mozconfig post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/build/unix/run-mozilla.sh @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-lc_r|${PTHREAD_LIBS}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/configure \ ${WRKSRC}/nsprpub/configure @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-pthread|${PTHREAD_LIBS}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/nsprpub/configure \ ${WRKSRC}/security/coreconf/FreeBSD.mk \ ${WRKSRC}/directory/c-sdk/config/FreeBSD.mk \ ${WRKSRC}/js/src/Makefile.in pre-install: ${RM} -fr ${LOCAL_PREFIX} post-install: ${RM} -f ${PREFIX}/bin/thunderbird ${LN} -s ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/bin/thunderbird \ ${PREFIX}/bin/thunderbird ${RM} -f ${PREFIX}/bin/thunderbird-config ${LN} -s ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/bin/mozilla-config \ ${PREFIX}/bin/thunderbird-config ${RM} -fr ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/share/idl ${RM} -fr ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/include cons-plist: -${RM} -f ${PLIST} ${TOUCH} ${PLIST} ${ECHO_CMD} bin/thunderbird >>${PLIST} ${ECHO_CMD} bin/thunderbird-config >>${PLIST} .for i in ${EXTRA_SCRIPTS} ${ECHO_CMD} bin/${i} >>${PLIST} .endfor # i in ${EXTRA_SCRIPTS} cd ${PREFIX}; \ ${FIND} ${LOCAL_SUBDIR} ! -type d | ${SORT} >>${PLIST}; \ ${FIND} ${LOCAL_SUBDIR} -type d -empty | ${SORT} \ | ${SED} -e "s:^:@exec ${MKDIR} %D/:" -e "s:$$: || true:" \ >> ${PLIST}; \ ${FIND} ${LOCAL_SUBDIR} -type d -empty | ${SORT} -r \ | ${SED} -e "s:^:@unexec ${RMDIR} %D/:" -e "s:$$: || true:" \ >> ${PLIST}; \ ${FIND} ${LOCAL_SUBDIR} -type d ! -empty | ${SORT} -r \ | ${SED} -e "s:^:@dirrm :" >> ${PLIST} .include